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教育王國 討論區 右思維幼稚園 Rightmind Kindergarten
樓主: gor_gor

Rightmind Kindergarten [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-4 13:52 |只看該作者
I believe both Rightmind and Victoria are commercial.  While RM has a lot to catch up or improve, I would like to bring to the attention of parents looking for Victoria that some parents regard Victoria kinder's curriculum is too easy, causing problems in bridging primary school education.  Take a look at:
http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/viewthread.php?tid=1679241&page=1#pid26353271 (the parent mentioned in the 3rd paragraph that the kinder curriculum of Victoria was 程度都比不上另一間local傳統學校)  In fact I have heard many similar comments regarding Victoria kinder's curriculum.

For Putonghua/English stream in Victoria kinder, one has to caution because from my own experience, I have heard some Victoria kinder's Putonghua teachers speak HK style Putonghua.  Very stunning!

Despite being commented as "commercial", I appreciate Rightmind's rich curriculum through which kids can learn a lot happily.  It's a truly bilingual kinder with teachers who are native speakers of English or Putonghua.  The language environment is excellent, unlike the 疑似 native Putonghua teaching by other kinders.

While I don't want to highlight its English curriculum - which may be easily compared by benchmarking other "commercial" kinders, I wish to talk about its Putonghua curriculum.  Its 中華字經 lessons are really wonderful.  It helps the kids to easily recognise Chinese characters and read them out in Putonghua which is really amazing.  For example, my kid who is in K1 can read the taught portion of 中華字經 at home.  He just learns it naturally and happily (we don't send him to take extracurricular Putonghua courses).  A parent I know has also praised that 中華字經 helps her kid cope with P.1 dictation.  Her kid needs little effort in doing revision while his classmates not.

With the rich curriculum that RM offers, I incline to say that the current tuition fee is worth it.  Of course, some may think otherwise, but I believe RM has its fans too.

[ 本帖最後由 cornelius 於 08-12-4 14:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-4 14:15 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

只要你去開過家長會, 你就想知道為什麼k3會咁少人, 而k2又比k1少人數...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-4 14:20 |只看該作者
I read both good and bad comments before I make decision, when I come back to good thing about RM, I can only hear how many Chinese words the student can recognize and 程度 ...., no more. But bad things are too many. The same I hear both good and bad comments of Victoria but found out that good things more than bad, that's it.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-4 17:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 小豆豬 於 08-12-4 14:15 發表
只要你去開過家長會, 你就想知道為什麼k3會咁少人, 而k2又比k1少人數...


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-4 17:24 |只看該作者
"K3 has fewer kids?!" - is it because some kids have already gone to international primary schools after K2?

It's very normal for IS kinders to have very few students at K3 level (if these kinders run K3 for the sake of local parents).  Rightmind, though not exactly an IS kinder, does not kids going to IS primary every year.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-4 17:26 |只看該作者
I believe that the class size of 23 kids in a K3 class is not small.

原帖由 ernestchow 於 08-12-4 17:05 發表


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-4 17:31 |只看該作者

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-12-4 20:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 mossma 於 08-12-4 12:14 發表
好開心,終於等到有人再發表,但在你o地未發表前我都唔會再考慮哩間嘢(唔想用學校來形容,因哩間嘢在本人心目中唔稱得上係一間學校),返學唔係 only 學認字,還要學好品德,還有好多其它認字以外嘅嘢,各位家長有時間都可以返屋企開 ...


Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-12 17:51 |只看該作者
可能我哋呢一代英文基礎唔好, 所以大家都想個細路基礎打好啲.......我都心大心細
RM真係掂..不過..若你擔心將來升小學or中學的問題, 你可考慮讀kingston or 啟思 又或耀中
kingston最好, 讀完kd, 大部份國際學校都收

我老公成日同我讀, hk人分兩種, 一係有$$一係冇, 你有$$唔怕揀國際學校, 因為佢哋通常睇$$份上, 再唔係送佢過外國讀書,
冇$$唔緊要, 揀有政府資助囉, 反正讀書唔係真係最重要, 依家攞住大疊證書學位都搵唔到工啦, 幫個細路打好個底, 之後教佢投資抄股票, 呢啲先係我哋做父母要考慮的

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-20 00:00 |只看該作者
The following is my experience with KinderU/Rightmind:

I attended a talk conducted by the management of KinderU / Rightmind some time ago, and I was told that if we have any questions regarding the teaching of our children, we were welcome to send them emails. So I sent an email to KinderU asking for their advice on how to teach my child phonics and spelling.

I got a return mail from KinderU, and they asked me a few questions on how I was teaching my child at the moment. They also asked me if my child had joined KinderU or Rightmind. I then told them that I had attended their trial lesson but did not join in the end because their timetable did not fit my son's schedule (as their lesson was in pm and my son attended school in pm also).

KinderU then returned another mail to me reprimanding me for not planning well for my son. They told me if I had planned well and had sent my son to proper training (ie at KinderU/Rightmind), my son would have taught himself how to read and spell by now. They kind of implied that it's very late to do anything now, and they did not give me any advice on what I could do now to train up my son. (PS my son is only 3.5 years old!)

Their reply was very rude. I felt that they were angry and refused to give me any advice just because I did not enrol in their school.  

Before this incident, I've considered joining one of their courses (if not, I would not have paid $390 for their trial lesson). But now, I don't think I would entrust my son's education in such narrow minded people's hands.  

原帖由 mossma 於 08-12-4 12:14 發表
好開心,終於等到有人再發表,但在你o地未發表前我都唔會再考慮哩間嘢(唔想用學校來形容,因哩間嘢在本人心目中唔稱得上係一間學校),返學唔係 only 學認字,還要學好品德,還有好多其它認字以外嘅嘢,各位家長有時間都可以返屋企開 ...
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