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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 偉思幼
樓主: heidilaihk

偉思幼 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-25 17:23 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼


Sure!  See if we can meet tomo, but dun know if I can recognise u   ???   Have u met FungFungMa before?  I can only recognise her.  Would FungFungMa introduce us to each other???

BTW, what is 觀課?  How to arrange and will u be in the classroom or just outside the classroom?


Wow!  FungFung can speak so well now.  I remember the first time we met, you told me that he didn't speak much.  But today, he seems enjoying talking very much.  That's good ah.  And he is sooooo cute   !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-25 21:25 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

Thank you for letting me know Ho Yee's behaviour in class. Sounds so funny except pushing and shouting. I never think of she will enjoy the English class. Really cute. Don't know how she understand Ms. Sonia.

觀課is arranged by the school. They let me know by 通告. The timing is from 9:30am - 11:00am. Of course I know FungFungMa. But I'm thinking of having breakfast around 9:00am - 9:30am nearby. See whether we can meet.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-26 17:39 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

Hi Candy

今早, 亞囝响課室有少少'chi'身, 所以留耐咗少少, 出到來見到FungFungMa, 佢話你已經走了, 緣慳一面     !  今日觀課, 如何?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-28 00:13 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

Dear all mammies,

I'm too busy these days to visit BK. Nice to know there are so many Wisely mammies here.

Oh, Ho Yee is one of Abbie's favourite friends. She always mentioned "Ho Yee BB" at home.



Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-28 11:10 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

Anson mum,
Ho yee is on holiday or you can see them later.
And wing wing will change to the new school on next week, and she will be back on Friday only ( last day).
Or we can have breakfast time with Heidi on that day.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-4 02:09 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

Hi FungfungMa and all 偉思家長  

There will be Open Day on 7May.  Will you all be going?

They said it starts from 11am to 5pm.  Does means that we can go anytime during the period?  What time will u be going?

Besides, I'd just joined a Yoga class nearby (Robinson Rd).  It starts at 9:30am for 1hr15min (Thur) $100-140 per class.  The time is perfect for full time moms after sending BB to school.  Any one is interested to join?  Can PM me for details.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-5-4 18:01 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

Hi all, we're back . We've been to Japan and Ho Yee enjoyed the trip very much!

Yes, Ho Yee sometimes mention Abbie as well. As Ho Yee used to call herself "Ho Yee BB" from the time she can say who she is till two months ago. And Ms. Luk told us that she insisted the class to call her "Ho Yee BB" so I can heard other kids still calling her "Ho Yee BB" now. But recently she doesn't like others to call her "Ho Yee BB", my maid said another kid called her once and she refused to answer the kid. Last week when I call her BB, she told me "你唔好叫我bb啦, 我大個女喇", 我問 "咁我叫你咩呀", 佢講 "尹可頤". See, she's really 大個女喇.

We won't attend the open day on Sat la because we'll be in 廣州on that day. Actually we will go there tomorrow pm and be back on Sat pm.

相信大家都奇怪點解最近我地成日外出, 因為工人放假返印尼, 所以我同老公都要take turn放假, 但一來唔想嘥咗假期, 二來我地兩個冇本事日日困獸鬥喺間屋對住佢  , 佢太好動喇, 所以我地就成機出吓去啦, 廣州都應該係last trip喇, 因為下個星期好忙, 得老公湊可頤, 下星期四晚工人就返, 到時一天都光哂. 真係好佩服你地幾位 full time mom 呀.       

呀, 我 tomorrow 放假, 湊完可頤返學冇野做, 可以一齊食早餐喎. 我今晚會再上來, 有人見到字又有興趣就留言啦

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-5-4 22:01 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

click me ~~ Just for u~~

How's yr Japan trip??I have a chance to go Japan this mth(my hubby go trip) but my hubby afraid earthquake....so I plan to go Singapore in June~~

Dear karencl,
Miss u and Fung Fung aR~~~~

Dear all,
Wingwing is having a good time in her new nursery. The teachers are very nice and wingwing is started to play and talk with her teachers. Her headmistress try to train wingwing stop to use tip-toe to walk tim ar...so so nice~~.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-5-4 23:45 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

It's really funny to see those picture again. You're great that you can still dig them out . They looks very different now, 女仔咗好多 .
Also it's nice to know that wingwing's new school is that good. Congratulations!
My trip was good indeed, you know, no need to work and just accompanying Ho Yee day by day is already a good thing to me. Will post a link with photos of my trip later on!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-4 23:55 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼

Hi Candy

Wow! Japan!  Really want to go ah!  I haven't travelled since Anson's born   .  Always think that we can't enjoy if we take a bb to a trip.  But now, I think I need to arrange a short trip with Anson ah!  Glad that Ho Yee enjoyed her trip to Japan.  Hope she will enjoy another one in Kwangzhou la!

Sorry! I need to attend a Yoga class tomo morning.  Can't join u all for the breakfast tim.  Maybe next time la.


Almost can't recognise u with new login name! Glad that WingWing enjoys her new school life.  Of course, she is so smart   !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-7 00:04 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼兒園

Hi Candy,

How's your Japan trip? We planned to go to Japan towards the end of June. Same reason -> my maid has to take leave!!!

Any suggestion to buy, to eat, to go... in Japan?

I've seen your hubby this week. Maybe we can talk next week if I have more time and come to school early.

Heidi, please let me know if you still have time to take breakfast in the old place. I will be free in Wed morning (11 May).


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-5-8 22:23 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼兒園

Hi Abbie_mimi

我一直都以為你係full time mom tim.

好想share the tokyo trip with you. But these days without the maid are very tired. Too lazy to type so many words. So if I can met you in class, maybe I can talk with you. Otherwise, I share with you later bit by bit.

You will keep on seeing my husband this week because my maid will be back to HK on 12/5 (Thur) night. I don't want to take so many leaves as I have to save some leaves when Ho Yee goes to K1 this Sept.

By the way, how's Abbie, will she continue studying K1 in Wisely or other school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-9 01:04 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼兒園

Hi Candy,

I usually bring Abbie back to school first before I go to work. I am now working a freelance project. So the time is more flexible.

See if we can talk later. Abbie will move to another K1 in Sept.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-5-10 18:11 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼兒園

Dear All
Would like to share my Japan tour with you all. But it's quite long, hope it won't bored you!

Check in hotel後去新宿, 本來諗住去車站買bus tickets for day 4去富士急遊樂場, 但同售票員傾完一輪先知因為咁啱日本黃金周, 好多人會去富士山嗰區旅行, 會好塞車, 淨去程都要3粒鐘, 我地諗住預大半日淨玩Thomasland, 但來回再加預埋排隊時間玩遊戲, 根本唔可能, 所以最後冇買飛, cancel咗呢個行程, 第1日就有D失望 .
跟住就喺新宿行咗一陣, 去咗GAP Kids買咗少少 嘢, 食埋dinner就返酒店休息.
(呢日冇帶士的車, 辛苦到死)

全日in Disneyland, 可頤到咗disneyland個車站已開心到din咗, 又笑又多嘢講, 佢都唔理我地有冇答佢, 總知佢見到mug就講mug, high咗 .
不過佢幾驚D人扮卡通人物, 只肯同mickey & goofy影相, 佢離遠見到Donald duck個girl friend時仲好興奮, 大叫 “唐老鴨媽咪 (唔知點解佢係都話佢係媽咪), 我地黎緊喇”, 抱到佢埋去影相, 佢忽然攬實我話好驚, 唔要影, 真係抓哂頭都唔明 .
同可頤一齊坐小飛象, 佢一開始就勁開心, 連聲 “嘩, 嘩”
呢日勁大風, 好似打風咁, 所以parade & fireworks 都cancelled, 好失望 . 老公仲吹到即時傷風 (呢幾日先叫好返咋), 好彩我同可頤有褸有頸巾.
(呢日有士的車, 好輕鬆)

大半日去咗多摩動物園, 地方大, 乾淨, 好多動物睇, 可頤四圍跑, 好開心, 仲成日扮D動物. 值得一提係老公勁讚個toilet, d facilities for babies & kids are very good, 估唔到郊區動物園都咁好 , 好到香港冇一個toilet設備for babies & kids係咁齊.
大約4點半去咗 hellokittyland, 一去到就睇show, 可頤見hello kitty跳舞好happy, 笑哂咁拍手, 但佢玩咗又跑咗一日, 終於支持唔住睇睇吓訓咗, 最攪笑係我轉佢個頭等佢訓好D時, 佢竟然e起d牙笑, 對眼仲訓緊, 仲笑得好燦爛, 我諗佢發緊夢都好開心, 過咗差唔多一個鐘, 原本老公抱住佢, 佢忽然返身面向天, 開眼望仲拍哂手, 幾秒後訓返, 我地估佢喺個夢到仲睇緊hellokitty跳舞    . 佢訓醒後再玩多一陣, 影咗幾張相就走, 去食飯跟住返酒店.
呢日玩到好盡, 推車仔返酒店途中可頤已訓咗, 返到酒店同佢換埋衫佢都唔醒, 訓到第2朝.

今朝又去動物園, 去上野動物園, 有D失望, 一來冇櫻花睇, 二來呢個動物園近市區, 規模細得多, D動物又唔多驚喜, 我直情覺得住呢個動物園D動物好不幸, 點解大家都喺日本, 但唔喺多摩動物園 . Anyway, 對可頤嚟講應該ok, 因為新鮮嘛.
下午去咗台場, 呢區基本上係shopping area, but 地方好大, 而且唔近市中心, 所以好行好多, 唔會好似行新宿咁辛苦, 不過因為可頤一向唔鍾意行mall, 所以冇mug點shopping, 行咗 GAP同 comme ca, 食埋dinner就打道回府. 返酒店執嘢準備聽日走.

有半日時間, 好悠閒咁行吓原宿街道, 再行落池袋, 就搭車走lu. 不過喺原宿kiddyland都有唔少收穫, 因為呢到賣玩具為主, 所以可頤肯逗留耐D, 咁我就可以買吓嘢. 最happy係竟然見到有個布袋, 個卡通係n年前嘅卡通片主角小蜜蜂, 雖然我唔係特別鍾意佢, 但都忍唔住買咗 .

Oh, 勁長篇添, sorry, sorry!! 當我自娛得架喇.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-5-11 10:31 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼兒園

oh, please have a look at our photos if you are interested.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-13 00:35 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼兒園

Hi Candy925

Thank you for sharing the 東京之旅!  Ho Yee really enjoyed the trip ah!          Does Ho Yee always mention the trip and ask to go again?

Haha.....we met before, but I didn't know that you were Ho Yee Mama,  just know that after seeing the photos.   Next time, would say hi to u when we meet   .


Last Sunday, we went to the Open Day.  It's great!  Lots of things for kids to see and do.  But we were quite rush as we could only go there after Anson took his afternoon nap (he had playgroup in the morning).  So when we got there, they almost closed    !

Rank: 2

發表於 05-5-26 10:42 |只看該作者

Re: 偉思幼兒園

Hi Candy,
In fact, I did not play the gun game with the kids, I just pretended to die when Man chi shoot me.
And sudden most of them shoot me la. so I change to play with 點虫虫 with them (touching the finger one by one). But it is too late and all of them are so excited lu. So I cont'd to do the exercise with them and told to play later.
U can play 點虫虫 with hoi yee.
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