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New PIS at Discovery Bay Vs Australian International School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-6-15 08:50 |只看該作者

New PIS at Discovery Bay Vs Australian International School

Dear Caring Parents

(I was meant to publish the following post here, but I published it by mistake under the "Australian Club" -very embarrassing indeed! So I am now putting it back where it supposed to be)

I suppose this is the Duty of Every Responsible Parent, to gather every relevant information and examine every posisible factor, in the hope of making the Most Appropriate Decision (though still not guaranteed) for their much loved children.

My wife and I have been seriously thinking about relocating back to HK from Australia with our two boys, aged 8 (born in UK) and 4 (born in New Zealand), after ten years of living overseas.

There are two schools we are very interested in.
One is the to-be-open New PIS at Discovery Bay, the other is the Australian International School at Kowloon Tong.

We intend to rent a unit close to our selected school,
so that we can walk to school with our children, allowing them to have some light exercise every day, and us to have more time to do voluntary work for the school.

Although we have drawn up a list of pros and cons for each school, there is always a chance we have overlooked some factors.

We have also drawn up a list of pros and cons for living in DB and Kowloon Tong, but then again we may have missed some relevant points.

As "Everyone is a Teacher", we therefore would like to seek valuable opinions/advice from parents having children attending the school, considering enrolling their children at the schools, decide not to enrol or intend to withdraw their chidlren from the schools etc.

For other parents,

If you were us, which one would you pick?

In an ideal situation, parents thinking alike are coming together, learning together, sharing together and working together for the best interests of their much loved children - the Innocent Ones we have brought to this complicated world and to whom we owe so much as a parent.

Every Child deserves a Happy Childhood.

Have a Wonderful Day.

Looking forward to hearing from you - allowing us to Learn from you.

Every Incident/Situation is a Learning Opportunity, shaping us to be a Happier Person

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-6-24 09:28 |只看該作者

Re: New PIS at Discovery Bay Vs Australian International School

Dear Caring Parents

A bit surprised - so, there are no parents out there having their children currenty attended at either of the above schools or in the process of applying to one of them?

Life is full of Surprises

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-6-27 07:58 |只看該作者

Re: New PIS at Discovery Bay Vs Australian International School

Dear Caring Parents

A Decision was made.

Please refer to my another post in this Section,

"Considering relocating to HK - New PIS at Discovery Bay"

for a bit more details.

Bye for now.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-7-3 19:01 |只看該作者
Dear Caring Parents

We had made our Decison to relocate to HK last Tuesday.

But then, we had made another but FINAL Decision the following day to STAY in Australia.  

Please refer to our another post titled,

"Considering relocating to HK - New PIS at Discovery Bay"

for the drama.

Bye and wish you all the Best.

Uncertainty is Certain to Create Great Stress

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-7-3 19:57 編輯 ]
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