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教育王國 討論區 香港培正小學(幼稚園部) 有無細b家長為入培正要仔仔/囡囡遲一年入學/讀2年k1? ...
樓主: WinkyLee

有無細b家長為入培正要仔仔/囡囡遲一年入學/讀2年k1? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-8-14 12:18 |只看該作者
ic....thanks!  then I need to arrange longer time playgroups before twins go to N1 in 2010 la.

原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-8-11 15:31 發表

I have similar problem for my twins.  They were born in Jan 2008. If they study K1 in 9/2010 and repeat PC K1 in 2011, when should they start N1?
==> sorry, I think you misunderstood the some ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-9-22 22:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 buu0605 於 08-8-14 12:18 發表
ic....thanks!  then I need to arrange longer time playgroups before twins go to N1 in 2010 la.

Hi, my son borned in Dec 07 and I am going to apply N1 for him when he is 2 years old... then repeat N1 until 3 yrs 8 month to study K3.

i am also consider PC because of the 一條龍... other than that, i want to know more PC, any mums can share the details... 教學法, 聽朋友講係好傳統果隻? 英文好好, 不過係中英學校? 仲有什麼好同唔好呢?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-23 22:12 |只看該作者
睇彥媽呢個網頁應該會幫到你啩 --http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/viewthread.php?tid=788388&extra=&page=2 

原帖由 LITTLESPICY 於 08-9-22 22:30 發表

Hi, my son borned in Dec 07 and I am going to apply N1 for him when he is 2 years old... then repeat N1 until 3 yrs 8 month to study K3.

i am also consider PC because of the 一條龍... other than th ...
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