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Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-17 11:35 |只看該作者

Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear all,

If your kid's teacher always complain to you that your kid always talking with the others in the class.  What will you do and how will you response?

Will you tell the teacher that your kid is a gifted?

Please share your experience!!


Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-19 17:02 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

資優兒有很多麻煩的行為, 上課悶而至不專心. 是否要向老師說要先看是怎樣的老師, 因有些老師並不知什麼是資優, 有些抗拒資優生. 而且就是說也要小心說, 避免老師覺得是借口彧炫耀. 最好能和老師談談實際有什麼方法改變上課說話的問題. 如找乖的學生或女生坐附近. 向孩子了解他上課說話的原因. 原則上我讚成坦誠向老師說出資優, 但切記小心表達.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-19 18:00 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear On,

Thanks so much for your advice.

Indeed, I don't want to tell his teacher he is a gifted.  She is a kind of out-dated  teacher...don't know what is gifted.  If I tell her, she may be more strict towards him.

I just encourage my son to obey what the teaacher said, how does he disturb others if keeps on talking, reinforce him if I received no complaint for more than one week..etc.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-21 16:07 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear Anna_Leung,

講真, 我個仔都整日抱怨返學好悶,因爲不中意寫功課。事實上,他的功課可以很快寫完也可以很工整,因爲研究文字和查字典是他的樂趣之一。只不過,重復的練習就失去了原本的樂趣。我想大多數資優兒都會抱怨返學悶,上堂無滿足感。並不一定是他們無所不知,而是他們的認知能力強,吸收快,不願原地踏步或重復操練。


Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-22 15:37 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear hrsccky,

Thanks so much for your sharing.

My husband also has this idea (stop going to school for a period and go to vacation), but my son still likes go to school as I have only one child.  He enjoys to play with other kids in the school.

hrsccky, is your son also a K.3 student?  Which primary school will you chose?


發表於 05-1-23 13:19 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

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Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-24 16:44 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

heidi 媽,

請問你囡囡的IQ test在哪裡做做的呢?幾多歲才適合做呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-24 16:52 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

kids around 8 years old is the most suitable time to take an IQ test

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-25 11:06 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear Anna Leung,

Sorry for responding so late.  My son is in K3.  He is a good boy, at least he expect to be and try his best most of the time.  He likes thinking more than talking, that's why he seldom disturbs others in the class and sometimes just enjoys his cerebration.  He always complains how easy the school course is.  He feels just a little interest in the school.  He will go to P1 in south of the island after this summer.  We are not sure if it's suitable for him.  We  still consider other schools in case the transfer becomes necessary someday.


Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-25 22:39 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear hrsccky,

What do you mean by "south of the island"?  Is it a school in south part of H.K. Island?  Which school then?  (neglect this question if you don't want to tell)

In fact, in these few days, I'm considering... go to Canada with my son, for the purpose of visiting my relatives and also let him study in Canada's Kindergarten for several months ....stay there to spend the summer holiday.  Let him experience the oversea life.  However, he can't finish the kindergarten in H.K....Is it good for him?  Are there any disadvantages I haven't think about?

He may miss his classmates and teachers, although the teacher always make complain.

I'm thinking about this matter....Would you mind share your comment?  You said you're considering to take a vacation with your son.  Did you decide yet?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-26 15:38 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Herdi 媽,


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-26 16:20 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear Anna Leung,

My son will  go to SSCPS.

International school will not be a good choice for him.  At first, he takes great interests in studying Chinese characters; second, we hope he will be able to read 三國演義 in Chinese but not English instead.  

My nephews and nieces are all in Canada.  Most of them are good.  But, feeling lonely if only one child at home.  If I were you, the language or the school education would not be the problem.  The important would be what I could do if he felt lonely.  


Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-26 22:06 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear hrsccky,

I mean I will go and stay with him in Canada for several months.  He will not feel lonely at all.  I have nephews and nieces in Canada.  More kids can play with him too.  

By the way, I'm struggling to go or not....


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-27 09:04 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear Anna Leung,

I thought you would immigrate to Canada.  Sorry for misunderstanding.

That will be a good idea.  I took my children there last summer.  They went to the summer-camp in the morning and played with my niece or went out in the afternoon.  They had a good time.  We took less than 1 month to visit our relatives in 3 cities in Canada.  

Your son will be exciting in new environment and make new friends.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-27 09:59 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear hrsccky,

I'm interesting about the summer-camp you mentioned before.

Is it a kind of course organised by the Canada's school in summer?  Is it similar with the summer-camp in H.K.  Some organizations (such as international school/kindergarten) in H.K. will offer some English courses in summer.  Is it the same in Canada?  How can I join the couse?  Any document, such as study permit, required?  Where did your children join?  Is it expensive?

Sorry for those questions!!  I'm really want to know more about that.  If there is such course for foreign kid, it sure will raise my interest to visit there.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-1-27 10:58 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!


我好唔開心, 亦唔知該如何做

我唔知我小朋友係咪咩資優兒童, 我係真心既, 我從無想過我小朋友要做咩第一, 有幾叻, 更加唔想佢有個咩好巴幣咁既label 佢, 不過幼稚園老師今天終於叫我留意下佢多d…

我女剛3歲, 我同老公都係靜既人, 唔知點解生咗個好動多咀愛發問, 仲脾氣大, 無耐性, 老師同我講, 依佢教咁耐, 佢話我女係個種學野好怏, 記性好好, 講一次, 見一次, 佢已經入腦, 不過佢好無耐性, 佢話通常iq 高既, eq 就會弱d, 因為佢已經識哂, 佢唔想dum 時間, 唔想等…

我好無耐, 亦唔知點做, 可唔可教下我… 我唔知佢係咪只係比其他小朋友聰明d, 而佢d naughty 野, 未必係咩資優, 只係佢愛玩???

佢上堂坐唔定, 唔喜歡寫字, 不過愛睇書, 好喜歡音樂跳舞, 鍾意睇動物生活既書同tv, 好多問題…

佢既問題.. 我唔知係咪一般2歲半至3歲都會問:

太陽去咗邊? 點解月亮姐姐一出來, 太陽就返屋企, 佢屋企係邊shu架

點解我起身啦… 太陽伯伯未出來 (因為有雲), 雲哥哥遮住佢呀, 咁咪落雨law… 一陣彩虹姐姐出唔出來架…??

點解貓唔識swimming 既… 點解青蛙會架…

總之佢d 問題我一d 都唔識答, 我問其他同我女一樣大既家長, 佢地話, 佢d 小朋友都會問野, 不過唔會問lee d…



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-28 14:50 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Dear Anna Leung,

Yes, it was.  I have no idea about the summer-camp in H.K., so ......
We just got the informantion through the web.  There are many choices in details, like school name, address, contact #, fares, activities, schedule, shuttle bus....but we still needed to ascertain:

1.Is it safe enough?
not only blood and thunder but also any injuries to feelings, self-esteem, even sex.
My sister in law told us it really happenned that something extremely serious.  

2. Is it so far?
They city in Canada is big.  We liked the school was in 30 mins way.  We didn't choose the shuttle bus.

3. Full day or half(we didn't think about overnight)?
usually 7:00(8:00)-12:00(half day)
   -4:00(full day)

The activities was including art& craft, swimming( if swimming pool in school)dramma, singing&dancing...
The camp we chose is a very simple one for age 4-6, similar to the international kingdergarten in H.K.  We found a good one before, but it's far away from the place we lived and expensive (like Canada$800/5 days?).  My sister in law found the closer and cheaper one for us, then she paid before we got there.


Rank: 1

發表於 05-1-28 15:32 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

3kidsma, Childbe, Heidi 媽,

My gifted son had IQ test last year at "Fullife" (http://fullife.com.hk). According to the clinical psychologist, HK-WISC is the only internationally-recognised IQ test adapted for HK children. Children age 5 and above are suitable.

發表於 05-1-29 00:13 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-30 14:25 |只看該作者

Re: Gifted' Mom, Please Share!!!

Herdi 媽:
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