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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 有冇Anfield畢業生既家長比下意見 ?
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有冇Anfield畢業生既家長比下意見 ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-30 23:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

Is the ESF entry rate for Anfield students high ? Where your childen go after grauated from Anfield ?
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-2-3 15:46 |只看該作者
My son graduated from Anfield in 2005. He studied there for 3 years since prep-programme till K.2.

I would say don't 100% count on Anfield to get you a place in ESF, cos they really can't guarantee. Take my son's case as example. As he was born in 2000, the competition was very keen. He did not get an interview from ESF school, until last year (when he was already Year 4!). Since ESF offers interview/place to kids according to their own criteria/priority list, not by the kindergarten. If you kid is holding HK passport like my son, then he will be in the 2nd last category, one level higher than local kid from local school only.

However, I have to say that Anfield did give my son a very good foundation. Although he did not get a interview from ESF, he got accepted by every IS when he got an interview.

Overall, I think Anfield is a good school giving the kids a loving and caring environment together with good academic development, both English and Chinese (among IS).

But I heard that there've been some changes (principal & teachers) in Anfield in the past few years, so I am not sure about the latest situation though.

原帖由 workmama 於 09-1-30 23:11 發表

Is the ESF entry rate for Anfield students high ? Where your childen go after grauated from Anfield ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-3 16:06 |只看該作者


原帖由 Ruby1219 於 09-2-3 15:46 發表
My son graduated from Anfield in 2005. He studied there for 3 years since prep-programme till K.2.

I would say don't 100% count on Anfield to get you a place in ESF, cos they really can't guarantee. ...

Dear Ruby1219,

Thank you so much for your sharing.  Then, did you know any case whose children grauated from Anfield and entered ESF ?

Thank you again.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-3 17:53 |只看該作者
My daughter also graduated from Anfield in 2008.
She studied there for K2 only from Nov, 2007 to June, 2008.
Now, she is a year one student of ESF BH School.
My comment for Anfield is same as Ruby1219.
My girl had a happy learning time there.
Until now, she still remembers Anfiled’s principal, teachers and special school events.  She always read the school year book to recall school life.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-4 00:21 |只看該作者


原帖由 Valerie媽媽 於 09-2-3 17:53 發表
My daughter also graduated from Anfield in 2008.
She studied there for K2 only from Nov, 2007 to June, 2008.
Now, she is a year one student of ESF BH School.
My comment for Anfield is same as Ruby ...

Hi Valerie,

Would you mind to tell us what category your daughter was ? Cat.1 or Cat. 2?

Anyway, thank you so much for your sharing.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-2-4 10:57 |只看該作者
Dear all ex/current Anfield's parents,

Happy to hear that Anfield is caring school, my son loves this school, he is now studying Prep-program in Anfield and will continue to study K1 there.  As my son will have interview at ICS tomorrow, I am now still struggling between Anfield and ICS if he gets accepted by ICS.

Hi Polly,

Will you apply other IS except ESF?

Hi Ruby,

You said you got an interview from ESF, will you transfer your son to ESF?  Is your son is now studying GSIS if I am not wrong.

In addition, as there are not so many ISs in Kowloon side/N.T. when comparing with HK side, ESf is one of the choices, I would like to know what are/were your choices for primary school?  Maybe I am too early to consider the primary, but this really affects my KG choice now.


原帖由 workmama 於 09-2-4 00:21 發表

Hi Valerie,

Would you mind to tell us what category your daughter was ? Cat.1 or Cat. 2?

Anyway, thank you so much for your sharing.

[ 本帖最後由 iristony625 於 09-2-4 11:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-4 14:09 |只看該作者


原帖由 iristony625 於 09-2-4 10:57 發表
Dear all ex/current Anfield's parents,

Happy to hear that Anfield is caring school, my son loves this school, he is now studying Prep-program in Anfield and will continue to study K1 there.  As my so ...

ICS is also a good school, i hear from friends feedback, the teacher and the school are very very caring and students are studying very happy.  Quite a lot communication between school and parents.

For me, the ideal school is ESF school, if not, i will apply the other local school e.g. Creative primary school as IS depenture is expensive...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-2-4 23:08 |只看該作者
Hi iristony625,

You are right that my son is now studying at GSIS, how can you know ?
We actually did not take the interview offered by ESF, cos it's after my son joined GSIS for few months already, and my son loves GSIS a lot. He also got accepted by CDNIS, but we gave up for the same reason. Also, I think GSIS is the highest standard school among these 3.

When looking for primary 1, we just applied for ESF, Phoenix (RCHK now) and ICS for my son. He got interviews from Phoenix and ICS and got accepted by both. We chose Phoenix. In fact, he just transferred to GSIS during middle of Year 3.

You are right that you have to make the decision now as your kindy choice would affect your primary path. If you consider ICS is good primary for your kid, then I think you should choose ICS over Anfield for kindy. It's good to have a thru-train school to avoid disruption. ICS is a good school. We did not choose it just becos it was in Fotan temporary campus at that time, and we wanted our son to learn more and traditional Chinese which Phoenix/RCHK offers.

原帖由 iristony625 於 09-2-4 10:57 發表
Dear all ex/current Anfield's parents,

Happy to hear that Anfield is caring school, my son loves this school, he is now studying Prep-program in Anfield and will continue to study K1 there.  As my so ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-2-4 23:11 |只看該作者

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Surely there were a lot of Anfield graduates got into ESF, as a lot of them are foreigners or with foreign passports. And, most of them could pass the interview with the good education from Anfield.


Rank: 2

發表於 09-2-5 09:49 |只看該作者
Dear Ruby,

I remembered you mentioned that your son is studying in GSIS in another thread.

By the way, why you transferred your son from RC to GSIS.

As you are ex-RC parent, would you share more about RC.  Pros/Cons comments are welcome.


原帖由 Ruby1219 於 09-2-4 23:08 發表
Hi iristony625,

You are right that my son is now studying at GSIS, how can you know ?
We actually did not take the interview offered by ESF, cos it's after my son joined GSIS for few months already ...

[ 本帖最後由 iristony625 於 09-2-5 11:15 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-2-8 12:08 |只看該作者
I changed my son to GSIS becos we decided to relocate to Island side, since me and my husband both work in the Island side.
Originally, I wanted  to 'transfer' him to ESF school in Island side. But RC students have no advantage in this at all.
So, we applied for ESF, CDNIS and GSIS. So happened that GSIS was the first one to offer us an interview and finally a place. So we accepted the offer and started with GSIS last April. Then, we got offer from CDNIS and interview opportunity from ESF. But my son was very happy with GSIS and therefore we did not make any changes again. I even rejected the interview by ESF.
RC is a good school to us. Both my son and I did like it a lot. I think I shared the same reasons as most RC parents, on why choosing RC :new campus, more emphasis on Chinese, IB system, reasonable price...etc. One thing I liked after joining the school is the nice attitude of the teachers, principals and staff. We felt welcome and warm in the school.
In terms of 'negative' things, I think many parents mentioned before as well. It's the lack of track record for academic performance and the high ratio of local Chinese. When I applied for RC, I thought these are not important. But honestly after joining GSIS, I can tell the difference. The academic standard of GSIS is higher, in terms of English, Math, etc. Of course not Chinese. Also, the ratio of foreigners in GSIS is very high. This would affect the child's native proficiency in English and his social circle. This is not about pro-western and anti-Chinese/Hong Kong. But it's true that your child will grow up in a more multi-national social group and this would affect his social connection when he grows up. Especially for parents who put their kids in IS, I think they prefer their kids to have more exposure to different cultures and different nationalities.

Afterall, no school is perfect. RC is a good school that I think it worths considering.


原帖由 iristony625 於 09-2-5 09:49 發表
Dear Ruby,

I remembered you mentioned that your son is studying in GSIS in another thread.

By the way, why you transferred your son from RC to GSIS.

As you are ex-RC parent, would you share more ab ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-8 22:54 |只看該作者
Dear Ruby1219,

I agree your specific point below very very much and it is the reason we put the child in IS and/ or overeseas.

"The academic standard of GSIS is higher, in terms of English, Math, etc. Of course not Chinese. Also, the ratio of foreigners in GSIS is very high. This would affect the child's native proficiency in English and his social circle. This is not about pro-western and anti-Chinese/Hong Kong. But it's true that your child will grow up in a more multi-national social group and this would affect his social connection when he grows up. Especially for parents who put their kids in IS, I think they prefer their kids to have more exposure to different cultures and different nationalities."

I am hestitating to apply for GSIS due to its high debenture fee at a time.
By the way, is it that you are required to pay for the debenture of 250,000? or they have capital levy instead?

(We are applying for CDNIS currently for its pre-reception, and Kellet, JIS for their reception.)


原帖由 Ruby1219 於 09-2-8 12:08 發表
I changed my son to GSIS becos we decided to relocate to Island side, since me and my husband both work in the Island side.
Originally, I wanted  to 'transfer' him to ESF school in Island side. But R ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-2-9 11:21 |只看該作者

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Yes, GSIS requires 250k for debenture. As far as I know, that's no levy.

CDNIS requires the same amount for debenture right ? Although the monthly tuition fee of GSIS is higher than CDNIS's, yet the school hour is shorter. So, many parents might feel that CDNIS is more value for money.
But I think GSIS is of higher standard than CDNIS, just my personal view.

For CDNIS, Manulife does offer a scholarship for CDNIS new students. But I don't know if that's for primary and secondary only. And, you need to be a Manulife client or staff to apply for your kid. My son did get the scholarship. By which, we don't need to pay the debenture and can get HK$25,000 sponsonship every year. But we still gave up as we prefer GSIS.

Good luck to your school hunting.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-9 12:23 |只看該作者
Dear Ruby:
Yes, GSIS requires 250k for debenture. As far as I know, that's no levy.
CDNIS requires the same amount for debenture right ? Although the monthly tuition fee of GSIS is higher than CDNIS's, yet the school hour is shorter. So, many parents might feel that CDNIS is more value for money.
But I think GSIS is of higher standard than CDNIS, just my personal view.
From maria - It is not only your personal view, but it is the fact. GSIS is rigorous. My sister as a private tutor of string instructments on HK island tells me the same.

For CDNIS, Manulife does offer a scholarship for CDNIS new students. But I don't know if that's for primary and secondary only. And, you need to be a Manulife client or staff to apply for your kid. My son did get the scholarship. By which, we don't need to pay the debenture and can get HK$25,000 sponsonship every year. But we still gave up as we prefer GSIS.
From Maria - I dont know that - I just think paying persoanl debenture plus capital levy.

Good luck to your school hunting.
Thank you! Maria


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-2-9 13:20 |只看該作者

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Hi Maria,

For CDNIS, if you pay for the debenture, no need to pay the levy wor.

But my son said the assessment of CDNIS seems more difficult than GSIS's! It's true that the former took more than 2 hours while the latter lasted form just 1 hour in our case. Also, CDNIS seems having a more systemic marking scheme. They do show your kid's result in the acceptance letter.

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