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Any private trumpet teacher? [複製鏈接]


發表於 05-10-27 14:22 |只看該作者

Any private trumpet teacher?

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發表於 05-10-27 22:52 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

Esmond'sMom 寫道:
Does anyone know of a trumpet teacher that offers private lessons?

HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

發表於 05-10-28 09:11 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

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發表於 05-10-28 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

Esmond'sMom 寫道:
Yes, I'm looking for a trumpet teacher to teach my son.  He's 6 years old, never learnt trumpet before, but he has basic musical background e.g. reading notes and counts.  I would like a teacher who can teach him the proper way and be familiar with ABRSM syllabus, not necessary with extremely high qualifications though.

Don't worry, regardless the high fee they charge, extremely high qualification trumpeters seldom take beginners.

For those who has good qualification (ie. Grade 8 or abrove) and willing to take beginners, the fee will be like $500/hr (maybe a little bit less).

Anyway, I can check with my son's trumpet teacher see if he has time to take one more student. He is a APA senior trumpet student. He does a few private trumpet tutoring as well as coaching school bands.

Anyway, as of a 6 year old boy, does your son change all 4 front teeth already? If so, are those front teeth neat?

Somehow trumpet is one of those rare musically instruments that prefers neat front teeth.

HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

發表於 05-10-28 16:10 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

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發表於 05-10-28 16:42 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

Esmond'sMom 寫道:
Yes, my son has very nice and neat front teeth, however, they are all baby ones!!  He hasn't even changed one single tooth yet!  He's kind of the late ones in changing teeth.  I've heard from different people and different institutes telling different stories.  Some said you need to have all front teeth changed before learning, some said it's not necessary.  I have no idea which is the truth.

No, it is not necessary to have the teeth changed for trumpet playing. But, sooner or later, when the boy changes teeth, he has to stop for a year or so for all 4 new teeth to mature.

It is just no point start learning for a couple of months and stop for a year, right?

It is good to learn that your son has nice and neat teeth, but for trumpet playing, the baby ones don't count.   

HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

發表於 05-10-28 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

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發表於 05-10-28 18:17 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

Esmond'sMom 寫道:
Then I have to keep my finger crossed to hope that he has nice teeth in the future.  When you say neat, do you mean there should be no gaps between the teeth and preferably big ones?

Yeap, you should keep him busy with other instruments like piano first .   如果門牙冇哨牙(上哨或下哨)、唔係太爆牙應該都得。其實一般在初學 brass 之前,老師一定會睇左學生門牙先,免得日後大家辛苦,學學下先發覺一番功夫白費 ....  
HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

發表於 05-10-28 18:38 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

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發表於 05-10-28 19:49 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

呵呵呵呵,小兒皓皓都係當初唔鍾意 piano 同 string ,而有次我特登帶佢去參觀人地的交響管樂團練習,佢自己就揀左小號,對小號的興趣總算比對鋼琴或小提琴明顯大好多。Endup 依家仲學番鋼琴添       
HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-28 20:08 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

Hi haohao,

You are really helpful.  Actually, I saw this topic yesterday but I didn't reply because our teacher don't have time.  Happy to hear your son start to learn piano again.  

Hope Esmond's mum find a good teacher to your son.  Maybe if you can start a few years later, my daughter can teach your son. (just joking)

haohao 寫道:

呵呵呵呵,小兒皓皓都係當初唔鍾意 piano 同 string ,而有次我特登帶佢去參觀人地的交響管樂團練習,佢自己就揀左小號,對小號的興趣總算比對鋼琴或小提琴明顯大好多。Endup 依家仲學番鋼琴添       

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-28 20:22 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

  Hi Hi 哈里波特,

你應該 share 多 d 經驗嘛!我見你唔出現至講咁多野咋。

BTW,我叫小皓參加 music festival 的小號比賽,到時實笑死人呀!

另外皓皓學校今年又搞番 band ,你估邊個帶 brass, 皓皓話係 ........... 林 sir 。

哈里波特 寫道:
Hi haohao,

You are really helpful.  Actually, I saw this topic yesterday but I didn't reply because our teacher don't have time.  Happy to hear your son start to learn piano again.  

Hope Esmond's mum find a good teacher to your son.  Maybe if you can start a few years later, my daughter can teach your son. (just joking)

haohao 寫道:

呵呵呵呵,小兒皓皓都係當初唔鍾意 piano 同 string ,而有次我特登帶佢去參觀人地的交響管樂團練習,佢自己就揀左小號,對小號的興趣總算比對鋼琴或小提琴明顯大好多。Endup 依家仲學番鋼琴添       

HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-29 02:41 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

Hi haohao,

哈哈! 如果同一個林sir的話, 咁就恭喜你"羅", 阿女至今跟過4個指揮, 最crazy係佢, 佢可以操到隊band好fit, 一粒音唔對就全日只係操個part, 其他罸坐. 佢有好多古怪招數對付百厭星......   

不過佢又係band 仔band 妹的偶像, 因為佢真係好勁. 佢d學生都出身有solo show 出, 跟佢都唔錯. 去Tom Lee買野響朵都可能有discount比你. (係上次買小號時個sales同我講笑咁講)

今年校際小號唔會參加, 因為阿女其實暫時major係piano, 真係隨了上堂和返band, 在家無時間practice. 你要唔要請伴奏? 見同你咁老友, free of charge. 不過肥老就唔好返黎找我.


發表於 05-10-29 08:54 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

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發表於 05-10-29 09:52 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

Esmond'sMom 寫道:

"我叫小皓參加 music festival 的小號比賽,到時實笑死人呀!"

It's the participation/exposure/experience that matters.  



Esmond 的 recorder 有冇跟老師學嫁,定係自學的呢?佢好叻呀!


HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-29 10:04 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

哈里波特 寫道:
Hi haohao,

哈哈! 如果同一個林sir的話, 咁就恭喜你"羅", 阿女至今跟過4個指揮, 最crazy係佢, 佢可以操到隊band好fit, 一粒音唔對就全日只係操個part, 其他
HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

發表於 05-10-29 10:09 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

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發表於 05-10-29 20:16 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

係呀, 我家小姐學琴since K3. She is still following Amos learning trumpet.
其實佢無參加music festival because伴奏真係好貴, 請問你的APA點收費? 平日夾歌點計?
另外佢有無教琴? 知唔知佢地收費如何?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-29 21:39 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

哈里波特 寫道:
係呀, 我家小姐學琴since K3. She is still following Amos learning trumpet.
其實佢無參加music festival because伴奏真係好貴, 請問你的APA點收費? 平日夾歌點計?
另外佢有無教琴? 知唔知佢地收費如何?

   APA 學生伴奏同公價差唔多掛?! 350-400 左右。好似平時夾歌都咁上下,350/hr   


HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-29 21:45 |只看該作者

Re: Any private trumpet teacher?

Esmond'sMom 寫道:
He has a teacher coming to our home.  At first that teacher is for teaching him percussion.  We have a full drum set at home, then I bought a second hand xylophone.  He brings out himself that he wants to learn the recorder, and therefore the teacher teaches him recorder as well.  Initially I wanted him to take percussion exam, but for his age, it's too difficult to roll the drum.  Therefore we use most of the lesson on recorder and a little bit of time to play the xylophone and drum.  He enjoys his lesson very much and always look forward to seeing the teacher for the next lesson.

Whereas for recorder, a good deal will be Yamaha YRS314B which costs $145 in Tom Lee.

嘩!Esmond 同佢 teacher 一樣咁多才多藝。

其實我都同樣覺得樂器都係有老師教好 D 。Recorder 都係咁話,有老師指導起碼唔會學壞手勢。

HaoHao de Baba ... 皓 皓 的 爸 爸 ---------
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