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教育王國 討論區 香港培正小學(幼稚園部) 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!
樓主: Icycream

06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-3 22:51 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


我大彥呢d課外活動唔係個個有 website ga wor...

Let me see see:

(1) YMCA Swimming
www.ymca.org.hk $800/8 lessons average $400/mth

(2) KUMON Maths ==> 附近揾嘅, 間間都一樣, 因為係 franchise, $440/mth

(3) Cambridge English ==> 都係貪近 only, $600/mth, $150 per lesson

(4) YMCA 棋藝組 ==> 貪平平地又有一大班小朋友陪佢捉棋 $100 per mth only, 3 lessons each month

(5) 香兒合唱團
$710 per 2 months, average $305 per mth

(6) Piano ==> 又係附近 only, 算係最貴....$200/hr, average $800/mth

(7) 小童軍 ==>呢個最平, 響大角咀 centre 返  $10/mth

Total: $1,855    

==> hee...of course, 咪係我賓賓囉...佢好好架...全靠佢幫我唔少, 佢好醒目亦好錫我d仔, 仲會幫我手睇大彥功課架, 去上英文堂佢等緊個陣又會幫我昅吓佢上成點番嚟 give me feedback ga...   我算好好彩架喇...

唔係點take care兩位公子仲要帶去課外活動呢
==> 我就係為咗方便接送所以特登搬嚟何文田喇...因為我知到大彥小一學校會有好多課外活動提供架, 亦唔貴, 不過就係冇校車接送, 同好多都係 after school 就 start (e.g. 3:30pm or so)...所以如果唔係住附近俾你抽到都煩, 要湊出湊入...所以索性搬出嚟, 又可以慳埋校車錢, 又唔駛受冠忠氣....反正要讀 1x 年哇.....依家住落都 feel very comfortable...賓賓亦唔駛嘥時間出出入入嘛~~   

==>呵呵...係呀...你消息真係靈通噃     .....細細佬會響 end Apr/May 出世架喇....一屋恐龍 lu~~   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-4 09:09 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


Congratulations to your third 彥!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-4 11:21 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!

Thanks.  I wonder how to take up the kid as I will take the private school bus.
You are so brave to have 3rd kid.   
Anyway, congratulation as they are the gift to you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-4 13:49 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!

cleo & kkchow:

Thanks for your blessing ar!!.....     

I wonder how to take up the kid as I will take the private school bus
===> no worry la....the nannies of those private school bus will help to take the kids upstairs ge.... so far I see they're OK ar~~ :

You are so brave to have 3rd kid
==> hoho....having the 3rd one doesn't really need to be brave ge....but need $$$ je...heeeeeee      (kidding).....

Though 3 kids running around the house are quite disturbing sometimes, yet the kind of affection that siblings can bring to each other is quite different from what they get from parents ga.  In fact everything is under my "plan" la...heeeeee   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-4 17:24 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


好佩服妳能征服咁多dinosaurs. 我得一隻dino, PC pm收佢。

我想請教你點克服PC以全中文教學相對唔夠重視英文?你仔仔目前English可以嗎?是否補習已夠。我好懊惱,因目前有好幾間kinder (PC, Kentville, Stafford, Victoria, SC (waiting)) 在手,我住PC附近,個仔係開心怕醜型。我想佢讀non-international schools, 但又想佢中英文都好。夠竟應讀PC 補英文,定讀英文kinder補中文?

請指教。其他媽咪又點睇?你是working mom?


P.s. 大彥的extra-cirr好勁!我都會報香兒!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-4 23:27 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


My warmest welcome to your lovely little dino to join our PC family ar...       

To answer your questions here one by one:

==> 我諗好多家長覺得佢"唔夠重視英文"係因為英小所有課本都係英文, 教書又用英文 etc...所以"相對"地, 培小就好似差好多, 但以我響學校所見, 佢地亦唔係我地一般外人想得咁"少", 佢地都有用外籍老師教英文, 亦都有唔少英文習作, 唯獨係教學語言係中文為主喇...咁好老實, 睇你對仔仔嘅期望係乜, 若一心以英語為首要, 咁可能培小未必係 your cup of tea...但我揀學校我會先睇校風, 學習氣氛 etc...而呢d就未必係一d英小可以擁有, 而且亦唔係話有就有, 我依家都有比仔仔上英文班, 主要係幫佢練大個膽去講, 溝通...在我睇, 學校學語文文只係學習上的其中一環, 好唔好其實好睇埋家庭嘅配合, e.g. if 小朋友只係響學校接觸到英文, 但係番到屋企睇嘅係翡翠台, 講嘅係廣東話, 睇嘅係中文故事書, 咁都冇用格....所以我反而會睇我地可以點樣 build up an English learning environment, 而且我個人反而會 balance both sides, 即係我要我仔仔唔止係可以 communicate in English, but in Chinese as well...須知學好中文比學好英文係更難架....而培小依家亦因為明白家長對英語好重視, 所以呢方面都加強咗好多架喇...不過當然同傳統有名英小仲有d距離喇....so it all depends on your "expectation" la...在我一來我睇學習唔會只側重英文, 二來我唔太擔心, 因為我信我自己都有足夠能力幫佢嘅~~   

==>我依家有比仔仔上 external English courses, 主要係 train 佢一d 比較 academic 嘅嘢, e.g. pronounciation, reading, spelling, writing etc....呢d可以幫到佢講英文會自信d .....依家佢其實係聽講都 OK, 係 sentence structure 未夠好...好多時係單字, 而且佢同外籍人士 (e.g. teacher, my bunbun) 就會講得幾好, 反而同我就成日扮唔識講廣東話 (比佢激死....    ) 所以我依家比佢上個d英文班一定係揾外籍人士, 等佢冇得"厘"埋, 咁多d講, 有 practice, 語文就會有進步......

夠竟應讀PC 補英文,定讀英文kinder補中文
==>我會揀前者, 因為我亦有打算待幾個仔讀至 F3 or F5 就送佢地去外國 (因為我根本唔鍾意 HK 嘅 education system), 所以更加要佢地學好中文先 lor...

你是working mom?
==> yup...I need to work ga.... :cry:  :cry:

PC 幼稚園冇 Putonghua 的, 要小一開始先有, 幾多時間我就唔 sure, 好似係 once per week something, 因我大彥要九月先係小一, 所以唔敢亂講, maybe other moms who have kids studying at PC primary schools may help here..or else let me tell you later when I know....

==>唔勁喇...但因為大彥係 super active type ga..所以唔停得, 要 always keep him busy, and 佢體力同精神上亦可以 afford, so that's why I let him take one activity every day lor....

==>香兒...報丫...唔錯架...平平地又可以俾我個百厭星一d靜吓嘅時間, 我見佢都學得唔錯哇.....不過要入合唱團要 4 歲+ wor...so maybe we have to wait for one more year la...heee....       

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-5 01:11 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!

Hi 彥彥媽咪,

Congratulationssss!!  Take rest and don't stay too late for chatting, he he he........   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-5 11:00 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


Hee...thank you thank you....       

okok..dun chat too late...till 1:xxam gum la...       

禽日我同工人講起佢話原來你囡囡係坐我細彥隔離架咋喎...咦...咁我諗我可能見過佢, 不過唔記得~~    等我揾日得閒都去湊吓文彥望吓先...嘻嘻...

你要返工冇架....係咪小朋友多數係你湊返放學...?? 你大仔依家係邊班哇...?? 等我地一齊約埋出去飲茶喇...依家響中X地產 (以前車行) 個樹開咗個紅綠燈位, 我地過對面 Watson's 個邊就唔駛兜個大圈喇...不知幾正!!    所以我可以成日過去大鴻金個邊飲茶喇...大彥學琴響富威個樹, 又係唔駛兜圈, 真係爭好遠~~~      

我依家開始留意緊康文署一d平平地嘅 sports 課程比大彥, 不過要抽籤, 但若抽到真係唔錯噃....籃球訓練...$40 per month ga ja....   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-5 13:58 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!

Thank you so much for your detailed reply.

Really appreciate much!!!

Re the choir, I will let him start the toddler course before advancing to real -choir la.  Waiting and waiting for the enrolment.   Maybe we could bump into each other one day there.

Re post F.4 study, I have the same plan to send my son abroad for the same reasons. So that's why I save my bullet (don't send him to int'l schools in kinder, prim or secondary stage) and use my rights as a taxpayer.

I am a working mom too but am thinking seriously of being full time as I don't have good support besides my phil m.

I appreciate that you have clear target and vision for your dinos.  I have ambitious target but not sure about the means!!!

Really nice to know you here.  Will talk again later.

Btw, do you know any reasonably good (in terms of $$ and quality) family doctor(s) in HMT area?  I wish to find one as back-up in case my current one is on vacation.  If you have any, pls kindly pm me. THANKS

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-5 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


Welcome to share here la...nice to know you too...

Some feedback here:

Re the choir, I will let him start the toddler course
==> You mean the one organised by HK Children's Choir as well? If yes, I have reservation about it....一來因為佢唔平, 上堂又唔係近 (最近你都要去佢 HMT centre, i.e. Oi Man) .. 亦唔包"直升", 即係去合唱團要再考過, 唔一定有優先....故若以咁嘅價錢計 ($14xx ga..) 我唔覺得值, 事實上香兒除咗合唱團之外, 其他 courses (e.g. dancing, drawing, etc including this 優質音樂xxxx) 都唔係特別搞得出色, 我若俾得咁嘅錢, 出面會有更多 choices, 考合唱團都係著重小朋友視聽唱耳方面之訓練, 故 even Tom Lee/Parth 個d都有哇...唔一定要揀佢 ==>以上係我意見, 當俾你參考....

use my rights as a taxpayer.
==>但你 let your son stay at 培小就享受唔到 taxpayer's benefit ga la wor....    does it mean that you tend to go for lucky draw?? 要注意....培小雖冇明文阻止小朋友去搞珠, 但亦從冇講過話你若響搞珠後被派咗某學校唔鍾意都收番你小朋友架喎...even you paid  留位費...呢點要注意....

don't send him to int'l schools in kinder, prim or secondary stage
==> 回應呢樣....我讚成, 但我覺得你岩 here not becos of "saving bullet", 而係要睇 "cost and effectiveness" ...依家 HK D international schools 全部都" HK 化"哂喇..即係人多過鬼...then 諗番轉頭 why you wanna send your son to Int'l school 先??...if you said 係想佢多d接觸西方文化 or speak in English, 咁我話定比你聽都得嘞....十間有九間都係依家都係收人多過鬼(依家輪響 waiting list 個d都係 HK families 為主喇), 除咗個幾間 top Int'l schools, 但個d係 super noble schools...唔係 XX 集團 Chairman 怕都入唔到 (唔好講要買 N 萬 debentures) ... 就算入到, 咪又係同張學友個女一齊之類... (即係都係"人", 唔係"鬼", then I can't see we can achieve our "objective" here by sending our kids to those schools...在我睇, 與其咁去法, 就不如一早去外國仲好過....   

am thinking seriously of being full time
==> this is a good idea....hee...FYI, I used to work for full time for N years before, then when 大彥 went to K1, I changed to work as a freelancer, 依家反而掉番轉就係見佢升小一我先出番嚟做 full time, so that I could check on his learning after work....因為之前係想多d時間陪佢 (Kindergarten only half day ji ma) ...但有時做 full time mom 好處係可以 focus on the kid, 但 bad points 都係 too focus on the kid, 所謂"相見好, 同住難", 見得多有時反而多磨擦 (我太著緊 his learning ma...somehow this may give him pressure), 呢幾個月 (I returned to the business world for a bout 3 months only) 我同d仔感情仲好因為就係唔係成日見到, 所以佢地會掛住我, whenever I returned home 我就全副精神同佢地玩, chat ...etc...都有另一番滋味架...嘻嘻...    我咁講唔係要叫你唔好 be a FT mom, 而係等你 consider both sides of the coin 先 before you make your final decision la....   

family doctor(s) in HMT area?
==> sorry...我又冇特定 use any family doctor ga...我多數依家係用 Circle K 隔離個間 "保健綜合醫務中心", 個 doctor 姓"梁", 都幾好....亦唔太貴...$160 each time...我大細仔都睇過, 都 OK , 一次就唔駛再睇喇....你可以諗諗~~

Keep in touch la...and let's have tea when we have time ar...又 chat chat...       

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-5 15:03 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


You are REALLY REALLY nice to reply me 'with heart'.    Thank you so much.

Re PC vis a vis Lucky Draw, yes, that is a point I need to reconsider la.  But in any case the $ is still affordable as compared with those dear schools.  How much is PC primary sch fee currently?

Re HK children choir, is that so? Oh.. thank you.  I know there is no 'helicoptor' (jik sing kei) to choir. I thought it is not bad tim as it is always full ga, isn't is?  Yes, you remind me to chase Tom Lee for the Wonderland placement...heeee.

Re family doctor,  have you noticed that there is a doctor called '至正', I find this name funny!!  Dr Leung next to Circle K. Let me figure it out sin.

I asked coz I used to patronise a Dr Chan along the 'hak po street'. He is very good.  But he was on leave till 4 Feb. I felt sick on 1 Feb and had no choice but patronise my kid's paed. at Mongkok centre. Just for my tonsilitis, he charge me HK$4xx and dared even to advise me to get some cells from the throat for bacteria- cultivation to confirm whether it is bacteria xxxxx.  He even advised me to take 2 round of antibiotics!!!

I consulted Dr chan instead today as 覆診. He did not advised to take any 2nd round antibiotic, charged me only HK$200 and told me bacteria-cultivation is totaly unnecessary!! You see... that other doctor is really!!!!

Yes, let's keep in touch. Where do you chat often in BK? HMT mama club? Pls check pm la.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-7 00:07 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!

I also don't recognize as 細彥 sitting beside Ching Ching.  Let me check tomorrow.  I need to work ga, but every morning my husband & I will take Ching Ching to school before we ride on MTR.  My maid will stay home in morning time as my son is still in the bed.  My son is now studying in K3F (正班).  He also learn piano, near Yee On Court.  Seems he like it very much.........I also feel the new 紅綠燈 is very nice and much more convenience to get to Park'n shop.
I also 開始留意緊康文署 course.  I've checked the tennis (but already full for the course from Feb to Apr), only $86. Ar....I've taken some photo with your sons, pls check PM
:  :  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-7 00:15 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!

For family doctor, I've tried Dr Ip in Pine Manor.  So far so good, and she's also kind of doctor not suggested to us antibiotics.  $200 for 3 days medicine.  
By the way, any dentist can be suggested. I've tried the one in Victory Rd., but .......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-7 10:35 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


Re : PC Primary School fee
around $21,xxx per year (10 instalments) 貴就唔貴架喇 (compared with other private/DSS schools)...不過都係要俾咁咯~~

Re : Doctor
個位 Dr Leung 我覺得佢都 OK, 唔會"將貨就價", 雖然只係收我 $160 都交足功課, 又會同家長解釋吓個細路d病咁....最重要仲係唔多人至最好, 好多時一去到頂多有一個人等緊, so 好快可以搞掂....我最怕迫人架...

陳至正我知不過我冇去試過, 因為我見佢個樹一來唔係好大, 二來都真係幾多人....響我眼中, 睇普通科唔想花太多時間, 因為好老實, 細路d病多數都係來來去去個幾樣 (傷風, 咳, 發燒 etc) 話時話, 見得多我依家都就嚟識醫喇..因為去親睇唔同醫生都好, 都係個幾款藥架咋..我都認得個名 lu~~    就嚟可以做埋 part time doctor...heeeeee   

Re : Chat
我多數都響培正 or other 幼稚園/小學呀個d topic 出現架...其實其他 topics (e.g. HMT mama club, 2nd hand market etc) 我都會睇, 但唔一定搭到咀...所以你唔覺我響樹囉.....嘻嘻...       

話時話...嚟緊 coming few weeks may not show up so often lu...工作開始又忙番d...嘻嘻....不過我一定會 steal time to come up ge....騎騎~~     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-7 10:51 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


康文署 course
==> yup..most courses organised by LCSD is OK (in terms of the price and quality), but just that 好多人爭, 要抽籤, so 多數輪唔到我地... (我最冇呢d運), 但點都會試吓嘅....我原先想報籃球, 但佢地d course 要收成 8 yrs old+ , 有排都未得, 係得 Ping Pong 可以 then, so 籃球我會想比佢試"遊樂場協會" (近染布房街個樹哩..) 個d..等佢學d基本功先再去康文署個d....

依家康文個d要等到 Apr course ar...Mar 先接受申請, 到時再去試.....

Re : Dentist
呢樣又 sorry...我都係冇乜好介紹, 因為我未響呢頭睇過....不過我見又係 Circle K 隔離之前我介紹俾 ferriswheel 個間醫療中心原來都有牙醫架...可以問吓...好唔好我就唔知..但我見 price 好似唔貴 (they listed that out at the clinic)
e.g. 補牙$3xx


Rank: 1

發表於 06-2-7 22:55 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!

Calling Calling 彥彥媽 ~~~ 呢樹實搵到你

唔好意思咁多位06 培正K1媽咪, 想問下彥彥媽d題外話....

想請教下 "一條龍中學", "直屬中學", 同"聯繫中學" o係派位上有咩分別呢 ? 唔該晒     

我仲未諗掂, 好頭痕

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-8 00:01 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!



I already answered you at 我地個三月媽媽地頭喇...pls read la...     

Rank: 1

發表於 06-2-8 09:17 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!



問呢d問題係因為仲未決定到究竟比大小姐讀培幼然後升培小好, 定係比佢出去抽獎..........所以間唔使都會上黎呢度睇下, 因為都仲有機會會同細彥做同學仔mah     

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-8 12:28 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!

Hi, all

我想買定件冷背心比囝囝 PC 返學 (因為好多 童裝 on sales : 想買定 for 缶年) ,唔知PC 校服冷背心要著咩 color,深藍 or 淺藍 可以嗎?一定要经 PC買嗎?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-8 14:11 |只看該作者

Re: 06年培正K1....一齊交流下啦!!!


Either dark blue or white only.  PC 唔賣嘅, 要自己出去買 :

Hi, all

我想買定件冷背心比囝囝 PC 返學 (因為好多 童裝 on sales : 想買定 for 缶年) ,唔知PC 校服冷背心要著咩 color,深藍 or 淺藍 可以嗎?一定要经 PC買嗎?

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