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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集
樓主: TSLiu

ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-7 19:40 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集


"養不教,父之過;教不嚴,師之隋! (做媽咪最扺,點都唔關我事!  )"
wow, 好文彩 and humor!!
Thanks for your info, i'll shop around ... see if it helps.

Hi all mums,
As learnt that most of your kids' health are very good, could you share w/ me how you take care of your kids (this is a silly Q but I really give up   as my kid's health has been no good especially in these 2 months, his health is really poor) I just mentioned to my mother-in-low about my son's health situation and she questioned me "why is it like this ... you work full-time to take of him, don't you?"      (a heart-broken Q ... i was so foolish to tell her)
Thus, can you share w/ me:
1. did your kid get flu vaccination?
2. how much H2O does your kid drink per day? (eg 160z milk, 12oz water, 6oz soup, etc)
3. how many hrs does your kid sleep including nap time?
4. did you breastfeed your kid? if yes, for how long?
5. any suggestion to improve kid's health?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-7 19:58 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

HeiHeiMa 寫道:
我仔果班都係聽日火鍋, 想請問係咪唔o使帶茶點o架喇?
如果唔帶碗, 用返茶點盒ok嗎?

係咪一定要免洗即棄嗰d? 帶普通餐具得嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-7 20:06 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

1. did your kid get flu vaccination?
--- Yes, I inject the influenza vaccine every year for her, even the pneumococcal vaccine too.

2. how much H2O does your kid drink per day? (eg 160z milk, 12oz water, 6oz soup, etc)
--- She has a fruit time, one orange or apple or dragon fruit or kiwi fruit or pear every day. Milk for 2 times (7oz each). Soup for 2 times (8 oz each). Water for 3-4 times (8oz each)

3. how many hrs does your kid sleep including nap time?
--- Cherrie doesn't take any nap. She wakes up and goes to bed very early. Each day she takes ~ 12 hours for sleep.

4. did you breastfeed your kid? if yes, for how long?
--- Yes, I breastfed her for ~ 10 months!

5. any suggestion to improve kid's health?
--- Eat more, drink more and sleep more!!! Besides, do more exercise too!

bbych2004 寫道:
Hi all mums,
Thus, can you share w/ me:
1. did your kid get flu vaccination?
2. how much H2O does your kid drink per day? (eg 160z milk, 12oz water, 6oz soup, etc)
3. how many hrs does your kid sleep including nap time?
4. did you breastfeed your kid? if yes, for how long?
5. any suggestion to improve kid's health?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-8 00:55 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

0203Ma 寫道:
And then, last Friday, my daughter’s 鼻樑紅腫了一片, 查問下, 佢話石姑娘 (校車跟車 EE) 叫我開帶(安全帶), 點知剎車, 撞左埋前面個位. 其實之前已有鄰居話 朝早送返學時, 見St. Cat 架校車d小朋友未坐好就開車. Yesterday call 譚主任, 佢話會留意and 反映.

Hi 0203Ma,

你囡囡是否坐5号school bus呀?am class or pm class?我囡囡坐5号bus pm class. 開學頭兩日跟佢坐school bus,㗎車開得好慢,要成個鐘至返到學校。可能做比家長睇。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 08:54 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

以往我同naoki唔用英文溝通, 返左sc英文進步好大, 屋企同時換左賓賓, 佢同賓賓溝通得好好, 亦好有興趣講英文, 我覺得sc都合乎我既要求

我仔都係5號車, 不過我覺得而家依然係慢, 唔係做比家長睇, 因為我仔7:40上車, 近9:00才到校, 坐車既野都好難講, 意外既野好難免

我帶左用完即棄, 我估佢地都係食少少, 唔洗用真碗筷卦
我有張sabrina既相想post出來, 唔知點解upload上網變得好濛

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 08:59 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集


2) Any native and Putonghua teacher(s)?
---> putonghua 上k2才有
3) Misc fees per year?
---> 除了書簿費, 冇misc fees
4) Snack fess per year?
----> 自備, 冇snack fee

我好認同你所講, 老師唔嚴好難control咁多個小朋友, 由其現今大多數生1個起2個止, 個個都驕生慣養, 有d小朋友好野蠻, 出去被鞭策一下係好事, 當然唔係打唔係過份傷害其自尊心的教授

本身比好有壓力既我, 看後精神為之一振

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 09:35 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Don't worry.  "Speaking more Cantonese" does not necessarily mean 英文退步, 只係Cantonese進步啫 which is definitely not a bad thing.  A lot of parents don't appreciate the importance of fluent Cantonese but I do.  Recently, I notice some of my neighbour's kids who speak English / Mandarin exclusively at home have a hard time adapting to school life.  Their language limitations hinder their social skills development, eg. less reluctant to play with other children, refuse to greet people, less likely to talk to strangers etc.  I foresee this may also affect their competitiveness when going to interviews.  Like other bilingual kids, Daniel also does not show significant improvement in English after going to SC.  However, I am still very pleased with his progress so far.  He has started to pick up a very nice British accent as opposed to his mixed accent before when he watched Barney (US) and Thomas (British) VCDs.  

Daniel is not trilingual, he has not been to any mandarin playgroups and has minimal exposure to our country's official language which I am very much ashamed of.  Do let me know if there is any good mandarin teachers around.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 09:43 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

琴日本來係hotpot day, 但ansel感冒冇返學, miss左tim.

我仔冇打流感針, 每日要訓2-3小時午睡, 晚上訓8-9小時.
多飲水, 多吃水果especially rich in vitamin C like kiwi, orange. 有時會食羊奶片 & vitamin candy.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 10:41 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Hi danielboy,
I do appreciate the importance of fluent Cantonese  too since Cherrie's Cantonese always makes me headache! e.g. 唔對住(對唔住),黑天喇(天黑喇)

danielboy 寫道:
Don't worry.  "Speaking more Cantonese" does not necessarily mean 英文退步, 只係Cantonese進步啫 which is definitely not a bad thing.  A lot of parents don't appreciate the importance of fluent Cantonese but I do.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 11:07 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

bbych2004, tungtungma814, TSLiu, cherriemama, vivikay, 心心
Thank you for all of you.
我都同意依家d小朋友個都係皇帝仔皇帝女, 而且實在太大膽!  我o既年代, 老師話企唔敢坐啦!   點會膽生毛到去廁所走左去 playground  玩先得架! (我問佢有冇其他小朋友又係咁?  佢話有, 不過就調轉係去完廁所返課室途中 ).  昨天 call 了 Miss Fung, 佢話問過 Miss Cheung, 唔記起有咁o既事.  But this time i believe my daughter, 因前兩日我聽倒佢同佢表哥傾計, 表哥話自己個老師好惡, 我個女話我個先生仲惡呀! 好大聲話你同我企o係度!  因”你同我”這個詞彙our family 從來冇用過的,  據我估計, 真有其事, 佢俾老師見倒時都驚, 都知自己錯, 將老師同佢講o既野無限擴大, 可能老師只是輕輕話佢都唔定!  多謝你地安慰, 我都知老師係為佢好, 鬧得冇錯架!  不過做人呀媽就係咁, 明係個女唔o岩架啦, 自己鬧好地地, 但見佢複"術"時強忍淚水同當晚發夢飲泣o既情形, 就好肉赤.  TSLiu講得對, 佢地真係開始想自己探索多d嘢, 我都要時間適應.
Vivikay, 係 NO. 5 呀! 我是 am, 不過今早探子回報, 已改善, 已待小朋友坐好晒才開車, 探子話會幫我睇多幾日.  Yesterday my son need to see doctor, 順便帶我個女去  check 埋, Doctor 話鼻膜內依然損了, 但冇大礙.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 11:42 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Daniel also has funny expressions like
1. <黑燈>  eg.  我要黑燈 (I want to switch off the lights), 點解黑燈既? (Why the lights are off?).
2. <揸住實> I told him many times it's either <揸住> or <揸實> but he still says <揸住實>
3. 去食飯 waitress問幾多位, 佢always 爭住答 <X個大人, Y個細人 or BB人>

cherriemama 寫道:
Hi danielboy,
I do appreciate the importance of fluent Cantonese  too since Cherrie's Cantonese always makes me headache! e.g. 唔對住(對唔住),黑天喇(天黑喇)

danielboy 寫道:
Don't worry.  "Speaking more Cantonese" does not necessarily mean 英文退步, 只係Cantonese進步啫 which is definitely not a bad thing.  A lot of parents don't appreciate the importance of fluent Cantonese but I do.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 11:54 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

原來損左鼻膜咁大濟, 你本身有冇保險? 如無, 學校可以幫你claim足

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 12:08 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

醫生都話冇大礙, 算吧啦! 之前已投訴過世光校服甩色, 又再加 Miss Cheung 單野, 又再再加撞親鼻, 我已列入黑名單了, 仲叫學校 claim?
ok la, 冇破相, 仲係靚女一名.   多謝關心!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 12:24 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Hi danielboy,

danielboy 寫道:
Daniel also has funny expressions like
1. <黑燈>  eg.  我要黑燈 (I want to switch off the lights), 點解黑燈既? (Why the lights are off?).
2. <揸住實> I told him many times it's either <揸住> or <揸實> but he still says <揸住實>
3. 去食飯 waitress問幾多位, 佢always 爭住答 <X個大人, Y個細人 or BB人>

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 12:29 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

<光燈> means turn on the lights?  Cherrie & Daniel 肯定溝通到, I agree. <BB人> only appreared for the first time last week as he never admits he is a baby.  We went to a restaurant together with another child who is only 6 months younger than Daniel.  He referred that child as <BB人>

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 12:46 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

學校有買校車保險, 但凡校車上有意外, 日後既醫療費用都有得claim, 我意思唔係叫學校賠, 其實學校都好樂意為你效勞, 有冇receipt, 有就go go go

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 14:31 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

cherriemama & danielboy,

我女女中文就十分流暢, 成個大人咁, 因屋企有老人家又睇中文台, 中文..冇得頂

但英文就no eye see     


係呀, 我都怕成日問老師會被列入黑名單, 好似我初時試過成個wk都遲左接女放學(5:05), 比校工話我日日都遲對個小朋友唔好, 其實係阻住佢收工, 我當然有特別理由先會遲 :evil: 後來女女唔見左件白色外套, 又要去問下老師, 我都驚我好似好多問題咁

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-8 23:21 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

I'm very down! Cherrie hurt her mouth tonight!! She showed me how to dance ballet but suddenly fell down and her mouth crashed into the cabinet ..... turned out gum bleeding! Woo Woo...     

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-12-9 00:12 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Cherrie真係慘! 希望好快好返!
HeiHei試過兩次, 腫到成孖膶腸咁! 要兩三日先好!
記得拎d冰幫佢"夫"o下, 會快d好!

1) 故事 ~ Biff & Chip pull car
尋日話黃溝藍變綠, 唔知係咪做實驗呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-9 00:24 |只看該作者

Re: ST.CAT 2005 K1 家長入黎傾/分享下 - 續集

Hi HeiHeiMa,
多謝關心!由細到大佢都比較定,所以從未試過跌傷撞瘀,今次係第一次,仲要撞到流晒血,我真係好心痛!頭先連飯都食唔落,真係好唔開心... :cry:
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