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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 請教漢基CIS及寶山的家長/準家長
樓主: babylee

請教漢基CIS及寶山的家長/準家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-4 00:24 |只看該作者

Re: 請教漢基CIS及寶山的家長/準家長

Hi Ada,

I also want to get some opinion from you.  It's preparing for my daughter and she will be entry Form 1 in upcoming year 2007.

However, her current school teaching method is really really bad.  Maybe it's location problem, i like their concept but however can't achieve at all.  

Her exam result is not that good and also english.  I awared that HK education policy & system is a kind of messy.  Therefore, i want to send her to international school to study.  I will consider EFS & Yew Chung Int'l school and also Chinese int'l school, can u give me some comment on this school.

Noted that my girl's english is not really good, will they accept and let her attend some intensive course?  Since i plan to send her to study aboard after few years.

i always feel regret that choose a bad school for her.

Please help!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-4 01:09 |只看該作者

Re: 請教漢基CIS及寶山的家長/準家長

我認識寶山的普通話老師, 她是精歌舞又盡責的好老師.  我也有兩個家長朋友在k3轉了校, 為的是覺得孩子k2就用小方格寫中文, 實在無此必要, 也認為校方的透明度不高.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-4 17:08 |只看該作者

Re: 請教漢基CIS及寶山的家長/準家長

Dear Ada,

Thanks so so so much for your information about the school of GSIS.  It's really helpful.  

According to what you said above, does it mean that the school encourage the parent to communicate with their children in English rather than Cantonese (for Chinese family)?  That means once our children are admitted, we, the parent must shift to English speaking at home.  I really feel a bit odd because as we live in Hong Kong, it's natural that we'll speak Cantonese in our daily life, and especially the family gathering with our grandparents, meeting with our friends, etc.  We are a traditional Chinese family, more than 90% of our relatives and friends are Chinese speaking people.  How can we deal with this situation?  I'll have the feeling that as our children are going up, we need to bring them back to the society in which Cantonese speaking is a must.  Do we have to distinguish ourself as a 'small minority'?  Or we have to find some English speaking friends in future?  Will it affect our children social life with those Cantonese speaking kids?  Sorry, maybe I'm thinking too much.  Please advise.
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