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urgent pls help, I need "knock door" letter! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-6-1 18:32 |只看該作者

urgent pls help, I need "knock door" letter!

We need a sample of the letter. Can anyone send me a copy? My e-mail is [email protected]

Many Thanks.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-6-1 21:37 |只看該作者

Re: urgent pls help, I need "knock door" letter!

本人乃陳小明之家長。小兒將於本年九月入讀小學一年級。小兒曾於「自行收生」及「統一派位」兩階段嘗試報讀 貴報,均未如願取錄。現特來函,期盼面提教晦,賜予機會,與小兒進行面試,以便 校長閣下能對他有更深刻認識。
本人一直對 貴校之辦學方針推崇備至,既著重學生的學業,又兼顧學生在課餘的發展,對德育培訓亦重視有加。本人曾多次在公眾場合遇上 貴校學生,他們均表現得謙遜有禮,面上更是充滿好比陽光燦爛般笑容。校長閣下與一眾教職員對教育事業俱有滿腔熱誠,作育英材,實為社會之幸。若小兒有幸獲 閣下惜才,到 貴校接受教育,這對小兒之成長實在有莫大益處。
小兒資質實屬不差,勸奮主動,若能獲得 校長及 貴校老師啟蒙,定必能造出顯著就。在學業方面,小兒尤其在英語朗誦環節;另一方面,小兒亦屬生性好動的弓孩子,熱愛游泳及跑步。素仰 貴校在上述兩方面在歷年學界比賽中均有卓越表現,若小兒能有幸入讀 貴校,小兒在這方面的潛能定能得到悉心栽培。
本人誠懇希望, 校長先生能與小兒作一短談,給小兒賜。隨函附上小兒之成績表,歷年獲頒之獎狀,幼稚園校長對小兒之推薦信副本,敬希 卓裁。若有任何遺漏,煩請 閣下致電1234 5678與本人聯絡。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-6-1 21:38 |只看該作者

Re: urgent pls help, I need "knock door" letter!

仲有英文版sample, 不過我覺得呢個sample既英文寫得唔好, 只係用黎參考下好喇.

Miss Wong
The Principal

Dear Miss Wong,

We are very grateful and appreciative of you spending precious time in reading this unexpected letter of ours. The main purpose of this letter is to take this opportunity to introduce our son/daughter to you.

Our son/daughter, XXX has applied to your school for P1 admission next year during the Discretionary Phase. We are highly impressed by your School Motto – to be humble, mutual respect, hardworking, positive philosophy, independent thinking. Similarly, the team of brilliant teachers who have nurtured the students towards academic and moral excellence has greatly motivated us. As such, we are very keen for him/her to become a student of your esteemed school. We have selected your school for the Discretionary Phase (Application Form No. XXX, number XXX), and have already decided that if we should fail, we will definitely try again in the Central Allocation Phase and subsequently thereafter.

XXX is currently studying in the whole day upper class of XXX Kindergarten. He/She enjoys reading and music very much. Our son/daughter is honest, independent and has a bright character, with a strong sense of curiosity which we encourage. He/She has won school awards for School Competition of English Chirography, Chinese Chirography and other competitions in the school.

In order to balance XXX’s developments, he/she attends Piano Course in Tom Lee Music and English Phonics Course in Bauhinia Association. We also often bring him/her to family activities organized by the community organizations, the school and our family in order to broaden his/her horizon and to encourage his/her independent thinking.

We would be appreciated if we could be given an interview (anytime) with the Principal for further clarification and we sure that the Principal could obtain a more comprehensive understanding of our son/daughter.

Enclosed, please find a copy of the application form, curriculum vitae and copies of awards, certificates, academic reports and photos for your consideration,

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely,

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