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樓主: Petit-Prince

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發表於 10-1-28 11:18 |只看該作者

回覆 1# Sorb 的文章

Sorb, fully agreed with you.

My daughter did not learn mandarine before studying N1. After 5 months studies, she can sing songs in mandarine and she can 朗誦"靜夜思" on this Tue very clearly.  I was extremely surprised. I then called her teacher this Wed and told her my happiness. She then told me more about my daughter's current status. She allows me to call her anytime to share.  I think I called her over 10 times in 5 months.  I specially thank her.

On the other hands, their teachers is updating the school photos to facebook from time to time so that I can understand my daughter's school activities very much.  Thanks again to the teachers.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-28 11:21 |只看該作者
i guess, you can evaluate your kid language ability first. if he/she can handle the mother tougue properly, it worths  a learn the second language.
on the other hand, if he/she cannot speak or express clearly, you may need to think twice.
one got good language ability, he/she can pick up other languages easily.

原帖由 sweetieboy 於 10-1-28 10:45 發表
I am thinking whether to send my kid to 蘇浙 as well.
But my concern is not in the toilet!:)
I am thinking whether mandarin/English suit my kid or not.  Since there is a mama in other 蘇浙 topic say ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-28 11:30 |只看該作者
Yeah, the teachers of my girls in PN and KG are good too, they even sometimes return my call at 10:00pm as they are too busy during day time.  

Post photos on FB is a good communication with the parents.  I appreciate the teachers' effort very much and I remember while my kid was in PN, I log on to FB almost every day because I was looking forward to new pictures.  But this year, the teachers of my kid's class have not started using FB yet, this has disapointed me a bit......

朗誦"靜夜思" after a few months in PN!!!  Your kid's is smart, my girl can only sing songs (in Mandarine) to me only until now (k1).......

原帖由 cheukyu822 於 10-1-28 11:18 發表
Sorb, fully agreed with you.

My daughter did not learn mandarine before studying N1. After 5 months studies, she can sing songs in mandarine and she can 朗誦"靜夜思" on this Tue very clearly.  I was  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-28 12:30 |只看該作者
My daughter studying N1.  she is now 2.5. Yesterday, she finally told me that she didn't want to go to school.   I still remember that on the first day going to school, she was very happy and excited.  But now.....whenever she saw the school bus, she would turn her head to other direction.   I know she understand when I talk to her in PTH.  She just doesn't like it.  She would rather talk to me in English or Cantonese. :cry:  

Rather she likes the English playgroup that I joined for her very much.  The playgroup is for 3 to 4 years old.  And the teacher said she is very independent and has no problem in communicating and doing activities.

原帖由 sweetieboy 於 10-1-28 10:45 發表
I am thinking whether to send my kid to 蘇浙 as well.
But my concern is not in the toilet!:)
I am thinking whether mandarin/English suit my kid or not.  Since there is a mama in other 蘇浙 topic say ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-28 14:29 |只看該作者
To: clara1477
Althought there is a lot of kids ok with English/PTH, not all the kid are the same.  Don't feel bad and don't force her.  Will you go to other school?

Would like to share with you about this.

It is not too late to find a way that suit your girl.

[ 本帖最後由 sweetieboy 於 10-1-28 14:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-28 22:30 |只看該作者
Hi! sweetieboy, thanks a lot for your sharing!!   I think I will choose other school.  

But, sometime I feel puzzle as I am not so sure what kind of school suits her.  Her character is too strong (whenever she insists on doing something, she will never compromise) and she is too independent.   

May be as with the articles u share with me, I think I will try sending her to traditional school (without emphasising in PTH) first.  If she is not OK, I will try changing her to international school.

原帖由 sweetieboy 於 10-1-28 14:29 發表
To: clara1477
Althought there is a lot of kids ok with English/PTH, not all the kid are the same.  Don't feel bad and don't force her.  Will you go to other school?

Would like to share with you abou ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-1-29 01:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Petit-Prince 於 14-9-11 02:04 編輯


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-29 03:00 |只看該作者
I share the same view with clara1477 .At the begining my son liked to go to school, but then he said to me he didn't want to go to school. He dislikes anything associated with it such as school bus and school dress and etc.  Like many parents,I was once a big fan of this school, but now I am so disappointed  and confused. He can not tell me what had happen to him but I know that he had encountered unpleasant experience there. Maybe he is one of the unlucky one. And I am not going to let him study in this school even he got the offer for K1

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-29 10:45 |只看該作者
Hi ababymami ,

I can understand how you feel. But just share with you , frm many parenting books I have read, it is very common for a kids like going to school at the beginning, but then doesn't like for a while, then they may tell you they like afterwards. For my son, he also tell me he like and doesn't like , then extremely like( just like a cycle). i would say this is a common syptoms when a kids grows up. While they are being influenced and experience different thigns every day. Some of my son classmates like to go to KCS N1 even they are sick, some of them didnlt tell the parenst like or dislike..... many type of kids behaviour in general. One of my friend they let kids study in those freedon oriented international school with Top grade teaching tools and school environment, all the teachers and even washing maid at school smile to kids all day, but the kid still cry in front of the school and not willing to go in. So i think no matter which K1 school you are deciding to go, you should try to dig out the reason and try to talk with your son everyday right after school. As their memory still there, they can share with you in a very natureal way. Like my case, everyday after I pick him up from school, he will telll me different things happen at school, ie what is the snack of the day, what to drink? what to play at the indoor playgroud, and even yesterday he showed me how teacher teach him how to stabd by himself and weewee at washroom ( yes ash he is small boy, still using diaper when go to school. Teacher told me she will start train him not using diaper) . Anyway, jusy want to share from my heart and hope you can find a suitable school soon.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-29 11:49 |只看該作者
Dear Petit-Prince,

Thanks a lot for starting this forum;
I as a mama hoping to choose the best for my kid, I would say I'd love to hear the pros and cons of the school before making the judgement.
I also believe that every school has the goodness and shortness so as we, the best for our child is to find the one suits them the most.

I truely believe the discussion here is fair and open and trust that here being a platform for discussion and sharing is very valuable for us.

Thanks a again for the parents to express their opinion here to let us have a reference.

原帖由 Petit-Prince 於 10-1-29 01:04 發表

Surprisingly to read some strong feedbacks on my post.  Firstly I want to declare I am a parent of having a kid studing in KCS now just as you, so I will not gain any benefit if anybody withdraw the ...
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