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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Why do you like foreign teachers?
樓主: papaof2

Why do you like foreign teachers? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-5-19 17:16 |只看該作者
我就覚得種族不重要、重要的是先生的資格及其発音。  因只有向以英文為母語的老師学、才会学到好的発音。  当然何為好的発音、就非常個人。  我只喜歓英国英文、如BUSH的英文、我一聴見、就要転台。  如TONY BLAIR的英文我覚得好好聴、之前的CHRIS PATTEN也非常動聴。  一間好的学校選択老師時比較有経験、所以有時信学校多過信一個個別老師。  PAPAOF2、您在英国留学多年、覚得不是所有GWEILO都可以任教、那当然啦、教学
是専業的、不是毎個人都得。  小時候学英文、同NET学会比較好、因発音要従小打好基礎。 文法亦然、有没有発覚香港人很多時在会話上錯用HIS、HER,HE,SHE,這個根本従小時候学好非常重要啊!!  我就要女児一定要同NET学英文、但種族就没所謂的。  PAPAOF2的英文有基本文法錯誤之処、可能就是小時候没有打好基礎。  Dont get offened, ok?

Rank: 4

發表於 08-5-20 11:21 |只看該作者
We prefer foreign native speaker.  Our experience is that ABCs or Asian English speaking teachers tend to place more attention on caucasian or children who speak good English, whereas western teachers are fairer, they are more apt to look after those shy and less outspoken Asian children.

發表於 08-5-20 13:28 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-5-20 13:33 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-20 17:52 |只看該作者
Imagine you are going to hire a Putonghua teacher for your child. Do you want your child to learn Beijing accent or Hunan accent?

I agree that, generally, we should be looking for "good" teachers. But if 2 teachers are as good in almost all other aspects, and one has good western accent (ok, London accent or New York accent, whatever you prefer) and one has horrible Hong Kong accent (ie robotic, monotonus accent), which one you would like more? I am trying compare scientifically.

What accent is proper accent is still arguable. Generally, we all have our own "preference" in our mind. But if I really have a choice, I really do not like the typical Hong Kong accent. May be it is because of our language, ie Cantonese. Typical Hong Kong English accent is too robotic and monotonus. Even people from Beijing have much more "beautiful" English accent.

Accent is important, especially when we are taking about early childhood education up to lower primary education. Children are learning a language, even their own mother tongue. If children are constantly exposed to undesirable or strange accents, they sure are going to pick up some. So this accent issue is even more important to local school children, ie children that are learning English as a second language. When a child is learning a second language, of course, we would want them to learn it properly.

However, once a child is in secondary school, or even in university, accent is probably having much lesser influences on a person. My first year chemistry professor was a Russian lady and she was probably the best chemistry teacher I had ever had. (Still miss her.) But I just cannot image having her as a classroom teacher for Year 1s or 2s.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-5-20 18:23 |只看該作者
Almom, all good points!!  Cantonese is a very dominant language.  So if we use the same tone and pronounciation method to speak English, then it is really very Hong Kong English n you can tell from miles away.  Mandarin is a softer language compared to Cantonese, so as you said, Mandarin speakers have a better accent than us.
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