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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?
樓主: mirandachan

請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-5-18 20:46 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?

每個家長為子女選擇學校時,都盼望學校辦學理念與自己的要求相近,HKUGA 剛好切合本人要求,故此安推子女入讀。但這幾年我親眼看到很多家長不斷向校方提出要求及一些壓力,當中某些是合情合理,但大部份投訴是近乎盲目和自私。某些更要求校方改變辨學理念及方向.........當中一些個案近乎天荒夜談........。

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發表於 05-5-18 21:22 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?

IsaacNewton 寫道:


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-18 22:12 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?

dear mums,

my boy will say goodbye to his kindergarten and join HKUGA after summer holiday.  i am really glad to see your replies here. the reason i choose HKUGA is simple, to try sth other than the traditional ways.  i thought most of us, parents, do given the messy system now we are facing. your words on the school are so encouraging and i just cant wait to see my boy to join your kids.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-19 18:28 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?


真係好高興在這裡認識到 HKUGA 的家長. 本人的囡囡將於今年9 月入讀 HKUGA 的小一, 我想問下學校星期六有冇課外活動呢? 另外放學後的課外活動會唔會有校車坐回家的?

另外我知道佢地中文課係用普通話的, 但係而家囡囡間學校冇普通話學. 擔心囡囡上小一唔知會唔會習慣到呢? 希望各位有經驗的家長可以分享.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-5-19 22:51 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?

HI! I'm also interested in knowing more about this school.  

As the school has announced in their website that they will adopt IB curriculum in their seconday school, does it mean that the students do not have to sit for the local HKCEE open examination?  

Although it's a bit far to talk about secondary school, I just want to gather more information before making my choice.  Thanks for your help.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-5-21 12:01 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?

Hello everyone,

I do not mean to talk bad about HKUGA Primary School. Furthermore, my son is still studying there. All I have mentioned before are facts. They are true incidents. They have been accumulating since day one. As a parent, I would love to see things turn better and not worst as time goes by. I would love to see the teaching force grow bigger and stronger, and not the one now with teachers keep leaving and curriculums keep changing with no focus.

Please do not give me the excuse that my son or my daughter is happy studying there, and my child is learning. Therefore, it is a good school. Many teachers have expressed that the school has a serious discipline problem and students are so restless all the time that they cannot concentrate in their learning. All they know is fun and play. School is a tough place, learning is tough; however, it is still relatively easier to acquire knowledge under pressure when you are young than trying to catch up after they grow older. The world has changed. You could get a good job as a secondary school graduate 25 years ago, but now you will have difficulties in finding a job even with a PhD. I think children are too protected these days and they will not be able to handle any pressure when they join the real world in the future.

I have seen many examples like this. School is new and full of new ideas to draw attentions; however, not all good ideas are good. Unfortunately, you will not see the impacts until many years to come. By then, your child will not get a second chance. Look at our education system run by the EMB. The government kept changing our education system for the past 10 years and now they said it is not working and we need to change again. With all the time and money wasted and our children were subjects in their experiments, we can see our standard of education now is much lower than 10 to 15 years ago.

I have a feeling that most people want to attach themselves to the good things and the brand names. And they choose to ignore the problems. If we let this accumulate on, we will get a tumor. And someday someone will suffer from it. Think hard, everyone!

I can choose to keep my mouth shut or talk quietly among parents as many do, hoping to get back into the HKUGA College after P.6. Some are just having their children there killing time because they will move back to their own countries in the near future. If you know the figures, you will see that not only they have teachers leaving in the middle of the school year; they also have students switching schools in the middle of the school terms, too. Why?

At the meeting on last Wednesday evening, a roomful of P.4 parents have directed their accumulated frustrations and dissatisfactions about the school towards the Principal and the Vice-principal. That session lasted for almost 2-1/2 hours. Do you think those parents are all unreasonable or is it time for them to do something for the children? They have tried for 3 years and they want to give the school one more chance before switching their children to another school in timefor P.5 and P.6.

I do not complain nor speak out with no reason. I believe if we take the privilege to speak in this forum, we need to speak the truth to the extend of our knowledge. As long as I am not misleading anyone, I do not need to gain everyone’s approval.

For the record, I have my primary and secondary education at one of the best school in Hong Kong, and I have earned 2 university degrees abroad. I have a clear understanding of the education systems at home and overseas. I know schooling is tough but I enjoyed every bit of it. Learning is a hard process! Remember, “No Pain, No Gain!” But it doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. It just needed to be in the right way.

Remember to be subjective and think further down when choosing a school for your children. Always be brave to correct your mistakes once you found out you have made the wrong choice. You are not buying T-shirt with a brand name attached to it. It is your child’s future!

Signing off.   Good luck to everyone!

Rank: 1

發表於 05-5-21 16:16 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?

現在部份家長 ( 可能得1個 ) 將自已的思維及個人好惡强加在學校上。學習方式和教育理念並不是非黑即白,無一種制度是全是好的或全是壞的。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-21 22:00 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?



第一個母親 - 她的兒子雖然在九龍塘某名牌男校完成九年教育,因為他在校內成績不好,受盡老師的白眼和歧視,但他母親堅持兒子在此校完成學業,故此他常怨恨母親,試想想他可來快樂?

第二個母親 - 她為兒子共轉了三間小學,現在在港島某直資中學就讀,但他與其普通小朋友一樣,學校生活愉快。


Rank: 1

發表於 05-5-21 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有港大同學會小學的家長?

Dear Justme,

You made me so confused.

If you think you have made a wrong choice for your son, you should change school for your son as a move to correct the mistake that you made 3 years ago.  Otherwise both you and your son will suffer especially when you complain the school in front of your son.  This is definitely not good to his development if he does not take pride of his own school.

The class teacher of my son confirmed that there was no parents meeting on Wednesday.  

There was no student in my son's class leaving the school in the middle of the term.  How many students you know are leaving school in the middle of the year and what class are they in?

In your first message on 5 May, you were complaining about the heavy workload and test but in your latest message, you believe that learning is a hard process, and no pain no gain.

I strongly agree with you that we should state only facts.  Remember parents are role model to their kids.

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