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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話
樓主: bowling68

終於收到 蔡繼有 電話 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-9 18:17 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

bowling68 寫道:
And the civil servant can claim 50% or more of the school fee which they cannot do the same in IS.

Just to supplement, I am CKY parent but I am not a civil servant.  I need to pay full school fee.

My kid was admitted to ESF, but I gave up the seat.  You may ask why?

Simply, the CKY's school version is in line with my belief - The education mode, and the trilingual language training.  Many parents have talked about this here, so I don't want to elaborate more.

Everyone has his/her own belief or preference..no matter they choose traditional schools, CKY or ESF or others, it is their own choices.   If you believe it, it is good.  If not, there are thousand excuses for you to turn down any schools you don't like.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-9 23:16 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

本人的囝囝都是明年升讀小一, 亦有幸得到CKY 2in 的機會. 見大家討論CKY 學費的問題, 我都想發表下一些意見. 在報名前, 本人有參加學校安排的簡介會, 其中令本人最感動的是 CKY的教學理念是以人(小朋友的development)為本. 初小的課程內容都是班主任編制的. 他們可能隨著當時學生的興趣而更改課程的內容. 我覺得很難得的. 以一般的津小來講, 他們的課程都要按照已定的編排來教授(教署的編排), 很小會就地取材來授課. 其實參不多就是tailor-made課程給自己的囝囝, 在大人的世界tailor-made的東西都是給一般的都貴. 最重要是錢給出來而收回的回報是多於付出的, 那就化算啦 (c9). 另外, 我都有在bk問過CKY的家長, 小朋友需不需要補習的, 有的說是不用的,其實在津小就讀的學生, 錢都花在補習上啦. 但小朋友就要LOST了 玩的時間或親子的時間來上補習. 這個已經不可用錢來衡量啦. 我自己的先生都反對在小學的時候已經用了那麼多錢, 咁到了中學大學又怎辦呢. 事實上他講的都沒錯, 但我就覺得一日有能力的話, 都會想給囝囝最好的. 就算真的沒能力, 要讀津校, 但在這幾年學到的learning motivation & personal develpment..是終身的.那就非常值得了. 最重要是對佢有信心..

Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-10 00:27 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

benmack 寫道:
1] CKY的教學理念是以人(小朋友的development)為本.
2] 另外, 我都有在bk問過CKY的家長, 小朋友需不需要補習的
3]但在這幾年學到的learning motivation & personal develpment..是終身的.那就非常值得了. 最重要是對佢有信心..

1] confirmed. 課本是校方挑選,工作紙是校方編制

2] confirmed. 我孩子沒有去補習;以我所知的十幾個同班同學,也沒有去補習,除了只有一個好像是馬來西亞來的學生有去補習中文

3] confirmed - learning motivation & personal development 是十分重要.CKY的學生都很喜歡上課和學習 .像我孩子,我總覺得他是一張"吸水紙",不停想學新知識,看新書,學習新玩意,對CKY 學生來說:學習=遊戲

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-12 13:45 |只看該作者



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-12 14:09 |只看該作者

Re: 蔡繼有會否收小二插班

我知道有, 點申請就吾知喇。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-12 15:49 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

kunggi201 寫道:
benmack 寫道:
1] CKY的教學理念是以人(小朋友的development)為本.
2] 另外, 我都有在bk問過CKY的家長, 小朋友需不需要補習的
3]但在這幾年學到的learning motivation & personal develpment..是終身的.那就非常值得了. 最重要是對佢有信心..

1] confirmed. 課本是校方挑選,工作紙是校方編制

2] confirmed. 我孩子沒有去補習;以我所知的十幾個同班同學,也沒有去補習,除了只有一個好像是馬來西亞來的學生有去補習中文

3] confirmed - learning motivation & personal development 是十分重要.CKY的學生都很喜歡上課和學習 .像我孩子,我總覺得他是一張"吸水紙",不停想學新知識,看新書,學習新玩意,對CKY 學生來說:學習=遊戲[/quote]


Do you know the secondary school distribution of CKY students now? (As they don't have secondary school yet).  Besides, after they have opened secondary school in future, which public exam do they need to take for graduation?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-13 10:21 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

Nobody will know since CKY is just a new school. They now only have P5 student. They have not taken any public exam. They have not said that they will open secondary school in future.


發表於 05-12-13 11:24 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

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Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-13 17:10 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

請問一些蔡繼有的家長, 該校的程度如何?課程是否比較淺?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-13 18:32 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

CKY parents,
Would CKY have an open day in the near future, and if so when would that be?  Thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-14 14:36 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

Dear parent,

I never heard of CKY had organised open day.
CKY will surely has their own secondary school(construction work will begin at the end of 2006) and student will not join the sec. school allocation exercise provided by the Gov.
CKY student will have the IBD when they graduate (for local and oversea U. application)
If comparing to traditional school, most parent will feel their student standard may not "hard" enough in a sense of comparing their Math. calculating speed or scoring the model answer etc in the first few years. So you better prepare yourself if you really want your kid entering it.
Just as Kungi said, it all depends on whether you trust the school will provide a good environment for your kid or not.

發表於 05-12-14 15:10 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-14 16:38 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

WTO搞到無人得閒答添。 據我所知道,CKY你可以當無分中小學部, 學生係吾參加升中派位亦無中學自行收生呢樣野, 一條龍私校係吾需要呈交小五、小六成績來分學生Banding。 理論上入左小一就要預埋讀到第12班,每一級就係咁多個小朋友讀上去。 同其他「龍」吾同之處係無話中學部會收多D學生(音小都好似係咁)。  不過中途都會有學生轉出, 有位也有轉入,好正常。

CKY今年D小五生明年九月開始讀中學課程lu, 如果重未有聲氣中學招生,即係原班小五生明年升中喇, 就係咁多個位。 再五年後考IGCSE之後兩年11,12班讀/考IB Diploma。除非好多家長強烈要求,否則應該吾會考香港新高中試喇。  橫掂香港各大院校都recognize IBD。

Rank: 1

發表於 05-12-14 22:42 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

U know, so many parents have registered more than one school for their kids, some  seats will be spare at August.  So, U can try around June, fill a application form & profilio (if any).

I applied CKY at late June, I have the interview at late August, I forgot the date.. 2-3 days later got the result by phone, attend the orientation at 2005-08-28. (All finished within a week, what a big rush!)  Buy school uniform on 2005-08-31!!!

But I have not buy the school uniforms/ books of the registered school before got the result of CKY, who will know how worry of my mind?!!

There were about 10 kids applied P.1 to P.2 last year, and about 5 kids for P.3 to P.5, but I don't know how many kids they had took.  Luckily I'm the one of them.  They have the same style of interview, simple written questions for kids, then wait for interview with principal (two pair 1 time).  No 2nd in this time.

SO never give up, even U're rejected this time, U still have chance!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-14 23:45 |只看該作者

Re: 終於收到 蔡繼有 電話

so, it is a BIG Good news for many parents this year!
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