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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Profolio is a must to interview?
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Profolio is a must to interview? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-4 20:16 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Welcome to give comment because the profolio seems not to be a decisive and crucial criteria for the schools to select the students in this year.
Some of elite schools do not actively request the parents to submit the profolio or request not wasting the time to prepare the profolio.
Any comment?

[ 本帖最後由 juniorpam 於 08-11-4 20:18 編輯 ]
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-4 20:53 |只看該作者
In my case, I put the following into the folder:

1. Self-introductory letter (1 page)
2. Recommendation letter from Kindergarten principal (1 page)
3. Recommendation/ confirmation letter from Church pastor (1 page)
4. School reports (K1-K2) (2 or 4 pages)
5. School observation report (2 pages prepared by the kindergarten, photos with comment for the kid)
而家好多間幼稚園都會幫小朋友做portfolio, 所以其實係當中搵兩版寫得好d既放入去便可.
6. Homework samples (1 page: half page for Chinese, half page for Eng)
7. Introducing the activity classes the kid is attending (certs + photos) 2 pages
8. Family photos 1 page

我既portfolio唔係好fancy, 只係有系統咁將d有參考價值既文件放入個folder度. 我覺得portfolio只係學校係睇完小朋友既面試之後, 再稍作考慮既參考文件. 所以, activities唔使好多, 我寫出來既activities就只有drawing, phonics, swimming同playing piano. 我覺得反而學校既成績表會係個portfolio內最有參考價值既部分.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-4 22:15 |只看該作者
I am sure that the headmistress of Ying Wah and St. Paul do read my son's profolio before his second interview.

Ms Lee mentioned that she saw a self-protriat of my son in the portfolio and that's why she know he like drawing.

While Ms Chan hold his portfolio when she talk to my son.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-4 23:30 |只看該作者
Agreed! I saw Ms Chan was holding my son's profolio and marked the notes on that when interview with my son.
But I found  wrong spelling on the porfilio after submitted to school. And the mistake was found by my home helper when she tiddy up my working desk. She told me that I have note this wrong spelling before but havn't told me to correct it until I had sent  the last one profolio out.
原帖由 FM 於 08-11-4 22:15 發表
I am sure that the headmistress of Ying Wah and St. Paul do read my son's profolio before his second interview.

Ms Lee mentioned that she saw a self-protriat of my son in the portfolio and that's wh ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-5 11:48 |只看該作者
no, upon request

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-11-5 11:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 juniorpam 於 08-11-4 20:16 發表
Welcome to give comment because the profolio seems not to be a decisive and crucial criteria for the schools to select the students in this year.
Some of elite schools do not actively request the pare ...

其實我覺得係一種風氣, rather than a must
個個都抱著人有我有的心態, 看到別人有portfolio, 自己當然要有, 但其實用處有多大, 真的見仁見智
不過, 我想說, 現在的trend 己經去到interview nursery 己經要portfolio, 有朋友問我那裏有人幫手做portfolio, 她囡囡才歲多, 才讓我知道, 現在in n1, 一個歲多的小朋友, 也流行起交portfolio
不過我想問, 一個歲多的小朋友, 除了birth certificate 和一個半個playgroup的証明外, 還有什麼好交上去呢 ?
但朋友說她眼見人人手上都有, 所以也要交一個上去
但我絕對相信, 沒有一個幼兒園和幼稚園要求交portfolio
(雖然說的case 不是升小一, 但大家可以見到這個是一種人有我有風氣)

Rank: 1

發表於 08-11-5 12:15 |只看該作者
非常同意 "風氣" 這個observation.

回想我小時候讀書每個小朋友都係自已讀, 連補習老師都唔係太興。相比之下, 依家D小朋友被催谷"琴棋書畫"嘅主要目的係一為portfolio, 二才可能為興趣。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-5 12:23 |只看該作者
I agree that having a portfolio for nursery is a bit too much. However for P1 application, I will highly recommend parents to prepare for their kids.

It gives a summary of your kid's character, strenght and interest.

Performance during interview is the KEY and not all teacher/headmaster will read through all the them before the interview.

But I think when it get down to the final round of interview, it "may" play an important role because:-
1) Time span of final interview can last for more than 2 weeks. A summary can help the teacher to refresh their memory of your kid when they made the decision. (There are at least 200/300 kids for final round)
2) Your kid may be nervous and did not perform so well during the interview but a portfolio can help you to remind the interviewer that his normal performance is good and he may be just a it nervous.
3) The particular strength/talent may not be notice during the interview. If you won award in speech festival or swimming contest. There is no way the teacher will know without you highlighting it.
4) "人有我有" attitude - may not the right attitude but other parents devote their time to make a portfolio and you don't even bother...it may give the wrong impression.

This is just my personal view.

Of course, I don't recommend a fancy one done by professional.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-5 13:35 |只看該作者
if your son is super...sure win...no need to have portfolio.
if your son is not competitive enough...sure out...no need to have portfolio.
if your son is in the middle....why not spend a few days work to prepare the portfolio to give the principles a more structure view and information about your child. Really do not understand the rationale of the parents ask this question. If you decided to join the "self apply" game, just simply follow the game rule. If you disagree with the rule; or you want to be outstanding by not follow the game rule; or you want to use alternative, you are using your child as the bet. then you should not join the game and wait for the lucky draw.

[ 本帖最後由 pppp41 於 08-11-5 13:37 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-5 13:46 |只看該作者

發表於 08-11-5 14:13 |只看該作者

portolio is a must to interview ?

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