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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE
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Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 04-8-26 20:09 |只看該作者

Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

I have the free VCD from the DWE. My bb like the song of Hello!, I like to take a bath, Peek-a-boo and Up-and-Down very much. They are all with children singing and playing in the VCD.  When he watch the VCD, he is very happy and move together. But he is not very interested in the cartoon.

Do you know any other VCD similar to this (with children playing / singing in the VCD)?
Thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-30 08:54 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

May be mother goose, not exactly but similar.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-30 11:11 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

Hello, Take a Bath, Peek-a-boo and Up-and-Down.  They're all NOT belongs to Sing Along.  They're in Play Along.  The whole set of Play Along has only 34 songs.
If you like that, just get more demo disks from DWE or from different counters, different sales.  They have several versions of demo disks, though some of those songs are duplicated.  But you'll be able to accumulate about 10 songs from different demo disks.
From my previous research, there're no similar VCD.
You can try Mother Goose, but the songs are more like poem.  But still, it's quite good and the price is reasonable.  Check at the website, Popular Bookshop, Singapore is much cheaper.
Demo is available at some Times' counter, but they sell it at ~HK$2800.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-8-31 01:25 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

Thank you.  I am going to buy the Mother Goose also.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-31 08:45 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

我想你買在mother goose,不如買哥套星版dwe,內容係由淺入深既,第一隻係介紹自己,有abc song等.
mother goose係d 詩句來架,我覺得幾悶架,但bb細既話,佢可能會看,大d佢九成都唔會看,因為內容沉悶.
我買哥套係大陸版mother goose,約百幾蚊到,如小朋友唔鐘意睇,都唔覺得好浪費金錢嘛~因為香港買成二千幾呀.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-8-31 18:12 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

我之前買了大陸的dwe, 但我個b都唔like 睇.
我也買了幾本大陸的noddy, 但都係冇興趣, 只鍾意dwe的free sample (play along) 同我地睇的電視lo.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-31 21:23 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

大陸 has no dwe. Yours should be the "Disney Magic English. The pace is too fast. Don't let your child watch too much "同我地睇的電視".
I have the 100% new Singapore DWE. If you want to buy it. Please go to:
兒女是耶和華所賜的產業  詩篇127章3節

Rank: 4

發表於 04-9-1 12:09 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-1 12:19 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

Someone is selling a set of DWE VCDs, no books, at yahoo auctions for HK$880. I believe this is a Singapore or Malaysia version.


It is cheap, but still it might not be useful to your kids.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-1 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

If you know computer, you can extract the songs from the 12 VCDs in main program (12 VCSs of singapore DWE). It will then be almost the same as the Singalong from DWE.
Besides, my baby loves mother goose very much since she was 8 months old. It is not boring. I did not know you can buy it from China. Is it the same as the one from HK? If so, it is definitely worth to buy it. (Some of the songs in mother goose are the very traditional Bristish nursery rhymes. I presume all children in UK knows) I suppose it does not hurt to expose your baby to those nursery rhymes.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-9-3 12:36 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

just have a query.

is mother goose in British accent?  i am playing Play along to my 10 month old girl and i am wondering if Mother goose will be a good alternative?


Rank: 4

發表於 04-9-4 10:17 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

I've bought 1 Singapore set from someone at $22XX for my friend.
But suddenly my friend's siblings gave her the HK set.
Now I want to sell it (100% new, not yet opened) with a profit to compensate the inconvenience I get.

Please note that in spite of the Malay subtitle in the VCDs, all the language used and voiced out in the VCDs, and the words in the books are in "English".

There are 12 vcds and 12 hard-cover books.
The set is named the "Basic ABCs+". It covers the core cirrculum of the HK set.
*All the songs in DVDs of the HK DWE "Sing Along" are included in the "Basic ABCs+".
*But the "Sing Along" has more songs in its "audio CDs".
*In the DVDs and the books of the "Basic ABCs+", they have more dialogue than the "Sing Along".
*"lay Along" is a different product. It does not share the core curriculum of the HK set. There is no Disney element at all.
(I know because I have them all)

Please PM to me to"bid" by 11:00 p.m. of Sept 12, 2004. The lower price is $22XX.
Thank you very much.


兒女是耶和華所賜的產業  詩篇127章3節

Rank: 4

發表於 04-9-4 10:18 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

[size=medium]A True Story about Singapore DWE:
In early 2002 I bought the HK DWE "lay Along" and the "Sing Along".
In late 2002 I also bought one Singapore "Basic ABCs+" at $1200 for my son. When some of the whole set "Basic ABCs+" were still available in the Singapore Popular Bookstore, there were a lot of parents placed order. Soon, the HK World Family sent a legal warning letter to them. And the Popular stopped to send the rest of the whole set to HK. So there were many parents bought the rest in Singapore through agents. I am one of the parents. Soon, the stock was sold out. People could not find it any more from last year. My friends borrowed my set and watch it. They know that it really covers the core curriculum of the HK set which is over $22,000. They tried to find it for their children but failed.
This July one of my friends contacted a person who could sell him some sets. Each set is $22XX. My several friends immediately placed an order without hesitation although it is higher than $1200. Because they know that it has disappeared since last year. And it is only 1/10 of the HK price.
One of my friend will give birth to her baby this month. She asked me to help her by paying for her and collecting it. I paid $22XX. But her siblings gave her the HK set as a gift when she was ready to collect it from me. My set is not yet opened. Another friend who also bought a set informed me that the VCDs and the books are all right. So, please don't worry.
Of course I want to sell it at higher than $22XX. Why should I suffer from selling it out at a loss of money? I am not doing charity.

photo of my set:

兒女是耶和華所賜的產業  詩篇127章3節

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-4 12:29 |只看該作者

Re: Any other material simlar to Sing Along of DWE

Yes, the mother goose is in Bristish accent. I also played Singalong and Playalong to my daughter (she has no interest to the main program except the first two volumes) since she was 4 months old. Then either I've got bored or she has got bored as I have no other VCDs in that time. By the time she was around 8 months old, I started playing the mother goose to her and she loves it very much as well. Of course in between I still show her the Singalong and Playalong depends on what she likes. In the later stage, I also show her some other VCDs including some of the material that I prepared myself (like the one from Tina but in VCD format), Barney, Elmo, letter factory from legfrog. babyestein (only some interesting DVDs) and zippy. I also let her listen to the classic as a lullaby while she sleeps, other nursery rhymes CDs during day time, a lot of books for her to read (or flip around). I reckon just a set of DWE is simply not enough and I think my daughter is doing just fine.
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