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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 小一考試想借個位呻下
樓主: wwyee

小一考試想借個位呻下 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 04-6-16 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下


睇到你的留言, 其實都感同身受, 大家都是小一媽咪, 邊個唔想自己仔女成績好, 功課好, 樣樣都好. 我女而家都是考緊試, 溫書時真是想死咁滯, 教d數又是唔識, 出晒煙. 佢又發晒小姐脾氣, 關係簡直可以用惡劣來形容. 但平心靜氣諗下, 而家先小一, 仲有5年小學, 5年中學要繼續......咁樣要"博斗"到幾時? 因為成績分數而影響感情, 我覺得萬分不值. 所以唯有睇開d, 做到基本要求, 電視照睇, 公園照去, 乜都一切如常, 等佢唔覺是壓力, 壓力好多時是由父母而來.

可能你是全職, 比我更加多要求(因為成日對住仔仔, 睇到晒! )請恕我直言....

你睇下平時有冇人幫到你睇佢地一陣, 你自己一個人行下街, 或者剪個靚髮, 心情又會唔同...

講左咁多, 有時都唔知自己講得o岩唔o岩, 總之, 呢度真是好好, 個個媽咪都能互相勉勵, 分享, ....共勉之~~

或者學hhma話, 搞番個summer function, 我都like的.~~   
Betty媽咪人生總是充滿挑戰與無奈, 好多事并不是自己所能控制, 但仍希望可以將所有障礙一一闖過, 健康的活下去......... :-P  :-P

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-6-16 10:19 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

我女兒今年升K2, 為了她搬去九龍塘, 自己節衣縮食後給她去學畫,學琴,學拼音........... 我想身為人父母若有能力給子女多方面發展,當然是希望她將來好.........她今天那麼富足的生活亦表示父母順景..........回想我和老公年輕時父母都沒有能力"投資"在我們身上, 我們想學的都要靠自己, 沒地方溫習去圖書館, 為了讀多點書要做Part Time, 選校要自己想因為父母根本不懂,但我和我先生今天略有所成...我估計在此留言的朋友大多如此....總結現代孩子是否會先甜..後??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-6-16 10:55 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下


係呀!就係你咁講,因為成日對住仔仔, 睇到晒! 我都知道行開下會好d,但無法啦!無人幫,做咩野都係假嘅,真係有苦自己知,唯一衹好在這裡先找到心靈上的一點安慰呀!   

Rank: 1

發表於 04-6-16 14:42 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

hhma & 各位媽咪:


hhma 寫道:

:idea: 我的家務和烹飪秘笈 :idea: :idea: 教兒樂 :idea:

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-16 15:47 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下


其實有那一個家長不想自己的仔女開開心心咁渡過童年?! 如果能力OK的話,有誰不想讓自己的仔女入讀國際學校呀?

最慘莫過於香港現今的在職媽媽,政府叫人生育,生完又叫父母多些關懷子女,另一方面又要自我增值,免被淘汰,跟住公司又要求員工不斷OT,到假日又要做家務 (因為香港政府比外傭放假)!你話唔攪到D媽媽精神有問題就假嘞!



Rank: 4

發表於 04-6-16 17:03 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-6-17 12:05 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

Blythemia 寫道:

Yes, and my daughter told me that learning is to learn anything, not only getting high marks!        while she is watching is advertisment!
My husband and I just want the kids to learning with interest and learn what they like! Of couse " PASS " exam in school.
[imhttp://f20.yahoofs.com/hkblog/QxQNJuaZBxbMC83Zvzc-_2/blog/ap_20080328124932397.jpg?ib_____Dvg8knZgQg align=right]

發表於 04-6-17 13:39 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-6-17 13:39 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

連日來幫家中的小一生溫習準備考試, 今天才看到這個topic, 當我看到wwyee寫 " 一個7歲大人仔,每日都好似返工咁,由朝八到下午四,衹可以小休一陣,跟住就做功課,仲要做埋呀媽比佢d paper,唔做又比呀媽"now",做錯又比呀媽炳,
食反沖涼時間都好像要匆住要搭機咁,餘下時間又時要溫習明天的默書"  時, 我真是眼淚都流埋, 這正正昰我兒的寫照.

我兒子昰讀活動教學幼稚園的, 剛升小一時英文字完全唔識 串. 中文真係"盲"字都唔識多個, 所以我要求不高, 但求他合格, 又或名列中至中下. 我都prepare jor.  點知意料之外, 他又pick up 到, 家長日時老師說他170 人考23, 並說叫他努力多少少就可得獎啦! 咁就死喇!!!! 我不知不覺間對他的要求愈來愈高, 常想他可以做到就push 多D, 可能真係溫書溫到過晒龍都唔知,他 一有少少唔記得或唔專心或大意, 我就火都嚟埋. 看完咁多家長的分享, 我先知自己幾過份!!甚麽教肓理念及抱負都忘記得一乾二淨........  多謝各位讓我懂得反省.......

發表於 04-6-17 13:47 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

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發表於 04-6-17 13:52 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-6-17 14:06 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下


看過各位之說話, 真是貼心一樣.  想個小朋友文武双全係人都想, 見到身邊的小朋友很叻, 就不期然比較一下.  如果自己個女一樣醒就好... 這個期望令我教女都會間唔中發脾氣.  之後又後悔傷害了她的自尊, 打擊了自信

好彩有幾位girlfriends, 一去行街食飯 就放鬆很多, 以下是一篇有关 Girlfriends的文章.  我的女朋友都很同意:  

I sat under an oak tree in Wyoming on a summer day, drinking iced tea and visiting with my mother. "Don't forget your girlfriends", Mother advised, clinking the ice cubes in her glass. No matter how much you love your husband, you are still going to need girlfriends. Remember to go places with them now and then; and do things with them, even when you don't necessarily want to, And remember that girlfriends are not only friends, but sisters, daughters, mothers, grandmothers and other relatives too. Women supporting and relating to other women is our responsibility and our gift. "What a funny piece of advice," I thought. "Hadn't I just gotten married? Hadn't I just joined the couple-world? I was now a married woman, for goodness sake, not some young girl who needed friends!"

But I listened to my Mom. I kept in contact with my girlfriends and even found some new ones along the way. As the years tumbled by, one after another,  

I gradually came to understand that Mom really knew what she was talking about!

Here is what I know about girlfriends:

***girlfriends bring casseroles and scrub your bathroom when you need help;

***girlfriends keep your children and your secrets.

***girlfriends give advice when you ask, sometimes you take it and sometimes you don't.


***girlfriends don't always tell you you're right, but they usually tell the truth.

***girlfriends still love you, even when they disagree with your choices.

***girlfriends laugh with you and don't need canned jokes to start the laughter.
***girlfriends pull you out of jams.

***girlfriends don't keep a calendar of who hosted the other's last big party.


***girlfriends will celebrate for your son or daughter when they get married or have a baby, in whichever order that happens.

***girlfriends are there for you in an instant, and when the hard times come,
***girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a friend.

***girlfriends listen when your children break your heart.
***girlfriends listen when your parents' minds and bodies fail.   
My daughters, sisters, family, and friends bless my life! When we began this adventure, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other..... Pass this on to your girlfriends/sisters/daughters.. I just did!

Read the next 2 lines very slowly and let it sink in...
If God brings you to it,
He will bring you through it.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-6-17 14:51 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

Really confused on how to be a mum. I believe all parents want their kids have happy childhood and all of them hope that they can have good prospect when they grown up.

Today’s kids seem more lucky as they can have more toys and more opportunities to learn things they like and they can have chance to go to travel every year. But I believe that we had happy childhood than they are and we are luckier than they are. At least we need not facing great pressure in our school life and also at least we have brothers and sisters to share our sadness. Kids now have to face these all themselves.

Although we were in poor living condition but this made us learn how to struggle for what we want to have and know how to handle difficulties when we grew up. Children nowadays have to compete fiercely with others such as how many extra activities you have joined and what is the band of your school.

We all know that we should not push them hard and should arise their interest to learn. But it is rather difficult for us to do that as most all of the moms are working women, they have to work in the day-time and sometimes go back home very late. Even if they can be back home right after the office hours, how many hours they have with their children? I guess not more than 3 hrs (you have to take your dinner, shower and sometimes checking your bills or other things occupying you and also children usually needs to go to bed before ten). Within this 3 hrs, you have to check their homework, help them to revise their books. If they haven’t finished their homework, how can you arise their interest but not pushing them to do it ASAP.

We all want the children have chance to learn more things and not forcing them to learn, but please ask what the primary schools now are asking for. When you go there for interview, they will ask you what outstanding performance you kids had (they prefer your kid had won some competitions not only joining it). They asked how you plan to foster your kid and what is your expectation on your kids. All parents are doing what nowadays the schools are asking we should do. If you are fail to spend these money, sorry they won’t consider you even your kids are very creative and very keen to learn because you cannot prove it and they are thinking that you have no plan for your kids. How terrible.

As all of us know that we need to make the kid’s profile when they go to interview. It is much more important than to interviewing a job. How can a small kid make this profile, all are by their parents. It is a battle for all parents and their kids.

All of us say that we want our kids to be more creative rather than reciting the books and we all say that we want our kids happy but can we really do this? I am very confuse, on one hand I want our kid happy and on one hand scare that if her academic result is not good, she cannot go into a good school and how can she compete with others in the future. Moreover, kids in nowadays seems don’t have enough confidence on themselves and if their academic results are not good, they might loss interest in learning and the worse is to give up themselves or even commit suicide.

What I can do is to try to let my kid take learning as playing and if she can get fair result, it is acceptable to me (But really hope in a good school) Even I don’t give her pressure, she can feel it from the surroundings, (from her schools, friends and even relatives) I can do nothing to help her but only doing my best to make her relax in the learning.

Parents, please share your experience in raising the kids as I sometimes feel quite exhausted in facing HK educational system.

發表於 04-6-17 18:13 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

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Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-17 21:39 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

Dear All,

After reading all these messaged, I am sure I have made a right decision --> sending my daughter to international school.  She is now 4 years old and I have already decided to give up any of the main stream school.  Now I am very relax as I don't need to think about what to put into her profile in order to get a seat at the band 1 Primary School.   

發表於 04-6-18 09:27 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-6-18 10:16 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

Dear Parents

One more thing I would like to point out is that those very smart kids are not those worked very hard one. Do you remember that every time when the TV asked the students who got 10A or 9A said that they were not hardworking, they only used the right method to study.

This RIGHT method means that concentrate during the class, revised the book after it was taught, and asked whenever they had questions. It is not duck feeding all things inside their brain. Also let them play and have enough rest.

I really believe Work Hard & Play Hard and I also believe that the influence from the peers is very important. That’s why the people wants their kids to study in band 1 school and those termed as noble & famous school because at least the kids there won’t be too bad.

If those parents’ kids are good in academic and also not those duck feeding type, please share your experience how you can succeed.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-6-30 12:00 |只看該作者

Re: 小一考試想借個位呻下

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