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Need yr feed back [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-27 23:26 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
I want to know what is the best time send bb to playgroup as my bb (7months) sometime hv crying when see another people (except mama/ Baba /Hepler) ,
pls feed back to me whether u hv face this problem during this period or not ? if yes, how long will change their attitude ? did u suggest go to playgroup see more people early ? actually, i had go out with bb on every Sat / Sun la.....
Did u had any good playgroup info share to me ?  tks
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-29 00:39 |只看該作者
I send my kid to playgroup since 7 month old, he is not a easy crying baby at that time, but I wish him to meet more people and play with kids with samilar age. But after trying some diff playgroup, find the kids in this age will normally playing by themselves,  so the result may not as what we wish lo.. anyhow if the kids are happy there, it is OK la.. as really need to find some activities for them , specially those after 1 yr old.  

The play group we join / tried

Kinder U - since 7 month till now - this is mainly for flashcard training

Baby buddies - since last Dec  (15 month old) till now
- this is mainly for fun and  social activies

Heep Hong Society - playgroup for skill training (one term)

Young talent development - multi skill (one term)

playgroups offered by a kindergarten - learn about nursery life (one term)

some others hv tried one lesson..

So really depend what target u want for diff playgroup, there hv a lot of choice after 1.5 yr old.

原文章由 nicolewoo 於 08-5-27 23:26 發表
I want to know what is the best time send bb to playgroup as my bb (7months) sometime hv crying when see another people (except mama/ Baba /Hepler) ,
pls feed back to me whether u hv ...
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