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教育王國 討論區 香港華人基督教聯會真道書院 完成中小學後如不出國讀大學, 咁出路係點呢? ...
樓主: 小兒兒

完成中小學後如不出國讀大學, 咁出路係點呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-7 11:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-7 00:56 硐表

IBD exam takes place in April/May.  Only students in Southern Hemisphere( e.g. Australia ) takes the IBD exam in Oct/Nov.

Dear 中天英,

Thanks for your sharing concerning the time of exam. If it is the case, will IBD clash with the new Secondary Exam in April / May ? It will be fine if the 2 exams do not overlap each other. I will view it a dual chances for entering universities by attending both exams.

[ 本文章最後由 KenBaBa 於 07-10-7 12:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-8 00:20 |只看該作者

It's not likely for one to take the IBD and Local exam at the same year.

Yes, in the past we took HKAL and GCE A-Level in the same year.  But I tell you what ,  IBD is NOT the same.

You can't study the local exam and take IBD as as safty net.  IBD is a full 2 years' program and one must go through the whole program ( 2 years ) in order to take the exam.  And there is continous assesement in IBD and about 25 - 35%( depens on subject) of marks goes to internal assessment.  Besides subject exams, IBD requires TOK, EE and CAS.  This is not included in the local exam.

However, one can use IBD to apply for local universities.  IBD is regarded as higher standard than the local exam and it is treated favorably over the local exam.

I heard on my own ears from a pro-vice chancellor of HKU, he siad he think IBD students are much better prepared for university studies than local exam and their door is widely open for them.   

原文章由 KenBaBa 於 07-10-7 11:59 硐表

Dear 中天英,

Thanks for your sharing concerning the time of exam. If it is the case, will IBD clash with the new Secondary Exam in April / May ? It will be fine if the 2 exams do not overlap each o ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-8 00:32 |只看該作者
原文章由 big-boy 於 07-9-23 10:40 硐表
My boy just amitted 2008/2009 FS1. I want to share some info here. The newspaper Oriental Daily date 2006-10-01 page A6 mention the new 334 HongKong secondary school diploma syllabus is very similar t ...

May I ask which school allow student to take IBD and local high school leaving exam at the same year?

It may be they have 2 streams of curriculum, one for IBD and one for Local exam.   But once you choose the stream(IBD or Local exam), you stay in it and take the exam for that stream, not taking 2 exams.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-8 12:00 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-8 00:32 硐表

May I ask which school allow student to take IBD and local high school leaving exam at the same year?

It may be they have 2 streams of curriculum, one for IBD and one for Local exam.   But once you  ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-9 00:44 |只看該作者
原文章由 小兒兒 於 07-10-8 12:00 硐表



雖然香港新高中考試 - HK Diploma of Secondary Education(HKDSE) - 仲未出籠, 不過應該冇IBD咁demanding既。

IBD 要讀6科 - First language, Second Language, Experimental Science, Humanities, Mathematics and 6th Suject - may be Arts, Music or one additonal Language/Science/Humanities; 仲有Theory of Knowledge(TOK) - 類似哲學課, Extended Essay(EE) - 寫一篇4000字既原創性論文, 最後仲有Creativity, Action & Service(CAS)。

通常3科Higher Level, 3科Standard Level。Higher Level 科程度會好高, 英文要分析莎仕比亞既作品; Science 同 Maths 都比香港課程深, Science 都要寫essay呀,

Standard Level 就會淺D。不過都要英文文學分析既, 死末。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-9 12:56 |只看該作者
原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-9 00:44 硐表


雖然香港新高中考試 - HK Diploma of Secondary Education(HKDSE) - 仲未出籠, 不過應該冇IBD咁demanding既。

IBD 要讀6科 - First language, Second Language, Experimental Science, Humanities, Mathema ...

唔該你, 好詳細啊!
不過, 對香港地中學生要英文好太深呢?
Second Language又會係什麼呢? 學校中是否只有普通話和英文呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-9 22:30 |只看該作者
香港本地課程學生(包括直資學校), 應該選中文做First Language, 英文做Second Language; 就算係英文中學, 都好難應付倒以英文做First Language既o

仲可以選英文Second Language 既Standard Level, 應該可以應付倒既。 不過講明先, 英文Second Language既Standard Level, 都要寫essay, 做文學分析呀。

原文章由 小兒兒 於 07-10-9 12:56 硐表

唔該你, 好詳細啊!
不過, 對香港地中學生要英文好太深呢?
Second Language又會係什麼呢? 學校中是否只有普通話和英文呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-23 15:01 |只看該作者
死啦, 想想下怕課程會好深, 怕跟不上自己又唔識教, 點算?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-14 00:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 小兒兒 於 07-10-23 15:01 硐表
死啦, 想想下怕課程會好深, 怕跟不上自己又唔識教, 點算?  

讀IB Diploma仲要父母教?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-14 12:38 |只看該作者
我們是一家, 一同生活, 一同學習, 我自己覺得作為父母, 會關心女的學業和校園生活.
在一條的學校下, 我不能由小一開始放手不理.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-11-14 13:46 |只看該作者
初小階段當然不可以不理,但亦無需太緊張。踏進拓展階段可以開始慢慢放手,但也不代表不理。課程多元化,即使孩子可以應付,對自己來講都是多方面的知新,不同階段有不同的驚喜, 慢慢期待吧!

原文章由 小兒兒 於 07-11-14 12:38 硐表
我們是一家, 一同生活, 一同學習, 我自己覺得作為父母, 會關心女的學業和校園生活.
在一條的學校下, 我不能由小一開始放手不理.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-15 14:35 |只看該作者
[quote]原文章由 中天英 於 07-10-9 00:44 硐表

My words in green for discussion.

雖然香港新高中考試 - HK Diploma of Secondary Education(HKDSE) - 仲未出籠, 不過應該冇IBDdemanding既。
3/2007 已出了定稿。大家可慢慢研究

要讀6 - First language, Second Language, Experimental Science, Humanities, Mathematics and 6th Suject - may be Arts, Music or one additonal Language/Science/Humanities;

新高中課程: 除了中國語文、英國語文、數學及通識教育四個核心(cores)科目外,學生還可因應興趣,從二十個選修科目及應用學習課程中,選修兩至三科。i.e. can take 6-7 subjects, but most universities only consider 5-6 including the 4 cores

仲有Theory of Knowledge(TOK) - 類似哲學課, Extended Essay(EE) - 寫一篇4000字既原創性論文, 最後仲有Creativity, Action & Service(CAS)

新課程並要求學生體驗「其他學習經歷」,包括德育及公民教育、體育、藝術教育與社會服務等,以擴闊其視野。Very similar to CAS of IB

Seems that the only significant difference between the 2 is the extended essay of IB. Am I right?

通常3Higher Level, 3Standard LevelHigher Level 科程度會好高, 英文要分析莎仕比亞既作品; Science Maths 都比香港課程深, Science 都要寫essay呀,Standard Level 就會淺D。不過都要英文文學分析既, 死末。

I don’t think "英文要分析莎仕比亞既作品" = difficult. Those who study Eng Lit. in secondary school all do that. This is not that foreign to us, even the Eng of IB include Eng Lit. elements.

Hong Kong syllabus of Maths and Science, esp. A-level, is globally well known as difficult. Our students are also known to be strong in Maths and Science. IB more difficult? 唔係好信。

I guess an original extended essay is similar to a thesis. A 4000 words thesis, at secondary level, is nothing. Please don’t take that I am proud or 口大大。 I say so is just based on my understanding on requirement of thesis at university. Don’t be misunderstood that a thesis =
a piece of writing with your views from the first word to the last. A thesis should noramlly include several parts, such as:

  • stating the objective of the study and review
  • reporting existing knowledge on the subject matter (literature review)
  • presenting new views and knowledge, including the methodology of your study (e.g. the method and results of experiment, how to integrate different knowledge, how to set up questionnaires and result of questionnaires, etc.)
  • discuss the result, implications and applications
  • conclusion

Therefore, of course, a thesis is not a writing that you can do within a few hours without any preparation. However, with good preparation ( adequate reading and gathering of information), the writing will be a small part of the job. I guess you probably need to consider, with a subject matter really interests your kid, may be 4000 words are not enough. ...but of course, the quality of a thesis has nothing to do with it's length.

[ 本文章最後由 peppergin 於 08-1-14 14:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-13 07:01 |只看該作者

Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-5 13:17 |只看該作者

I think it is too sensitive or political about this topic.
it is not a simple issue.
You know, logos acamedy is still sposnorsed by HK Government, and I heard from Principal that LA students must have to apply local exam; you can imagine you are using HK Governement money but you are allowed not to buy hk education system?

secondly; I check one of U in HK (HKU), their reply is that you can use IBD result to apply HK universities but you will be regarded as foreign student group and compete with oversea students for those 20% seats (max 20% this year); you can imagine again that all HK universities are sponsored by HK Government and all hk univerisities should treat higher priority for HK local students with local exam .

thirdly, LA principal prelim said that students must take hk local exam but optionally and encouraged to take IBD; the concept has been changed than before actually.

fourthly, it is real that it is not easy for students or school to manage 2 different kind of curriculum (IBD & HK local exam); the reason mentioned by other parents;

so, the principal has to find out a solution asap for this issue. and this solution is highly influenced by HK government about their policy for school and also affected by the admission policy of hk universities (but this one will be influenced by HK government also)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-2-6 00:38 |只看該作者
Dear Horay1:

Thanks for your sharing. My son is Logos student. IBD is Adv or Dis-adv for HK student is NO answer now. Because we don't have any student take two exam from Logos now. It depends on your point of view. Some local famous school such as DBS, St.Paul Co-ed and Yiu Chung is to encourge IBD. Some had dropped this program (HKUGA). I think if you believe it won't successful. HK still have so many good school run local new high school diploma. Here, I want to thank-you so many Logos parent spend many time to expand the IBD system. HK Goverment has are rule to control all HK DSS secondany school must follow the local new high school diploma syllabus. Therefore, all DSS school must provide that course. Moreover, some school want to offer another IBD course for student. Get it or not is up to you. It is good or not good depends on how you think about it. I choose Logos depends on their teaching method is good for my son. Not the IBD syllabus. If everyone think IBD is the most important things. I suggested that they should consider again.

Happy New Year.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-6 10:03 |只看該作者
Dear all,

The main idea of using IBD syllabus is to allow students to reach a standard of which enable them to compete with students all over the world.  I can't see any reasons that our students cannot take both exams and achieve a good results.   
In old days, we take HKAL, GCEAL and SAT.  You won't be suprised by the results.  They are always in line with each others.
Judging by the current standard of the students in Logos, I am not worry about their future competitions in entering local or foreign universities.
Logos provides good education to our children.
Of course, it is always up to the parents to choose the right school for their children. If you are not convinced by the ways Logos educate their students.  Make you own choice, there are still a lot of options available in HK.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-2-6 14:42 |只看該作者

You know, my concern is not the LA, but the policy(current or future) of HK government & local Us' how they are influencing the planning of good schools, like LA.

Perhaps, you may say I think too much! but it is reality and need to face
Happy new year!
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