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公開課的意見 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-2-20 23:43 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I have attended the open class (English and Chinese) at LOGOS last Thursday.  It was very impressive.  From what I saw:

1. the teachers spent a lot of efforts on preparing the teaching materials and they successfully drew the students' attention and leaded the class discussion. The time control was excellent and the run-down was well organized.  
2.  the teachers were professional and encouraging.  They gave quick and appropriate response to student's questions.  After finishing the lessons, the teachers are responsive to parents' questions.
3. the students enjoyed the classes very much and were active on group discussion and dialogue with the teachers.
4. the students were disciplined and polite even though the environment was so activity-based and during the recess (FS1 were more active but we accept this as they were just entered from K3).  

My overall initial impression from the open classes was that activity-based teaching is not just about having fun but to arouse their interest in learning.  
I truly believe that a student in such an environment would arouse their interest in learning and willingness to schooling.

Could existing Logos parents share with me the level of textbook knowledge conveyed in the class e.g. grammar, phonics, composition, comprehension etc.?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-21 09:36 |只看該作者

回覆 1# stseng 的文章

FS2同學,他們大都經過一年多的公開課經驗,應可淡淡定定上課。你要預FS1的同學表現或許有小許分心,因他們會時不時暗暗望向爸爸媽媽打招呼,然後偷笑,好可愛!英文全科主要是以工作紙為主(老師自行編寫),而textbook只是有故事書(出版社:Houghton Mifflin)和一本坊間的Grammer 練習而矣。五月會收到書單的。

[ 本帖最後由 TansonMa 於 11-2-21 09:48 編輯 ]

發表於 11-2-22 10:48 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-23 00:24 |只看該作者
From the open classes, I have the following thoughts:

1.  activity-based learning/ 愉快中學習 does not equate mere having fun at class but learn nothing or slow learning.
2. I don't think that a school including DSS or traditional one would be stupid to give the student with no standard to follow and just let them freely swing during their school life.
3.  Logos parent would also know the progress of their children's learning by various ways e.g. open classes, notes / handouts, supplementary grammar book / exercise and check directly with the teacher and the children.
4. I would not believe that a school or teacher, including DSS or traditional one, would be so unrealistic to have no demand / expectation on their student's learning outcome including result at public exams.  However, activity-based school may not so emphaize it on appearance as it is their belief that good marks =\= good learning.
5.  I don't think that activity-based learning necessarily implies poor public exam results or academic standard.  Good result could be achieved from 愉快中學習.
6. Public exam result is only one part of a student's learning process.  To build up the ability to score good marks in public exam is good but what's more important things that a parent would like their children to learn at school?  the ability to 自學,自省, 自理, good interpersonal skills, to enjoy and appreciate learning as part of their life.
7.  愉快學習 is suitable for all kinds of children

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-23 13:35 |只看該作者
我老公參加了公開課, 也說學生有禮守秩序, 英文老師(+家長)的英文很好, 歌仔動聽, 他說英文課比中文課更好,本來我還有些擔心校內欠NET會影響質素呢。

試問那個孩子適合不愉快的學習呢? 只是, 有的孩子會接受, 有的孩子寧死不從。我家孩子便屬後者。
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