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Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-20 09:51 |只看該作者

Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Parents

I would like to thank all of you for your kind comments and I am glad that those who attended last week have enjoyed the event.  I would like to remind all parents that I am speaking to all in my own capacity and from my experience and please accept my apologise if there is anything which I said that parents do not agree with.  

The two hour seminar ended after four hours and thirty minutes before the last parent finsihed her question. :)

I will be repeating the seminar on Sunday, 26th February 2006 this week for parents at Aberdeen, Hong Kong.  Those interested should send me an email to [email protected].  Please do not PM me this time.

There will be two sessions, one will start at 11:00 am and the second session will start at 2:00pm.  I will be join by two headmistresses who will help me as a speaker to give you information on the Government system of allocation of a place and the information of the selection and interview process of one of the leading schools in Hong Kong.

I look forward to hear from you.           

Rank: 1

發表於 06-2-20 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

  :wink:  :wink:

發表於 06-2-20 16:16 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-20 19:26 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Leehoma

I trust that parents who attended the seminar were more concerned about the substance of the messages delievered than who owns what.

KinderU is a business owned and developed by my wife and I totally respect her for what she has done since opening KinderU in 2002.  I started as a non-supporter and I discouraged her in continuing saying that there will be many sceptical people making her job difficult.  She proved me wrong by how the students responded to her ways of early education.

"I myself don't buy his ways of educating kids or his tactics in applying primary schools. We should be true to our own belief (education belief or religious belief if any) and do anything for our kids only if we really believe it is for the best of their development but not just for the sake of enhancing the chance of being admitted by those elite schools."

I regret that you got nothing out of the seminar that you attended at KinderU and I respect your individual wisdom on this subject.  At the seminar, I highlighted the fact that parents should be true to their own belief and should not subscribe to "sales or marketing" talk without first assessing the merits of courses presented to them.  

Parenthood is about making right choices for children when they are not old enough to do the tasks.  It is also about setting good examples so that they follow in our foot steps.  Children are always a reflection of their parents.

I have three young children and I take the above seriously when I wake up each day.  I am proud of those parents who take their parenthood to heart and those parents who cherish the natural talents of their children.

The magic about Hong Kong is that we live in a free society where we are free to choose our religion, schools (to a certain extent) and way of life.  

I am convinced of the value of what we are promoting.


Rank: 1

發表於 06-2-21 01:27 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Leehoma

What have you exposed other than the fact that DBBoy is in fact the owner of KinderU??  What other secrets can you reveal??  Is he in fact a La Salle boy??  What flaw or evil do you find in his message??

I went to the seminar and stayed for the full duration.  I thank DBBoy for arranging the event and invited two headmistresses to answer questions posed by parents.  They did not charge any fee nor questioned which area the parents are from and I am sure that those who went would agree that they were genuinely offering their knowledge and experience to those who attended the event.

Hong Kong parents are not easily fooled and my friends and I who attended are grateful for DBB's effort.

I believe that as far as our children are concerned, we need not subscribe to anyone's method but keep an open mind to listen and learn and do what we think is best for our children within our limits.  I agree with DBB that parents should "try their best and have no regrets".  Parents should not go beyond what they can physically or financially afford.  The parents heart and care is not measured by money but dedication.

I would like my son to get into a first tier school and this is my personal choice and I need no one to tell me whether I am right or wrong.

Thanks to the Headmistresses Ms. Wu, Ms. Lo and to DBB for a great event.  My words of support here is my way of saying thanks.  I note that there were more than 50 families there and each hand represent each of them.

                                                            :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D

發表於 06-2-21 10:50 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

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Rank: 1

發表於 06-2-21 12:39 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Leehoma

I think it is unfair for you to misrepresent what DBB said in the seminar and you should stop slandering a BK contributor without putting the matter into its right context.  The events have been attended by many parents and my recollection of the points discussed were quite different for yours.

You have also maliciously misrepresented what DBB said at the seminar.  I repsect your right to express your views but I really cannot keep quite about lies that you are telling on this forum.   

DBB said he was a Sunday School teacher when he was at University and saw many people going to church for all kinds of reasons.  He said that for whatever reason you go to church, stepping into a church for whatever reason is better than not going.
"Similar to point 3, DBBoy taught us many different ways of acquiring a preferred address or a document in proving the address for the targeted school zone in order to deceive the current system as well as the loopholes in checking."

Your are making a false accusation here and I ask you to examine your motives in so doing.  Expressing an opinion is one thing.  Telling lies is another.

The fire in hell is really hot.  If DBB said what you claim he said, let him burn, burn, burn         

If you are lying let you        

Rank: 1

發表於 06-2-21 12:40 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Leehoma

I think it is unfair for you to misrepresent what DBB said in the seminar and you should stop slandering a BK contributor without putting the matter into its right context.  The events have been attended by many parents and my recollection of the points discussed were quite different for yours.

You have also maliciously misrepresented what DBB said at the seminar.  I repsect your right to express your views but I really cannot keep quite about lies that you are telling on this forum.   

DBB said he was a Sunday School teacher when he was at University and saw many people going to church for all kinds of reasons.  He said that for whatever reason you go to church, stepping into a church for whatever reason is better than not going.
"Similar to point 3, DBBoy taught us many different ways of acquiring a preferred address or a document in proving the address for the targeted school zone in order to deceive the current system as well as the loopholes in checking."

Your are making a false accusation here and I ask you to examine your motives in so doing.  Expressing an opinion is one thing.  Telling lies is another.

The fire in hell is really hot.  If DBB said what you claim he said, let him burn, burn, burn         

If you are lying let you        

發表於 06-2-21 13:02 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-21 13:24 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Leehoma

"Similar to point 3, DBBoy taught us many different ways of acquiring a preferred address or a document in proving the address for the targeted school zone in order to deceive the current system as well as the loopholes in checking."

I would like to invite you to elaborate on the "different ways" I taught you on this subject since it makes a difference to the heat of the fire


As I am prepared to promote my understanding on the subject openly and fearlessly, maybe you may wish to disclose your identity as well and debate our beliefs and methods...in your church perhaps??  The topic of education is a good one for the congregation and we should do it under the surveillance of the DIVINE since both you and I believe in the ALMIGHTY

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-21 13:27 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Drdoodoo


Drdoodoo 寫道:

The fire in hell is really hot.  If DBB said what you claim he said, let him burn, burn, burn         

If you are lying let you        

Rank: 1

發表於 06-2-21 13:39 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

我冇參加過kinderu果邊既seminar,但上星期六rightmind 果個就有參加。或者我都講下我既意見。

成個seminar係free of charge既,我先生初時覺得我會唔會俾人呃去聽d咩野,所以佢陪埋我一齊去,話勢色唔對就即走。但係,佢同我一齊聽到最後。點解呢?事後我地討論過,成個seminar我同佢都有得著,dbboy同另外兩位講者都對於小朋友揀選小學都俾到好多寶貴既意見同經驗我地。但我亦相信,呢個世界係冇free lunch既,你都講過,dbboy係"INDIRECT"咁去sell佢果套教學方法甚至係佢既workgroup,但咁樣有問題咩?佢冇push過大家去做任何野,如果對佢既講辭有任何不滿亦可隨時走人,但我相信,當日在場既大部份父母,某程度上都得到佢地想要既資訊。



發表於 06-2-21 14:22 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

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發表於 06-2-21 14:29 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-21 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents


發表於 06-2-21 15:08 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

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發表於 06-2-21 23:51 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Parents

In 2005/06, 32 Catholic schools in HK replaced their Cantonese curriculum with a Mandarin curriculum.  More and more schools will join the bandwagon.  We educate our children for the future and not the present.  I respect parents who hold a different view.

As for Leehoma, I do not intend to convince anyone to my way of thinking.  The world is big enough for two, three or four....methods.  My anger and frustration lies with misinterpretation on religious issues and matters touching on honesty or attempt to cheat the system.  No one should make reckless accusations against anyone on these issues since contravention of these subjects will lead to punishment from man or from God.  

As far as the other issues and points relating to music, languages are concerned, I made my points clear at the seminar on when, what, why and how and I shall not repeat it here.

BK is a forum for making friends and discussing points.  I may have a double identity but I act in accordance with my conscience.

I hope all parents will enjoy their parenthood with lots of love, pride and laughter.

Let's all relax and have a great time discussing issues that are dear to our heart.


發表於 06-2-22 10:54 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-22 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

Dear Leehoma

The burden of proof is not on the accused and its lies withthe prosecution.  Those accusing should raise evidence.  We live in Hong Kong and this is how it works.

I must confess that I took a light hearted approach and did not consider "conflict of interests".  Afterall, there is no conflcit in presenting my beliefs at BK.

I have not for a single moment misrepresented who I am and what my interest is.  At the end of the day, it is the substance of the message that matters.

I will leave it to members to decide whether I should continue sharing at BK.  I am just hoping to make known to all parents what I am experiencing at home or at KinderU.

We all live once and there is no second chance when it comes to educating your child.  Life is like an onion and we add layer after layer from the date of our birth.

I am sorry that our minds do not meet and we cannot call eachother friends.  But I think we can respect eachother's difference of opinion.


發表於 06-2-22 16:15 |只看該作者

Re: Seminar on how to prepare P.1 Application for PN and K.1 parents

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