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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生 ...
樓主: llc

LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-13 00:01 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

[size=xx-small]講到呢間聖若望真恐怖, 點解呢排咁多事非?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-13 00:42 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

Celeste 寫道:

Sure la.
Without logical mind, how can 教好自己仔女?

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-13 20:52 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

呢個topic真係好得意,呢排sjc都出晒名!我個人都係幼稚園老師,我唔讚成有人話讚學校既一定係老師,因為我都成日彈我個間名校學校!可能有人會話我唔敬業樂業,不過如果當你知道呢間學校經常講大話,又迫你講大話,又犯法,又做d唔合理既事,甘樣就算係校內既一份子,你都絕對會手指咬出唔咬入!好喇,講到呢到,有人又會問,甘你可以唔做架? 踏左隻腳入黎唔係話唔做就唔做!不過我有機會實會!
我相信寫呢個topic既mami都唔係話想show off d咩野既...只係可能想分享下甘姐!不過,因為佢一句話令大家爭相反對,都幾奇觀!我又唔認同呢d不滿既人係唔被學校取錄既人,因為每間學校都會唔取錄好多人架喇,甘點解其他學校無呢d事?樹大扣風?唔通呢個幼稚園界淨係得sjc係一棵大樹?其他既樹都招唔到風? 空穴來風未必無因! sjc既家長們鐘意自己既學校當然係好事!佢地仲會挺身幫口,都係好事!淨明sjc都唔係差得好離譜,不過投訴得既舊家長又或者一d 不滿既路人都唔係話無態無據架!佢地唔鐘意得呢間學校一定係有d問題,教署事實上係規定只可以收500元既留位費,佢地要你地比成定d雜費,應該係唔得!至於點解要收甘多,大家都心照!無論咩原因都唔係原因,教署唔比既野佢地照做就係唔岩!如果唔係咪就無晒規則可言?
wisonkychan, 我唸victoria同sjc既教學方法絕對唔會用similar黎形容,唔知你有無認真對比過,一個係運用活動形式既project,一個係運用傳統主題,我唸你問好多幼稚園老師都知道佢地大大不同!!我有朋友以前都係sjc呢到教,都係惡評如潮!佢地老師既流失率都幾高!我相信savan所講,就是不讓家長參觀和人手不足!我朋友都是這樣說,當然有人可以質疑可信性,信不信由你!很多同行都知sjc是一間十分傳統的學校!試問要你先交1000元的費用才能保學位,家長慷慨給了!但是換來的是請你多等一年在開學時才讓你參觀課室是不合情又不合理的!如果到開學見過課室才知不對辦怎麼辦? 這例子就像要你用一兩百萬出來預訂樓花!到收樓時你唔岩辦囉未走囉!無人迫你!
大家不要互相懷疑了!有喜歡學校既家長因為可能他們真的遇到了好老師,仔女開心便好了! 有不喜歡學校的家長亦不出為奇,因為他們要求的sjc不能/不願給他們!但是既然讀得此校便開開心心繼續讀!不滿的亦可以與人分享,只是不要人身攻擊便好了!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-13 21:26 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

Did you know what the different btw 運用活動形式既project and 運用傳統主題? 活動形式既project is from the Western country but they still mixed with 傳統主題. Just like Victoria K is still need to let the kid to train up the writing, phonics and spelling also. SJC is same except they don't have much projects to do. One more thing I know is all the students study in Victoria K and SJC are very happy.  

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-13 22:06 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

小小bb, 我當然知啦! 甘主題教學都係受外國影響架!如果你甘講佢地都叫似既,甘全港既幼稚園都差唔多一樣啦?
我無質疑過sjc會令小朋友讀得唔開心喎!正如間樓花唔對辦都可以係住得人架!我地亦都唔好係到講呢個教學方法既問題喇!總之佢地事實係用緊唔同既教學法就係事實, 就算大家都教spelling同phonics方法都可以有好多唔同啦!點可以話一樣呀?你甘講所有學校都教abc架啦!

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-13 22:43 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

While I would not agree with the simplistic conclusion made by the person who started this thread, I would say that the English standard of an average student at 聖若望小學 is way higher than an average student in an average school.  Nothing scientific - only my observation on those 聖若望小學 students whom I conversed with in English.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-15 11:52 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

Dear Bluestar,

I'm sorry that I made typo mistake the date "30 Nov 04" should be read "30 Oct 04".  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-15 12:05 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

Wow, how can someone generalise in this way?  

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-15 12:20 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

IT is definitely not surprising to see that an outsider to LSC has attained the highest score in English --- as over 90% of LSC F.1 students came from LSPS without the need to compete with children from other schools (that';s exactly why most parents wanted their sons to get in LSPS as they only need an average result to get a place in their affiliated secondary school) and the other 10% (outsiders) must be the creme of the crop to be able to stand out from the rest and be selected. Guess they must be decathlon champions ......but I guess this is also a phenomenon in other schools as well. Maryknoll, SMCC, HK Wah Yan , DBS etc. THe outsiders must be so remarkable in order to get their way through.

Even though this topic is focused on the ENglish standard ,  but at least there are three more things I would consider :
I'm also wondering :: how many SJC students in total got in LSC F.1 last year, and what is the overall ranking of this child as compared to the others, how did this kid score in other subjects?

If a lot of SJC students got in, it really shows that the average standard of SJC students is outstanding as compared to other primary schools like ALliance , Kowloon Tong. Also , If  the overall ranking of this child is the top in the whole form as well , this shows that this child is really gifted-- maybe LSC is too simple / easy for him, so perhaps SJC's parents should not choose LSC as one of their choices in the first place as the standard is far too low for their children. THird, if only the ENglish standard is good, then perhaps this child should attend EFS schools so as not to let the results of other subjects discourage him.   

IN general, since it is still so difficult to get into LSC in F.1 (to compete with so many high standard children) , even if SJC's standard is remarkably high , I would still want my child to attend LSPS whose standard is much lower. THe main reason is that he does not have to live a primary life full of pressure  in order to get a place in teh secodnary section.

I'm also curious to know whether SJC 's parents would still apply for LSC in the future having known the superb English standard of SJC in this report?  Would you go for King's College or Queen's College instead who would warrant a more promising academic return for your children?

[img align=left]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid61/p093b2f8d9a326f07fec7160770ffeec4/fc28be39.jpg.thumb[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-15 17:43 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生


Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-15 20:15 |只看該作者

Re: LA SALLE 中一全級英文第一名是聖若望小學的學生

There's no right / wrong or final answer as everyone has their own perspective, it is based on constant reviews and stimulations from each other that our perspectives   could be more accomodating and broad -- in order to choose the right school for our children. Constructive discussion is key to rational decision-making.

Seems that you also want to know the final conclusion to help you make a choice ....my response to your question in another topic is ::depends on what alternatives you have at hand. If your choice is between LSPS and SJC , I'm sure your (or most of the mamas') choice would be LSPS --be honest---  isn't that the final conclusion that you're looking for under this topic?

Each school has good and not so bright students. I'm sure SJC has done a lot of good work and efforts to develop the children as most schools do. LSPS also has substandard performers especially under this kind of education system -- lottery.  

I'm sure deep down in most of our hearts we already got a definite answer -- LSPS instead of SJC even though SJC 's students scored the top.
Those unlucky children who didn't get a place in their no.1 ideal school in the lottery would definitely want to choose the best available private primary schools to make sure that the standards are compatible, so that they also have a good chance to get in a good secondary school in the future. Probably this could be the reason why parents got relieved with this piece of information.

Having gone through this game, I guess we should understand and support each other more as parents. I really think that constructive discussion is useful, but not antagonistic criticism of every single word that each responded.  Hope things discussed here do not disturb the learning experience of our chidren.
GoldenDragon 寫道:
[img align=left]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid61/p093b2f8d9a326f07fec7160770ffeec4/fc28be39.jpg.thumb[/img]
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