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Entertainment, Enjoyment, Enrichment [複製鏈接]

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發表於 14-7-1 18:57 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 Fate 於 14-7-1 23:59 編輯

Dear HK Parents,

I'm sure your daily routine has changed a lot lately - getting in and out of bed for the world cup! The Entertainment.

I'm also sure your holiday routine has changed a lot accordingly - getting last minute bargain deal has become more difficult!  The Enjoyment.

I'm very sure your family routine has changed a lot recently  - getting the teenage children focused is never easy! The Enrichment.

You must have been thinking about on how to help your child to do something constructive during the coming 6-week long summer holiday. Perhaps what I did with our elder boy recently may give your some ideas.

Our elder boy finished his GCSE examinations on Thursday (24 June) and his school gave students a 4-day leave between (Fri) 20 June and (Thurs) 26 June.

After working so hard for his 11 GCSE subjects, our elder boy was encouraged to relax for 3 days, Prom (i.e. celebration party) on Fri (20 June), then just playing badminton, swimming and having a few brief social interactions over the weekend.

I asked him to come up with a plan for the following 4 days (i.e. Mon - Thurs, 23-26 June) just in case him spending all day on text/mobile/computer games etc.!

Like his GCSE Study Plan, he drew up a very sensible plan. After reminding him he'd have spent about 7 hours at school (i.e. between 0830 hrs and 1530 hrs), I wanted him to give me only 2 hours each of the 4 leave days, enabling me to give him 2 Mysterious Tasks every day, leaving him plenty of Own Time to relax, exercise etc.

And he came back to me with an offer of 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon for my Tasks.

Mon (23 June)

Morning : 25 questions from Oxbridge Admission Test (Borrowed the book from library)


Afternoon : Read 2 booklets about school leavers programme regarding A level students being paid to study and become a Chartered Account, then discuss what he has found, http://www.kpmgcareers.co.uk/school-leavers  (the other one : Apply 2014)

Tue (24 June)

Morning : Writing - 'Self-discipline is the most important quality of an individual'. Do you agree with this statement?

Afternoon : Check definitions of Self-discipline, read the following article and share his thoughts about the article,

Wed (25 June)

Morning : Writing - 'Every Child deserves a happy childhood and primary schools should therefore not give children homework.' Do you agree with this statement?

Afternoon : Find an article most interesting to him from the Daily Mail (www.dailymail.co.uk) and then share with me of his thought.

Thurs (26 June)

Morning :  Watch the programme and sharie his thoughts about the programme, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvrMXCgEd-0

Afternoon : Review photos taken for the last 4 years, then selecting the ones he would put in a family album - a gift for granny in HK. when us visiting her in Aug.

I'm sure you understand why I picked above activities for our elder boy : not only hoping to make him better SPAM (Socially, Physically, Academically, Mentally), but also hoping to remember certain Values (e.g. Hard Work, Self Discipline, True Happiness, Family)

I'm also sure you'd appreciate the Wisdom of the Mother in the YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHy6bBKu0j4.,

NOT 'Let Go' : NOT letting a child does whatever they want, because a child will Go Wild.

NOT 'Keep Hold'  : NOT keep holding a child by a parent's side, because a child will NEVER Grow (i.e. NEVER be Independent)

But 'Let's Go TOGETHER' : Let's do things Together, enjoy the journey Together - a child doing it alone, a parent keeps a distance - believing in their child, encouraging their child etc.

Wishing you all to have a great family summer holiday together!

Best wishes
Terence from UK
Be Smarter. Be Happier. Be Kinder - Let's do it Together http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZIjxXurqkY
Twitter : @longyinfather

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