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Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-30 11:53 |只看該作者
As the content may cause uncomfortable to some moms, I would rather delete it.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-30 15:27 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

In other discussion forum you told people that your friend’s kid is studying in CKY, then in here you said that your colleague’s wife is teaching in CKY.  So, you know many people who are CKY-related, but you are not a CKY parent.  Then, eventually you “transfer” their personal thoughts to here.  Regrettably, your views (or their views which are filtered by you?) are quite subjective. You have even changed your English heading of the post to Chinese to attract more attention.  I am not sure what is your intention to post so many negative comments on CKY in different forums here.

Being a parent (you are not a CKY parent right?), I am fully aware of what kind of school I choose.  I am not sure whether I can speak for all CKY parents, but one thing I am quite sure that – we are all well educated.  I, myself, have a master degree from a US university, so as my wife, and I know many CKY parents who are professionals.  Do you think we are all stupid dude, letting our kids enter a school which we don’t know at all, and pay $40000 a year?

I admit, the school’s administration is a mess. I talked about this in other threads in this Forum many times.  But, no school is perfect, and I don’t think other private schools are much better administrative than CKY.  Even they are, what I concern is the education mode, rather than the administration, as I am not the teacher working for CKY.

Every teacher does complain the school they work for.  So, what the big deal?  I always complain my company, but it is a well-known service company.  The matter is, we serve the clients well.  Which client cares for your administration, how much you pay for your staff?

I think you need to spend more time to read CKY brochure.  It is NOT an international school, it doesn’t claim itself as an international school, and the school masters even don't claim the school as an English school.  It is a triingual school, where English, Putonghua and Cantonese are used.

I attended many school activities, and I even paid many “sudden visits” to school and the classroom, so I can confirm that:




If you colleague’s wife needs to have translators to teach English in class, it is the problem of her teaching ability.  No wonder she failed many times for applying the ESP.  I have never seen my kid’s English teacher using Chinese during class, and I have never heard of any similiar complaints from other parents.

In my kid’s class, there is a classmate who is very weak in English (only knew a few English words when he entered CKY). But, he can catch up fast in P.1, as he can open himself to the English learning environment, encouraged by the English teacher.  It all depends on the teacher and the kid.

English teachers are mostly expat.  High turnover rate is not only the problem of CKY, but also other schools.  Bear in mind that, CKY pays less than the market price to English teachers, but their workloads are much more than the international schools.

No school is financially sufficient. 拔萃都被人投訴唔夠課外書啦.So what? It is still a famous and good school.

My kid reads at least 10 story books a week, which are mostly borrowed from the public library. I don’t think any school could has a big school library to accommodate the needs of more than 600 book worms (students).  You want to read? Fine, there are plenty books in the public library, which CKY encourages their students to go regularly, and the kids are required to write reports on the books they have read.  Don’t complain that there is no book in school, so your kid learns nothing.  It is the job of the parents.

CKY has just released the admission results, and it is now a sensitive moment to see such sensitive post.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-30 16:35 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校


I think you are a 'sour grape'. Where did you study English?
hksarah 寫道:
In the last X’mas party, I met the wife of our General Manager ( let’s called her Ms. A  ). She  is currently a teacher CKY school. Both my General Manager and his wife is an English. Our colleagues and her have a quite long discussion to the education in Hong Kong and CKY. At the very beginning, I do not have any intention to look down CKY. I just want to give our moms to have another point of views to CKY form a crrent teacher for open discussion.
Some important points are listed below.

The background of Ms. A : -

She has a higher diploma in Education. She has taught Kindergarden and primary school for several years in England. Ms. A would like to apply as a teacher in English School Foundation  英基 but failed for several times. I am so frighten that Ms. A is so open to tell us about this. She said that she will continue to apply as a teacher in English School Foundation. It’s not only for the salary but also for ESF’s reputation in England and the World. She has taught CKY for three years.

Ms. A’s comment to CKY school :-

The Principal and the management would like to make this school good.

The administration of this school is mess.

The policy and regulation always change.

The qualification of the foreign teacher is various. The main requirement is you are a Native English speaker. The pay is also various.

This school would like to copy the whole mode of teaching and learning from an International School e.g ESF. But it is quite if not absolutely impossible due to the English standard of student in this school is too low. It is hard for the foreign teacher to teach in English totally and fluently.

The resource of this school is not enough. There are not enough English story books. The management said that they will prepare funding for purchasing story books for each year. Then after five to six years, the situation of lacking story book will be improved.  The management said that it is a new school and many aspects of improvement should take time. Ms. A do not agree with this point as this school required the teacher to teach the student with the story book only.

The teaching guidelines and course syllabus for the teacher is too loose. They don’t know what and how to teach.

Quite a number say 25% of foreign teachers leave this CKY every year. Most of the foreign teachers are finding other jobs including Ms. A.

Quite a lot of the development is frozen due to the lack of financial support.

She believed that CKY will became better and better with the time past. However, it will take times. It is usual event for a new school. Ms. A anticipated that it will take another ten years.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-30 16:37 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校


You said you hold a master degree from a USA university. Which one was that and where did you learn English?

kunggi201 寫道:
In other discussion forum you told people that your friend’s kid is studying in CKY, then in here you said that your colleague’s wife is teaching in CKY.  So, you know many people who are CKY-related, but you are not a CKY parent.  Then, eventually you “transfer” their personal thoughts to here.  Regrettably, your views (or their views which are filtered by you?) are quite subjective. You have even changed your English heading of the post to Chinese to attract more attention.  I am not sure what is your intention to post some many negative comments on CKY in different forums here.

Being a parent (you are not a CKY parent right?), I am fully aware of what kind of school I choose.  I am not sure whether I can speak for all CKY parents, but one thing I am quite sure that – we are all well educated.  I, myself, have a master degree from a US university, so as my wife, and I know many CKY parents who are professionals.  Do you think we are all stupid dude, letting our kids enter a school which we don’t know at all, and pay $40000 a year?

I admit, the school’s administration is a mess. I talked about this in other threads in this Forum many times.  But, no school is perfect, and I don’t think other private schools are much better administrative than CKY.  Even they are, what I concern is the education mode, rather than the administration, as I am not the teacher working for CKY.

Every teacher does complain the school they work for.  So, what the big deal?  I already complain my company, but it is a well-known service company.  The matter is, we serve the clients well.  Which client will care for your administration, how much you pay for your staff?

I think you need to spend more time to read CKY brochure.  It is NOT an international school, it doesn’t claim itself as an international school, and the school masters even don't claim the school as an English school.  It is a bilingual school, where English, Putonghua and Cantonese are used.

I attended many school activities, and I even paid many “sudden visits” to school and the classroom, so I can confirm that:




If you colleague’s wife needs to have translators to teach English in class, it is the problem of her teaching ability.  No wonder she failed many times for applying the ESP.  I have never seen my kid’s English teacher using Chinese during class, and I have never heard of any similiar complains from other parents.

In my kid’s class, there is a classmate who is very weak in English (only knew a few English words when he entered CKY). But, he can catch up fast in P.1, as he can open himself to the English learning environment, encouraged by the English teacher.  It all depends on the teacher and the kid.

English teachers are mostly expat.  High turnover rate is not only the problem of CKY, but also other schools.  Bear in mind that, CKY pay less than the market price to English teachers, but their workloads are much more than the international schools.

No school is financially sufficient. 拔萃都被人投訴唔夠課外書啦.So what? It is still a famous and good school.

My kid read at least 10 story books a week borrowed from the public library. I don’t think any school which has a big school library to accommodate more than 600 book worms (students).  You want to read? Fine, there are plenty books in the public library, which CKY encourages their students to go regularly, and the kids are required to write report on the books they read.  Don’t complain that there is no book in school, so your kid learns nothing.  It is the job of the parents.

CKY has just released the admission results, and it is now a sensitive moment to see such sensitive post.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-30 16:38 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

Dear kunggi201 ,

I'm sorry that my previous thread had offence your goodself. You are right that it may not be a good timing to discuss a school as it has just released the admission result.

May be we can delete our previous posts and let's have a open discussion in the few months later.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-30 16:48 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

Dear motheroffour,

Im so regret that I learn English in Hong Kong. I have a grade A in HKCEE English Language Sys. B.  Luckily or say unfortunately, I graduate from HKU with a Second Honour Degree of English Lit.

SO my English is so weak.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-30 17:35 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

At first I do not intend to reply to such kind of groundless accusations to the school because I could not imagine any sensible person would openly express such dumb comments like English standard of the student is too low during a joyous Xmas party, especially to her hubby’s sub, let alone our beloved CKY teachers.   The message looks to me more like the English lady is attending an interview with ESF and the interviewer asks her why she would quit CKY and apply for ESF.

Yet as kunggi has said, this is a sensitive time for parents making decision and I would like to tell prospective CKY parents that the negative comments in the opening thread are far from being the truth.

“The administration of this school is mess” – At times it is messy, but mostly for the short notices.  Other than that it is acceptable.  Be frank, to be fair to the admin. staff and the Principals, I would refrain from accusing them that it is a total mess.  I believe most of the administrative deficiencies happened as a result of the borrowed school site, worse yet it has to be shared with YCIS.  I think it could only get better when we get the new campus built.

“The policy and regulation always change” – NOPE, at least from parents and students point of view.  For educational philosophy and policy, its emphasis on bi-lingualism and student development never changed.  Policy/regulation for the school and teacher, I DON'T CARE.  I only know that contracts for under-performing teachers would not be renewed which is good.

About ESF, no doubt.  Teaching in ESF and most popular IS is a dream job for any NET.  You can easily get over a million HK dollars a year for a 5days a week 10 months a year job.  Sometimes the students would pay the overseas trip for you too.  Why not?   You can also easily find NET friends around too.  Having said that, a NET is a NET with foreign roots and ties, nobody is going to expect them to stay for a long time.

As kunggi said, CKY is not copying ESF mode of teaching. Most ESF except SJS are British curriculum based, though they are moving to IB.  CKY and ISF are unique in their emphasis on CHINESE and English.  Not that many ESF schools place such strong emphasis on Chinese.  Renaissance is going to apply the same philosophy.  Actually this is the reason I put my kid into CKY.

At the end, I just don’ understand what is meant by “CKY will became better and better with the time past. However, it will take times. It is usual event for a new school. Ms. A anticipated that it will take another ten years.”  Becoming better and better is a continuous event while taking 10 years usually refer to a set target.  And I think it is really bold for somebody to claim a school would need 10 years to get better.

Oops by the way, CKY was only opened for 3 years and a few months.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-30 17:46 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校


Can't believe it, your English is horrible. No, you are not a HKU graduate.

More likely than not, you are a Chinese University graduate.

hksarah 寫道:
Dear motheroffour,

Im so regret that I learn English in Hong Kong. I have a grade A in HKCEE English Language Sys. B.  Luckily or say unfortunately, I graduate from HKU with a Second Honour Degree of English Lit.

SO my English is so weak.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-30 17:48 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校


I don't think you have chosen a good school for your kid, though I don't agree with hksarah.

EdT 寫道:
At first I do not intend to reply to such kind of groundless accusations to the school because I could not imagine any sensible person would openly express such dumb comments like English standard of the student is too low during a joyous Xmas party, especially to her hubby’s sub, let alone our beloved CKY teachers.   The message looks to me more like the English lady is attending an interview with ESF and the interviewer asks her why she would quit CKY and apply for ESF.

Yet as kunggi has said, this is a sensitive time for parents making decision and I would like to tell prospective CKY parents that the negative comments in the opening thread are far from being the truth.

“The administration of this school is mess” – At times it is messy, but mostly for the short notices.  Other than that it is acceptable.  Be frank, to be fair to the admin. staff and the Principals, I would refrain from accusing them that it is a total mess.  I believe most of the administrative deficiencies happened as a result of the borrowed school site, worse yet it has to be shared with YCIS.  I think it could only get better when we get the new campus built.

“The policy and regulation always change” – NOPE, at least from parents and students point of view.  For educational philosophy and policy, its emphasis on bi-lingualism and student development never changed.  Policy/regulation for the school and teacher, I DON'T CARE.  I only know that contracts for under-performing teachers would not be renewed which is good.

About ESF, no doubt.  Teaching in ESF and most popular IS is a dream job for any NET.  You can easily get over a million HK dollars a year for a 5days a week 10 months a year job.  Sometimes the students would pay the overseas trip for you too.  Why not?   You can also easily find NET friends around too.  Having said that, a NET is a NET with foreign roots and ties, nobody is going to expect them to stay for a long time.

As kunggi said, CKY is not copying ESF mode of teaching. Most ESF except SJS are British curriculum based, though they are moving to IB.  CKY and ISF are unique in their emphasis on CHINESE and English.  Not that many ESF schools place such strong emphasis on Chinese.  Renaissance is going to apply the same philosophy.  Actually this is the reason I put my kid into CKY.

At the end, I just don’ understand what is meant by “CKY will became better and better with the time past. However, it will take times. It is usual event for a new school. Ms. A anticipated that it will take another ten years.”  Becoming better and better is a continuous event while taking 10 years usually refer to a set target.  And I think it is really bold for somebody to claim a school would need 10 years to get better.

Oops by the way, CKY was only opened for 3 years and a few months.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-30 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

吓, motheroffour, 做乜咁嚇我。  有何高見,請講, 願聞其詳。

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-30 18:19 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

嘩! 講咗咁多Ms. A的背景,如果係真,CKY都好易估到個 2 5 NET係邊個。好心人地當你朋友講感受你聽就留番D口德啦,唔好亦唔使爆人地個Personal Background出來。


Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-30 18:49 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校


幸好CKY都能如時通告結果,雖然早前2ND IN的時間表一再失守,亦算作出改善。

EdT 寫道:
吓, motheroffour, 做乜咁嚇我。  有何高見,請講, 願聞其詳。

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-30 20:03 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校


o it is so bad at cky. EdT, you think should he change school for his kid? I afraid, i will not apply this school.
BBCMum 寫道:

幸好CKY都能如時通告結果,雖然早前2ND IN的時間表一再失守,亦算作出改善。

EdT 寫道:
吓, motheroffour, 做乜咁嚇我。  有何高見,請講, 願聞其詳。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-30 21:04 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

Ms A's comments, even if they are true and undistorted, will not affect my decision to let my kid study at CKY next year.  I don't judge a school simply by the standard of its administration, or by  the turnover rate of NET which is bound to be relatively high in any case.  I believe that a strong foundation in Chinese, English plus Putonghua, together with a love for reading and a passion for lifelong learning are the best gifts for learning that we can give to our children.  I am confident that CKY will be able to help me deliver these gifts to my kid in a happy and nourishing environment.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-12-30 22:46 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校


This is the typical believe-it-or-not story of a Big Brother who knows it all and has a Big Secret to announce.

I have no intention to look down your hearsay attitude or your English, like “She is currently a teacher __ CKY school.  BOTH my General Manager and his wife IS AN ENGLISH.”  However, judging from your previous writings about CKY, you used to have second hand adverse comments from what you were told by others.  

From my first hand information as a father of a kid studying at CKY, my understanding is that both my kid and his classmates have very high standard of English and Chinese, especially in speaking English and Putonghua.  My brother who works in the Education and Manpower Bureau once told me that the English standard of CKY was very high according to their school inspection.  The introduction by the class teachers of my kid revealed that they graduated from universities with education diploma and years of teaching experience in UK or in the State.  

My son used to take some courses from the British Council and he is always rated “A” grading and his Chinese poetry and story writing are superb.  I have told him that I might publish a book for him if he continued to impress me with his well-written poems and short stories.  He has a lot of English storybooks to read at school, more than 50 books a year.  I used to buy him more than 400 books a year, both Chinese and English, not including kid's magazines and comic books cos you can't rely on school alone, not even at university.  Some one like you might be an exception.  He enjoys reading books at school and at home and he would even like to borrow more books from the school library and the Hong Kong Central Library.  

I suggest that you should read more of kunggi201's previous writings on CKY.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-30 23:03 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

motheroffour 寫道:

You said you hold a master degree from a USA university. Which one was that and where did you learn English?

I think, this thread is for discussing CKY, not for challenging people’s qualification.  And, it is not wise to post all personal details on net.
Believe it or not, it is your choice, which I cannot control.

I was not majoring in English, so my English is not perfect. I admit.
One of my assistants is a HKU graduate, but she can’t write good English as well.
She was majoring in computer science, and I hired her for her computer expertise, not English.

BTW, I believe, personal cultivation, achievement and ability cannot be judged by his/her academic qualification, proficiency in English, as well as which school he/she belongs.  C H Tung speaks better English and Putonghua than Donald Tsang, but which one you prefer to be our Chief Executive?

Well, you may decline both of them, and wish to have Christopher Patten, who could bring us good old days again.  But, his ex-boss, John Major was even not a U graduate.

Li Ka Sing can’t speak good Cantonese, but he is the richest man in HK. Under Cheung Kong there are plenty of good English speaking people who are working for him.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-30 23:21 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

hksarah 寫道:
Dear kunggi201 ,

I'm sorry that my previous thread had offence your goodself. You are right that it may not be a good timing to discuss a school as it has just released the admission result.

May be we can delete our previous posts and let's have a open discussion in the few months later.  

Although it is a free discussion forum, I think everyone has to be responsible for what he/she posts.  Simply transferring other people’s personal comments could mislead people, especially if the comments are personally biased.  I can hardly find a school, where 100% of its teachers are fully happy with their work.  There are always complaints from workers against their companies.  

Well, as I said, I work for a service company, and I wish to share my personal experience.
One day, one of my assistants came to my office and grumbled –
“Mr XXX is so stupid. I have spent quite a long time to teach him how to use the new computer system. He cannot catch up at all!”
My answer to her:
“He is our client and it is your job to teach him.  If he fails to do so, it’s not his problem, but yours!”

I hate to hear complaints from teachers that their students are stupid, standard is low, etc (like the old days when we were in the traditional school).  It is their job to educate the kids well, and they should be responsible if the kids cannot learn well from them.

Regrettably to say, your colleague’s wife is not a responsible teacher.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-30 23:35 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

motheroffour 寫道:

I don't think you have chosen a good school for your kid, though I don't agree with hksarah.

The definition of “good school” varies from parents to parents.  Well, I don’t like to compare schools with schools, as every school has it own strengths and weaknesses.  It depends on the preference of the parents – whether they want traditional v.s. activity approach? international school v.s. bilingual/trilingual teaching? affordable v.s. free?

To me, a “good school” is a school where kids love to go and develop their own enthusiasm in learning.  So, would you mind to share your thought on what kind of school is ideal to you? and which school your kid is attending?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-30 23:59 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

fannycheungmc 寫道:

o it is so bad at cky. EdT, you think should he change school for his kid?

A joke to share:
他破口向天大罵:「Fxxxing America, God dxxx America…」
樓南光:「梗係去America 啦!」

A personal experience to share:
我太太經常投訴CKY的short notice,有時都幾火下

Good or bad, depends on what you want.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-31 00:04 |只看該作者

Re: The views of a 保良局蔡繼有學校 foreign teacher to 保良局蔡繼有學校

Regrettably, my daugther was failed after the 2nd interview.  But I  am sure the quality of the CKY parents, at least in this forum, are quite Good.

And my friend told me that her daugther (P.1 this year in  CKY) always like reading at home / outside.

Anyway, wish all your kids growing up well  in CKY.
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