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Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-30 10:03 |只看該作者

Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

I'll be transferring my child from the ESF kindergarten (TY) to another school effective of January 2005. My child has attended the ESF for only 1 term (since this September) and thus all the uniforms (shirts, trousers, cardigan, jacket, skirt, etc) are in a very good condition. Some of them  (stuff for winter) have not been even used yet. Those who are interested in buying them, please PM me.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-30 10:20 |只看該作者

Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

check pm, thx!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-30 16:09 |只看該作者
Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-11-15 15:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-30 20:26 |只看該作者

Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

hi  cherrymum,
i finally decided to switch our daughter to KBCK. The school let our daughter try joining the class for a while (half an hour) yesterday and she loved the teachers and children already! so i felt more confident yesterday that it was the right choice. i cancelled the interview for the HK preschool after that. (and i gave a one month notice to ESF).
i think the ESF TY is also actually fine. our daughter's main class teacher was very nice and we were quite happy with the school bus, too. (our daughter loved the bus mother.) however, I still could not feel comfortable that the children don't have much chance to sing and dance lively at the ESF --as i told you before our daugther LOVES singing and dancing. so i decided to switch the school.

KBCK, as you know, doesn't have a playground. However, their classrooms are much bigger than those in the ESF TY and children can move around freely. not having an outdoor playground did not bother me too much, as we live in an environment where she can go outside and play whenever she wants. i noticed that children at the KBCK are very open and friendly, too. AND most of them speak good english, so i think our daughter felt at home.

i think the HK preschool could have been a good choice, too, as they teach Chinese. but the travelling time turned out too much, so it became the second choice. i'll probably hire a private tutor to let our daughter learn chinese so she'll be able to make local chinese friends and also be able to join local activities (for example, she takes ballet lessons, but she cannot understand what the teacher is saying).

oh, by the way, i think the new chinese teacher at the ESF TY must be good, as our daughter is singing Chinese songs and speaking putonghua (i don't know if she speaks accurately, but at least sounds right) nowadays.

as you said, all the schools have strengths & drawbacks, so we need to ask ourselves what we expect the most from the school, don't we?


Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-1 09:32 |只看該作者
Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-11-15 15:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-1 10:34 |只看該作者

Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term


Welcome to KBCK! We do a lot of singing and dancing in school and I'm sure your child will love it. My daughter even learnt counting from singing a counting song.  And it wasn't only about singing different songs but the children will learn “so fa” names as well.  Right now the children are preparing for the Christmas concert and everyone has a role to play.  

Were you in Mrs. Ngan's class on Monday?  My daughter told me on Monday that there was a mommy joining their class that day.  When I asked her whose Mommy she was, she mentioned a name that I didn't know and so I responded in disbelief, “But you don't have a classmate called xxx!” Now I realize that perhaps she was telling the truth as there could be visitors from time to time.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-1 14:30 |只看該作者

Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

Hi there,
We visited on Tuesday and we were in the West classroom (not sure of the teacher's name). There were several children talking to us: they're really open and friendly.
I'm looking forward to joining the circul of KBCK mommies. maybe i'll see you sometime?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-2 04:13 |只看該作者

Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

Hi rikachandoll,

I remember a couple of months ago, I received your PM but I'm sorry that I didn't write back as it really took me time to make up my mind about switching from KBCK to ESF Tsing Yi. It took me a lot of time to study about these 2 schools actually. And I made a decision last week and decided to let my kid go to ESF Tsing Yi for the January school term.

I agree with you that both schools have strengths and HKPS is to me the other alternative. What a coincidence! My kid did the pre-nursery class there at HKPS (Ascot) before he joined KBCK.

Chinese learning is definitely important nowadays and it becomes the global trend that most English native speakers take Chinese (Putonghua) as their second language. In terms of the program, I like HKPS best as it tries to include the strengths of international school (activity approach in western style by English native speakers helping kids with listening and speaking) and local school (depth of study - centering on reading/vocabulary and writing).

In terms of English, definitely I think KBCK is better off but my kid has already built a good foundation in English speaking for one school term at KBCK. That ensures his prospective learning at ESF Tsing Yi starting from ESF Tsing Yi. Even though some kids use Cantonese for communication, I don't think they keep on speaking Cantonese for the 3 hours without being stopped by the teachers. Naturally and spontaneously, they tend to use Chinese once they are introduced / in touch with Chinese in form of Putonghua. I find it acceptable to use Chinese/ even Cantonese for some time at ESF Tsing Yi, all depending on your family's education and the way a child is brought up. Never do I rely on school. I mean nursery school, 3-hour school only. I put 60% (or less) emphasis on school and 40% (or more) on family.
Be frank, over the months, I've been doing a lot for my kid at home. To me, strengths/depth of study of local school should be kept but learning should be done in 'western' way via activity approaches. I have more to share with you via PM. I'll send you a PM later. I've to stop here.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-2 13:03 |只看該作者

Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

If you were in the West room in the afternoon, then the teacher was Mrs. Ngan.  Hope we'll meet sometime.  

Good luck to your son in ESF.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-23 17:07 |只看該作者

Re: Uniform for the ESF kinder-used only for 1 term

Hi all,
I've posted earlier that the ESF kinder uniform that my daughter has used for only 1 term are available. There were several response to this and I reserved most of the stuff to the first person who confirmed that she wanted to buy them. However, as I haven't been able to be in touch with her the past week, I'd like to sell them to anyone else. I have:

1 school bag
1 library bag
3 summer shirts
1 winter shirt (brand new)
1 winter jacket (wore only a few weeks)
2 pairs of trousers (wore only a month)
1 cardigan

Please PM me if you're interested. I'll be out of HK from the 26th, so I'd like to pass them to whoever want to buy them before I leave.


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