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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "
樓主: kawai

"Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group " [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-15 22:25 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Order for the new probiotics HLC MindLinx by Pharmax which is claimed to have specifically developed for autism and ADHD. Let me know if anyone interested to try. The deadline is on coming Friday.

1. Dommom - 3 bottles of CAPSULE
2. chanchanboy - 1 bottle of CAPSULE
3. yuenyuen - 2bottles of capsule
4. Justin2002 - 2 bottles of capsule
5. ABBmom - 1 bottle of capsule and 1 bottle of powder
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottle of capsule
7. haybmum - 1 bottle of capsule
8. 內疚爸爸 - 2 bottle of capsule
9. shunshunma - 1 bottle of capsule

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-15 23:39 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

To those who want to order TF Classic:

Let's gather and make the ordering, see if we can get 10 bottles requirement so as to enjoy the 2 extra free (hope it's still buy 10 get 12 like last time).

Put your name and quantity down here if like to join the group order:

1. mrsphcheung - 2 bottles
2. sjmama - 1 bottle
3. stella - 2 bottles
4. wewangwang - 2 bottles
5. ABBmom - 2 bottles
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottles
7. Shunshunma - 1 bottle
8.內疚爸爸- 2 bottles
9.yuenyuen - 1 bottles

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-15 23:50 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

哇冇上來幾日, 差點 miss 了這輪訂購...

To those who want to order TF Classic:

Let's gather and make the ordering, see if we can get 10 bottles requirement so as to enjoy the 2 extra free (hope it's still buy 10 get 12 like last time).

Put your name and quantity down here if like to join the group order:

1. mrsphcheung - 2 bottles
2. sjmama - 1 bottle
3. stella - 2 bottles
4. wewangwang - 2 bottles
5. ABBmom - 2 bottles
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottles
7. Shunshunma - 1 bottle
8.內疚爸爸- 2 bottles
9.yuenyuen - 1 bottles
10. MerMee - 2 bottles

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-15 23:55 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

我睇唔明capsule and powder 的分別, 但見大部份人都訂 capsule, 我怕阿仔唔識吞 capsule... kawai 八卦問你會訂邊隻?

Order for the new probiotics HLC MindLinx by Pharmax which is claimed to have specifically developed for autism and ADHD. Let me know if anyone interested to try. The deadline is on coming Friday.

1. Dommom - 3 bottles of CAPSULE
2. chanchanboy - 1 bottle of CAPSULE
3. yuenyuen - 2bottles of capsule
4. Justin2002 - 2 bottles of capsule
5. ABBmom - 1 bottle of capsule and 1 bottle of powder
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottle of capsule
7. haybmum - 1 bottle of capsule
8. 內疚爸爸 - 2 bottle of capsule
9. shunshunma - 1 bottle of capsule
10. MerMee - 1 bottle of powder

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-16 00:04 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


唔駛吞架,打開capsule入面係粉狀. 我都會訂capsule.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-16 00:34 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

我都裝左 diamond water 兩個月, 沒有如那sales 所說皮膚會靚d law, 但我有一盤養左好耐都唔靚的盤栽現在綠了很多. 並肯定我仔係肯飲多左好多水, 以往叫極他飲水都係味一味, 現在通常一飲都有1/2 杯. 可能係順喉d 哇.  

我們都是直接飲用的, 如想飲暖水都會扣一半直接的過濾水. 因為我信d水有帶氧, 如果煲左米冇晒 law.

點解你個芯要洗得咁密? 我前兩日先洗第一次, sales 上來教, 佢話應該3-4星期洗一次就可以. 可能我屋企人少, 損耗少d?

ultramom 寫道:
hi jasper888,
我用緊diamond water. 老實講, 我又分唔出有冇分別, 不過diamond water其中一個蕊要每10天至2星期自己清洗一次, 都幾煩. 但每次見到個蕊咁多"漬", 心理上都覺得d水乾凈咗. 有少少後悔冇揀everpure, 因為好似冇咁麻煩.
但我就冇聽個sales講, 就咁飲過濾水, 我都係照先煲水後才飲用.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-16 00:35 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Order for the new probiotics HLC MindLinx by Pharmax which is claimed to have specifically developed for autism and ADHD. Let me know if anyone interested to try. The deadline is on coming Friday.

1. Dommom - 3 bottles of CAPSULE
2. chanchanboy - 1 bottle of CAPSULE
3. yuenyuen - 2bottles of capsule
4. Justin2002 - 2 bottles of capsule
5. ABBmom - 1 bottle of capsule and 1 bottle of powder
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottle of capsule
7. haybmum - 1 bottle of capsule
8. 內疚爸爸 - 2 bottle of capsule
9. shunshunma - 1 bottle of capsule
10. MerMee - 1 bottle of capsule --> revised

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-16 00:38 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Saw saw saw  請寬恕我的無知, 我巳更改我的 order request. 唔該晒.

kawai 寫道:

唔駛吞架,打開capsule入面係粉狀. 我都會訂capsule.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-16 08:44 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

hi Mermee,
我屋企連菲傭有成8個人!!! 我估係香港都算"大"家庭, 用水量好高, 屋企有長者同小孩, lunch都多數係屋企煮食.
我哋每日都留定一大桶水, 如果唔係, 煮飯時候真係等唔切水用.
我大女就會自己直接飲用diamond 水, 佢話"涼"d喎.佢就肯飲多咗水, 可能覺得"新鮮"掛.
我見每次洗蕊時, 個蕊都已經好"啡"色, 可能我屋企d水質唔係咁好.
MerMee 寫道:
我都裝左 diamond water 兩個月, 沒有如那sales 所說皮膚會靚d law, 但我有一盤養左好耐都唔靚的盤栽現在綠了很多. 並肯定我仔係肯飲多左好多水, 以往叫極他飲水都係味一味, 現在通常一飲都有1/2 杯. 可能係順喉d 哇.  

我們都是直接飲用的, 如想飲暖水都會扣一半直接的過濾水. 因為我信d水有帶氧, 如果煲左米冇晒 law.

點解你個芯要洗得咁密? 我前兩日先洗第一次, sales 上來教, 佢話應該3-4星期洗一次就可以. 可能我屋企人少, 損耗少d?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-16 10:56 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Order for the new probiotics HLC MindLinx by Pharmax which is claimed to have specifically developed for autism and ADHD. Let me know if anyone interested to try. The deadline is on coming Friday.

1. Dommom - 3 bottles of CAPSULE
2. chanchanboy - 1 bottle of CAPSULE
3. yuenyuen - 2bottles of capsule
4. Justin2002 - 2 bottles of capsule
5. ABBmom - 1 bottle of capsule and 1 bottle of powder
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottle of capsule
7. haybmum - 1 bottle of capsule
8. 內疚爸爸 - 2 bottle of capsule
9. shunshunma - 1 bottle of capsule
10. MerMee - 1 bottle of capsule --> revised[/quote]
11. GRACEbb - 1 bottle of capsule

Dear kawai, haybmum, justin2002,承承媽媽 and all other mums,
Thank you for your valuable advice, information and encouragement.  How are you?  Now, I took my son to visit Dr. Lam since in mid January 2006.  He seems better than before (No more of the old problem in his mouth痱茲after he took the remedy prescribed by Dr. Yuen).  However, I trusted the homeopathy can cure many diseases.  Dr. Yuen may not match my son.  I will still take my son to visit Dr. Yuen when he is sick.  The prescribed remedy is a natural medicine.  It seems no more side effect than taking the medicine prescribed by 西醫.  After he got the B12 injection in the clinic, he became talkative, active and attentive.  I still hesitate and am not brave enough to give him the B12 injection by myself at home.  Can any mums share about after your kid took the prescribed supplements or vitamins, he/she will feel very hungry?  My son often looks for and asks for the food.  Why?
I hope my son and all mums’ sons and daughters will recover soon.  Let us 共勉之.

發表於 06-2-16 12:03 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

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發表於 06-2-16 12:26 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-16 19:51 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

哇8個人!! 除反開我家連工人只有四人, 仲要只係煮d 輕ken野給仔食, 咁你10-14日洗一次芯真係唔算過份.

ultramom 寫道:
hi Mermee,
我屋企連菲傭有成8個人!!! 我估係香港都算"大"家庭, 用水量好高, 屋企有長者同小孩, lunch都多數係屋企煮食.
我哋每日都留定一大桶水, 如果唔係, 煮飯時候真係等唔切水用.
我大女就會自己直接飲用diamond 水, 佢話"涼"d喎.佢就肯飲多咗水, 可能覺得"新鮮"掛.
我見每次洗蕊時, 個蕊都已經好"啡"色, 可能我屋企d水質唔係咁好.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-16 20:07 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


Thank you for yr detailed explanation. I will change my bottle from powder to capsule then.

Order for the new probiotics HLC MindLinx by Pharmax which is claimed to have specifically developed for autism and ADHD. Let me know if anyone interested to try. The deadline is on coming Friday.

1. Dommom - 3 bottles of CAPSULE
2. chanchanboy - 1 bottle of CAPSULE
3. yuenyuen - 2bottles of capsule
4. Justin2002 - 2 bottles of capsule
5. ABBmom - 2 bottles of capsule
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottle of capsule
7. haybmum - 1 bottle of capsule
8. 內疚爸爸 - 2 bottle of capsule
9. shunshunma - 1 bottle of capsule
10. MerMee - 1 bottle of capsule --> revised
11. GRACEbb - 1 bottle of capsule
12. stellacl - 1 bottle of capsule

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-16 22:29 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


食左supplement一般胃口會好的.因為消化及腸道能力曾強有關. 致於自己打B12針,慢慢來吧!

GRACEbb 寫道:
I still hesitate and am not brave enough to give him the B12 injection by myself at home.  Can any mums share about after your kid took the prescribed supplements or vitamins, he/she will feel very hungry?  My son often looks for and asks for the food.  Why?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-17 00:06 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "



(1) Probiotics益生菌,是幫助保護腸道將付在腸道有害菌清除,摃固免疫力.仔仔平時便便正常亦不代表腸道冇菌所以Dr.Lam都有開比你仔仔食架.
(2)我未試過唔知係咪所講咁有效可以頂住casein and gulten food.
(4)L-glutamine 係amino acid又可幫助腸道免疫力. 好多Probiotics都有此成份.不過如果你想比仔仔試新產品就要停Dr.Lam那隻Probiotics.

stellacl 寫道:
Dear kawai 和其他媽咪,
我很想試用這產品, 但我對probiotics有點混淆, 有以下問題想請問下各位意見 :
(1) 如果仔仔平時便便正常, 是否也應該用 probiotics ?  
(2) 是否食了probiotics 就可以食他平常敏感的食物 ? 例如casein & gluten food ?  
(3) 是否當他食緊antibiotics的時候, 特別需要吃 probiotics ? 份量是否需要增加 ?
(4) Capsule 中含 L-glutamine 250mg, 如果我沒有記錯的話, Dr. Lam 的處方中也有這名稱, 但忘記含量是多少...會否和我們看醫生的處方有矛盾 ?  
(5) probiotics 是否需要給其他小朋友吃 ? 這隻專for autism and ADHD 的probiotics 又是否適合其他一般小朋友食 ? (例如我個女)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-17 08:41 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

hi Kawai,
請問你俾細仔食probiotics時, 點樣衡量用幾多份量呢? 我仲有兩個大女, 平時只係間中俾佢哋飲吓益力多就當係probiotics(唔好見笑, 因為經濟, 佢哋又仲意飲). 不過細女便便都唔係好暢通, 都想試吓俾佢食細佬食緊的probiotics, 但又唔知份量應該俾幾多. 因為唔知阿仔食緊的份量, 係唔係專俾asd細路食(high dosage?).

kawai 寫道:


發表於 06-2-17 11:26 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

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Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-17 12:39 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


益力多 is not a healthy product since each bottle contains 7 teaspoons of sugar (好野痰).  Our younger son is using Kirkman's Acidophilus Powder 1/4 tsp 1 to 2 times a day prescribed by Dr. Trodd.  I mix with a few teaspoons of water, he loves the taste very much.  You can get it from Trodd's clinic as your son is his patient.  Tell Sheron you need the Acidophilus Powder refill then have your maid to collect it.  Just don't tell them it's for your daughters.

You may order it direct from Kirkmans site.  a 4oz size powder usually last for a few months for our sons.  The recommended usage can be found from the link as shown below:

Kirkman's Acidophilus Powder

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-17 13:16 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

BTW, Stella and all, I was told we should rotate the Probiotics for our ASD kids, every 3-weeks to one month or so.  I am doing this now.  One thing to note is that probiotics need to be refridgerated in HK's climate, even if the bottls are not opened yet.
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