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[讀障] 社交情緒管理家長講座 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 14-4-14 15:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Developing YourChild’s Social and Emotional Skills

Helen Davidson

Founding Director of The Kidzmix Program, Occupational Therapist,

Family Therapist, Practising clinician, Speaker & Author


Helen has 25 years’ experience in Australia and the UK in children’s    psychological health, having worked in children’s hospitals, private    clinics, community agencies and private practise. Helen is the Founding    Director of Kidzmix, a social and emotional skills development program for    primary school aged children, and the author of‘Helping Kids Become Social Heroes’.  Helen is renowned for her practical,    effective and fun strategies that leave all parents saying “I wish I had learned this when I was a    child!”


Learn about:

· Why social and emotional skills make adifference to your child’s mental health

· 13 socialand emotional skills that you can teach your child

· Why these 13skills will be a resource for life


Date: 9th June 2014 (Monday)

Time:  6.30 – 8.00 pm
Venue: Duke of Winsor Social    Service Building, Wan Chai
Fee: HKD 150Participants: Parents   

Organised by: Frontier Teaching and TherapyConsultancy Limited

Email: [email protected]

** Please RSVP to register your interest in attending this seminar.


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