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教育王國 討論區 二手市場 more than 100 P1-2 exercise and piano books
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more than 100 P1-2 exercise and piano books [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-2-7 21:02 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

Numerous (more than 100) P.1 –P.2 Chinese,English, Maths Exercise and Grade 1-4 piano books

Buy in bulk, much discount

Each photo has 5-9 books, $150 for all the exercises in each photo.

5% off for buying all in 5 photos

10% off for buying all in 10 photos

15% off for buying all in 15 photos

20% off for buying all in 20 photos

25% off for buying all in 25 photos

P.1 exercises

Photo 1-4 : undone P.1 Chinese exercises

Photo 5: undone P.1 Maths exercises

Photo 6: partly done P.1 Chineses exercises

Photo 7: done P. 1 Maths exercises

P.2 exercises

Photo 8-11 undone Chinese exercises

Photo 12 partly done Chinese exercises

Photo 13-14 undone Maths exercises

Photo 15-17 undone English exercises

Photo 18 undone Maths exercises

Photo 19 partly done Maths exercises

Photo 20-25 Piano books

Photos in the following link:


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