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九龍塘宣道 體育設施如何? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-12 17:26 |只看該作者

九龍塘宣道 體育設施如何?

Can existing APS parents kindly advise on this?

So far I asked this question several times but still haven't got any sharing.  So far parents' impression and knowledge about this school is its achievement in music and their high academic standard.

My feeling is that this school though good in academic, is very small which somehow will hindered their development in sports and their body.

Has it got any open playground or just one covered playground? (it will be sad that kid will be less healthy without exposure to sunshine)

What kind of sports extracurricular activities do they have?

Do they have any uniform group like scout and girl guide?  Any community service group?  

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-13 09:10 |只看該作者

Re: 九龍塘宣道 體育設施如何?


我孩子是宣小高小生. 你的擔憂我也有同樣感覺. 宣小是新校舍, 校內各項設施不錯, 不過因環境所限, 缺乏一個露天球埸. 學生上體育課時, 體操課在校內禮堂進行, 如球類運動會帶學生到附近牛津道球場上課.

學校頂層有一室內體育場館, 但主要都用來上音樂課, 是整級上的, 分管樂, 弦樂, 不知有否聲樂? 週六也是用來作樂團練習.

學校也都有各種球類田徑游泳代表隊, 不過是經選拔的. 童軍隊好像沒有開辦.  放學後或週六都有付費的羽毛, 乒乓, 武術班課外活動給同學參加. 今學年開始小一至小三上體育課時會由教師帶學生到附近公眾泳池習泳, 這是和泳會合辦教授的, 但不知每班隔多久才有一游泳課. 每課好像收回學生20元來回車費. 反應聽說幾好, 可能將來會擴展至高班. 我覺得已是學校對學生體育方面能作出的最大努力.

幾年下來對學校的感覺是, 學業程度不會比很多名校好, 但上到英中學生應無問題. 以前學校不是教高半級或一級的, 但聽說現小一開紿教高半級, 可能因為近年學校間的競爭大了, 家長往往追捧深程度. 我覺得不是好事, 小學學高一年半年的程度在中學很快就追回了, 何必要在小學催谷呢. 我自己要求不高, 自己和孩子小一至小三絕無壓力, 四年級開始為升中才覺有些壓力, 但至今仍未有補習. 學校老師較為年青, 對學生有愛心, 對不同成績的學生都一視同仁. 學生品學不錯, 在良性競爭下, 都讀得開心快樂.

音樂方面, 學校給予學生一個絕佳培訓環境, 覺得這是我和孩子最大的得着, 也是初學樂器時意想不到的. 他是一個十分好動活潑的孩子, 在輕鬆互動良好的學習環境下, 他近年愛上了音樂, 學習時更主動而投入. 有時見他聽到美妙樂曲時, 手指不知不覺地跟着音樂跳動. 在家也不時拿些古典名曲來聽, 我心裏實在高興. 不是因為他因此以音樂成績將來能入中學名校(可以嗎?), 或會成為音樂家, 是因為音樂這個高情操良友能終生陪伴他, 和他分享苦與樂.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-13 09:55 |只看該作者

Re: 九龍塘宣道 體育設施如何?

Dear All,

     Glad to hear from Rosaline and hope to have more APS parents to talk about the school.  
     I think it is quite true that it is not good to have no opened playground for the students.  I also heard from my daughter that they use the hall and sometimes the covered playground for P.E.  I also see that they hold Lee Fai's class and badminton at the hall.  She also mentioned that there are many huge musical instruments kept inside the covered playground. So they have their orchestras practice there.

Swimming lessons starts this year and are held at the Kowloon Bay Club house.  I also heard that it is quite good.  They will have their school sports days soon and I guess I will see a better pictures.  My girl is not a very sporty girl but she does enjoy her PE lesson and has signed up for some items on the sports day. I personally satisfied with what they do so far.

I think the school is quite well-rounded and care for different aspect for children development. Well, they absoultely have more effort on musical trainning. I appreciate a lot on their mental and moral education.  I think it is important not only trying to achieve high academic standard.      

I also agree with Rosaline that it is great to learn to appreciate music for their life.

Would more parents share what good and bad about this school so we may try to find out how true they are.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-1-13 16:52 |只看該作者

Re: 九龍塘宣道 體育設施如何?

Dear Rosaline and Nanabi,

Thanks a lot for your detailed sharing.  Don't know if my kid will be APS student after the lucky draw (she's got a place in APS already and will also try the lucky draw). Anyway, your info is valuable and useful.
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