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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 留學好嗎?
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留學好嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-6 16:17 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-6 18:01 |只看該作者
Not really.  You can't compare the student life.  If you get to a so so U, that meaqn your result is not the greatest, you don't think you get to those well known ones, do you?

Or, how about to get a frist degree here first then a Master degree oversea.

原帖由 xiangxiang 於 10-6-6 16:17 發表

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-8 22:04 |只看該作者
i would say definitely go overseas. it is the international exposure that is incomparable to school life in hk. also, employers (esp multinational firms) tend to prefer overseas graduates over local graduates. prospects of even a so so uni overseas is better than , say, a hku / cuhk graduate

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-10 22:11 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-1 11:08 |只看該作者
1:如果英文科成績好,over all 係香港又入唔到d好嘅大學

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-2 22:54 |只看該作者

回覆 5# xiangxiang 的文章

if you can afford it, go oversea, it is a life time experience, try something different.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-7-31 01:32 |只看該作者
i think it depends on what place and which school your kid goes to. studying abroad will train your kid to be more independent, more sensitive to different cultures, more aware of his/her own strengths and weaknesses, more adaptable to a changing job market.

multinational companies are more interested in hiring overseas graduates and posting them to different places to handle new or open-ended projects rather than placing them in well-defined job posts locally. in other words, there is more career growth potential for graduates who land their first job with such multinational companies. however, your kid still needs to go to an overseas university that is fairly well-known in hong kong and of course show he/she has obtained good academic results.

the negatives of studying abroad include high costs, family separation though only for a few years, generation gap between parents and child due to new and different experiences, interests, and life styles.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-8-31 15:11 |只看該作者
How about if the kid's academic performance in HK is within the top 10% of HK students but have no confidence in HK A-level and afraid cannot be accepted to his desired university programme in HK, what will be your views and advice to send him abroad or stay in HK for A-level exams?  The kid is interested to study abroad because he thinks it is easier to get good A-level results than in HK.  Assume financial is not a problem.  Thank you very much for your sharings.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-23 08:51 |只看該作者
If your son is within the top 10% of HK students, I’m sure that he can be admitted to the top notch boarding schools in UK and academics is not the main concern for studying in UK.

Since I have sent my son to UK boarding for about two weeks, I would just say that the boarding school life can train him to be tremendously disciplined and organized. No more procrastination, computer games and late sleep.

If you see the timetable of my son, the life here is very healthy: 7:00 am wake up, 1.5 hr compulsory sport time (rugby, cross country, hockey, gym, cricket), 2 hr self-study period, 10:15 pm go to bed; no more computer and study after bedtime.

So life here is different from HK which he may sleep late, play computer games and frequent web browsing. There is only 2 hour prep time for him to study and complete all homework during Mon to Sat. He has so many commitments in school such as music and sports. The two hour prep time is just enough for him to complete assignments from 10 different subjects. He can't be surreptitious to do anything after bedtime cos the housemaster will check it. The 1.5 hour sporting everyday keeps him tired yet healthy. Even your son is studying Grade 11, there is no exception to sports and two hour prep time may be the max studying time everyday for your son to prepare GCE A level.

Besides study, my son has made friends with many foreign students within these two weeks since there are only 4 Asian students in his year group. He may go out with them for meals and to town on Sunday.

Depending on what type of school you choose for your son, some top notch schools may not have only two-hour prep time per day and place more emphasize on academics rather than all round in music and sport. You may request the lesson timetable from school before you apply to see whether the school has so many non-academic activities.

What’s more, if you target your son to mix with local students, I would like to advise you that some top notch schools may absorb many top students from HK and they form a Chinese group such as DB group, La Salle group, St. Paul group in school which cannot mix with other local students. This is especially so for some top notch schools which have agency in HK. In addition, Grade 11 boarding room normally accommodates 1 to 2 students. If your son is shy, he may not grasp more opportunity to speak English.

If your son has interest in studying abroad and financial is not the problem, it is desirable to find a top ranking boarding school which has a few Asian students for him. For my friends I know whose children with around 25 marks in HKCEE, one got 6 A* and three got at least 3As in GCE A level. Besides A Level result, they got around 8 marks in IELTS. Two go to Cambridge while the others go to London U.

Of course, even a place in Oxbridge or London U cannot guarantee success in his career no matter he studies abroad or not.  I think student studying in university in HK would seem to have advantage in written English and Chinese rather than those studying abroad.

Btw, I see you in other column to ask comments on Badminton School which is a girl school. One of my friends whose girl got 4A in A Level from Badminton. She was admitted by Imperial.

原帖由 Fong2010 於 10-8-31 15:11 發表
How about if the kid's academic performance in HK is within the top 10% of HK students but have no confidence in HK A-level and afraid cannot be accepted to his desired university programme in HK, wha ...

[ 本帖最後由 CPU1995 於 10-9-25 13:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-27 23:37 |只看該作者
本人覺得去外國留學的確可以增廣見聞, 同訓練自己既自理能力. 不過要make sure 自己既定力夠好, 因為係"無皇管"既環境下一定要好好咁督促自己.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-2 12:12 |只看該作者
The case for a Badminton girl admitted to Imperial surprises me. I think there may be some other achievements the girl has got which impresses Imperial.  Wish it is not because of the ranking of Badminton.

原帖由 CPU1995 於 10-9-23 08:51 發表
If your son is within the top 10% of HK students, I’m sure that he can be admitted to the top notch boarding schools in UK and academics is not the main concern for studying in UK.

Since I have sent ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-2 13:37 |只看該作者
The Badminton girl whose mother is very humble to say that her girl got 4A with around 8 marks in IELTS. One achievement of her girl is just Grade 8 piano which is very common in HK by which piano cannot contribute to school's orchestra. Other than these, I don't know other achievements of her girl.  

Her girl studied in a top notch girl school in HK side and was not a 6A HKCEE student.

I think most foremost uk boarding schools can absord the top pier HK students and are more academic demanding, disciplined, more tests and assessments as well as cultivating a culture of learning and hardworking studying within the peer group.

Of course, it is not easy to be admitted to Badminton for Grade 12 entry. For a 6A* girl I know, she got 25 marks in HKCEE and studied in a boarding school with a ranking below much than Badminton.  So the ranking of school does not mean anything though the chance of success for students in high ranking schools are higher.

I have little knowledge on the requirements for entry to Imperial. But the Badminton girl says that the boarding school life does give her a very worthy and meaningful international exposure and aspiration on culture shock.

Btw, can anyone tell me that 4A in GCE A Level with 8 marks in IELTS cannot be sufficient academic requirements for entry to Imperial?  I wonder if my son can get so brilliant A level results in 2014.      

原帖由 Fong2010 於 10-10-2 12:1
The case for a Badminton girl admitted to Imperial surprises me. I think there may be some other achievements the girl has got which impresses Imperial.  Wish it is not because of the ranking of Badmi ...

[ 本帖最後由 CPU1995 於 10-10-2 23:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-4 15:39 |只看該作者
Does anyone know about Malvern School in terms of its academic performance, teaching qualities and boarding lives? Not Malvern St. James.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-10-4 23:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 Fong2010 於 10-10-2 12:12 發表
The case for a Badminton girl admitted to Imperial surprises me. I think there may be some other achievements the girl has got which impresses Imperial.  Wish it is not because of the ranking of Badmi ...

Interview performance is another key criteria for admission.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-5 15:15 |只看該作者

回覆 13# Fong2010 的文章

Malvern College :
!) Academic - acceptable.  Basically if you work hard you could achieve good results, no matter in which school.
2) Teaching qualities - some teachers are good, depends on which set you are in.
3) Boarding lives - good.
The school campus is very attractive, large and comfortable.  They just have a new sport complex in last year, very good in-door facilities.
Mind you, for sixth-form, they put more resources on IB rather than A-Level.  So if you want to study A-Level, I don't recommend this school.
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