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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價 ...
樓主: WinnieT

DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價 [複製鏈接]

發表於 06-4-19 15:37 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-19 18:12 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價


多謝你的回應, 我估我不是不明, 而是用不到一個好例子.

不如說個真例子: 我工作是賣很多不同的東西俾很多不同的公司, 當然, 不同公司也會賣同一種貨品. 我可能由於原因1, 2 & 3 所以賣貨品A 俾甲公司要$10, 但由於原因4, 5 & 6, 所以賣貨品A 俾乙公司要$12...再者, 我不用告訴乙公司我賣給甲公司的價錢... 這是一般的商業運作.."公平公正公開"其實不存在於私人商業中.

2. 你到百老匯買了個數碼相機, 因為你好似唔多想買又見你好好傾, 個店員就話平你$50;而我買時就即買即走, 沒有平...
6. 銀行見你係長期客戶, 俾你年息5%借十萬, 而我只是一年客, 就只可用年息10%借十萬

申報: DWE 收我$1980升級 Talk Talk Card, 我的議價能力是不買.

講咁多, 重點想講是: 個價好, 你就買啦, 唔好價, 就唔買啦. 不用動怒. :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-19 22:56 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Father J,

我想回應第6點, 而家係長期客仔(舊會員)反而收貴d. 咁確係唔合理

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-20 11:49 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價


先別誤會, 不是想爭吵, 只是當笑話講

反轉來說, 舊客多優惠過新客, 同樣新客可以多優惠舊客. 從經濟學來解釋, 舊客想換的意欲比新客高, 因為舊客已經用了很久, 有點舊同悶, 自然想換(同換車換樓差不多), 而新客就剛剛才開始, 都唔玩夠, 想換的意欲自然低. 根據供求關係, 意欲高的肯付出多d錢, 而意欲低就只肯付出少d...

總結是 WF 是一間市場學很好的公司.... 再重申: 要用自己的議價能力....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-20 18:02 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Good. Strike back is expected but ...a bit late, this posting has been here for over 2 weeks! Instead of saying “WF 是一間市場學很好的公司”, I’ll say WF is a slow response company.

Of course buy or not buy is purely optional and, as you say, most of us has opted for NOT BUYING. However, the point is if WF always claim that they aim at providing the best services to customers, this action is definitely in an opposite direction. Also, although they do not contravene with current legislation, I think whenever any normal persons with a normal logical mind read this topics, they will sense there is an ethical problem (except for XXXJ?) and know what company that WF is?!  Of course, may be "公平公正公開"其實不存在於私人商業中, but definitely this is what a customer asked for, or at least you must appear so. If a company announce to the public that I am operating in a non-"公平公正公開” way, I doubt how long it can survive as it means it doesn’t care its commercial image.

However, I strongly disagree that “WF 是一間市場學很好的公司” because
1)        what’s the major source of income? I suppose it should be new product sales. If WF keeps on piss off the existing members, do you think the members will keep silent on that? If the members keep on spread our stories or discussing the topics among our peers group (who is also their target customer group), who will be the end loser?
2)        This policy strongly discourages the upgrade of products among old customers. If so, as long as we maintain our membership, WF has to keep the production line and maintain a min stock level of all products (incl. the old ones) to serve us, I don think it’s economically effective. If the contents are the same, can anyone tell me the production cost of a DVD and a VHS video now?   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-20 22:09 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

I will gather all your names and then write a letter to WF, the deadline for joining us is 30 April 2006.  Pls PM me your membership no.  and registered name with WF so that I can quote them in the letter.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-20 22:29 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價





Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-21 00:28 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

Dear Geoffreymom,

I am sorry that your reply seems that I was fighting to someone. I was trying to tell the “thinking” of WF’s why they offered difference price to difference member. This is not related to ethical. I am not sure why you use this team and said except me. Does it mean that I have ethical problem? If that is what you mean, I am sorry that to make you feel that way. I have no idea on WF with ethical problem or not in other area but not on this case (again, this is my personal opinion). This is called Price Discrimination means “selling the same good at difference prices to different customers”. This can help a company to maximize the profit.

Once again, I am not fighting with anyone and also I am not protecting anyone or any company. If my words make you fell unhappy, I am sincerely sorry about it.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-21 17:29 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

I can’t agree with you that “I have no idea on WF with ethical problem or not in other area but not on this case”. WF has offered several upgrades at “sky price” before but this is the first time that received such a response from us.  Why? It’s a matter of fairness, integrity and ethics. When I discuss this topic among my peers group (who are also middle class professionals), they are so surprised that WF has such pricing policy on their after sales service of a luxurious education package that costs $40K. It does not only seriously hurt the relationship with existing members, but also hurt their corporate image and substantially increase the difficulties of their marketing effort. No one will feel comfortable to deal with or trust a company like this especially we are talking about a product which costs $40K. Whether this “Price Discrimination” policy can maximize their profit, I doubt. WF is surely too short-sighted.

No matter whether you are a “victim” or not, I don’t mind whether you have same feeling as us. Your arguement is definitely not convincing here.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-4-21 17:34 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

I am a DWE member.  Obviously, WF is not aiming at educating children, they aim at making money.  This seems reasonable since it is their business.  However, with a second thought, education and learning shouldn't be treated as business. Love, concern, enthusiasm & patience are keys to a successful education.
I decided not to trade in the new flash cards since I stop using the talk along machine for several months already.  Why?  Please read some materials from Glenn Doman.  The speed of displaying flash card and the size of wordings are crucial to Baby's learning programme.   Approximately 1 to 2 seconds for each card is the most appropriate.  Lasting to long will just let your child bored, DWE talkalong cards use at least 4 -5 seconds for each card.  This is exactly what had happened to my child few months ago.  Now I'd rather print out words on A4 papers by myself and read it as quick as I can to my child.  It works much more efficiently than DWE talkalong cards.  And its cheap!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-25 15:11 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價



Rank: 2

發表於 06-4-26 18:48 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價


我已打了電話問world family, 佢地唔會收又唔可以補$換其他產品....
是否可以在二手市場放呢? 因為以前好像在bk講過唔可以賣二手DWE,是否真的呢 ? 若是我還有什麼途徑呢 ?
麻煩各位, Thanks !

Rank: 1

發表於 06-4-26 23:38 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

前大臣話唔可以係BK賣2nd DWE,
八掛問下, 你打算買幾多錢? PM講我知呀!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-27 01:36 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

其實宜家問題係價錢不一, 我都覺得佢地今次用咁0既手法好有問題. 每年要比千多元做會員, 冇可能以時間去衝量換卡收費, 如果係機件會比較合理.
我自己買0左佢八年會籍, 如果佢地用咁0既手法去處事, 咁我仲咩要買會籍, 等推薦.....等優惠...........
仲有消委會要親手扲齊文件去, 佢地先立即做野.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-4-27 01:39 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

仲有0的教育顧問都唔係個個咁差, 咁實有怕群之馬, 咪好係保障咁. 有0的跟得都ok.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-5-7 23:32 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

FatherJ 寫道:

先別誤會, 不是想爭吵, 只是當笑話講

近來九成時間都在大陸,上這個網好慢,有時等20分鐘都轉吾到畫面,所以都無辦法作回應。現在港,可暢快些講了。好開心有那麼多人看過這論題,及有許多加入支持我們的朋友。唯Father J 的言論令人費解。他說“不是想爭吵,  只是當笑話講” , 還舉了那麼多的“笑話”例子,局內人,明眼人一看又是一堆似是而非,故意混餚視聽的例子,雖則已苦心經營,但tazmanic 同Geoffreymom 的確駁他駁得得非常好, 亦為我們爭左啖氣!Father J  如果是和DWE無關的,那就是太不瞭解我們著無奈的一群的處境,又或是他太喜歡講“笑話”, 但還是請他到別處講吧,我們講的是我們會員遭到DWE不公平對待的真人真事,並不是笑話!

Rank: 1

發表於 06-5-7 23:42 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

tpoon 寫道:
I will gather all your names and then write a letter to WF, the deadline for joining us is 30 April 2006.  Pls PM me your membership no.  and registered name with WF so that I can quote them in the letter.

另外,亦很感謝許多新的支持者像Kathysuen, Emaneul, tpoon…等,不知tpoon的投訴信寫成怎樣了,還接受簽名嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-8 10:22 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價


看過閣下的留言, 之前如有得罪, 請多見諒.  

不說笑話, 說認真, 想澄清:

1. 小弟與DWE的關係, 跟上面留言的一樣, 是會員 (嚴格來說, 我太太是會員- ejbaby), 由04年中至今.
2. 小弟由03年上bk, 見過認識的會員都有幾十個 (0309), 很多人知我職業及公司, 有興趣可以追追我d舊post.
3. 小弟從沒有反對/不同意大家會員寫投訴信, 因為我地沒有打算upgrade, 所以不打算參加簽名.
4. 再者照winnieT所指, 我家庭都是"會員遭到DWE不公平對待的真人真事".
5. DWE 收我$1980升級 Talk Talk Card, 我地決定唔買.
6. 小弟只是指出點解DWE會有不同價予不同會員
7. 是否"公平", 是否"合理", 是否有"商業道德", 各人有不同見解.
8. 跟自己有不同見解, 說句"不同意"就可以, 不用說有"道德"問題, 也不用沒有證據就懷疑別人有利益.

最後, 祝大家爭取成功.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-6-25 23:35 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

告訴大家一個壞消息,就是消委會已經覆了我,結果是他們說DWE認為自己沒錯,而消委會本身就沒有實權可以對DWE做些甚麼。這實令我覺得很無奈。 :cry:  :cry:  :cry:



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-7-9 23:22 |只看該作者

Re: DWE(迪士尼美語)會員換購語言學習卡的不公平售價

It scared me that DWE practice like this. I am doing a research before I decide to buy my boy a DWE system or ET system. It's said that DWE's service is better. How come this unfair pricing policy came out and what kind of after-service those members facing?
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