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Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-12 13:27 |只看該作者

Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments

Can parents pls comment on the school?  I am impressed by the different teaching approach.  Would the students be relatively weak in academic?


發表於 05-10-12 14:30 |只看該作者

Re: Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments

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Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-15 16:43 |只看該作者

Re: Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments

O, I missed the talk.

Can any parents share about the curriculum?  Is your child like the school very much?  Is it only suitable to active children? Will passive children can benefit gradually after they adapt to the mode?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-22 00:34 |只看該作者

Re: Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments


My younger daughter entered Logos Academy in 2004 as  a P.1 student( now P.2). She is a gifted child with an IQ score of 144. She is so active that she can't play concentration during the class lessons in the normal primary school. In Logos Academy, the teaching approach is so dynamic that it can attract her attention in the class and she enjoys the school life very much. We think we has make a right choice. Indeed, my elder daughter also entered the same school as S.1 student this year.

Daisy & Chris

AliceC 寫道:
Can parents pls comment on the school?  I am impressed by the different teaching approach.  Would the students be relatively weak in academic?


Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-26 13:24 |只看該作者

Re: Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments

Daisy & Chris

Do you think Logos is only suitable for gifted child?  Do they encourage many group work during classes which require many participation among the students?  How about if some students may not be sufficiently active/a bit reserved, do you think they cannot enjoy the group work? or found difficulty to align with the group

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-26 14:02 |只看該作者

Re: Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments


No, I don't think Logos is only suitable for gifted children. There are quite a lot of group work in the class and good participation among the students. As far as I can observe from my kids( one in primary and the other in secondary)and their classmates, there is no problem for the 'less active'children. Take my younger daughter for example, she is not always fully involved in the class group work, but she enjoys the process.
Let me quote a message from another Logos parent(Alaska4567) for your information:-

[Re: 真 道 書 院 兩 個 學 生 一 張 椅  
我的小朋友在真道讀了三年,除了一些行政方面做得不足外, 其餘我覺得沒有甚麼不妥。課程方面,我和我的同事和朋友的同齡小朋友作過比較,內容還比他們豐富;老師方面,這三年來我的小朋友只會讚沒有投訴過;德育方面也做得不錯。我覺得他在學校學了很多東西,很愉快學習。現在四年級,中文科開始用普通話,科學堂用英文工作紙,廣東話教授。學校用了循序漸進的方法,頭三年只灌輸知識,不大需要串字背書(三年級已有少許)。不知何解有這麼多負面的消息。如果小朋友真的學習出現問題,應該和老師或校長反映或討論,相信他們不會袖手旁觀的。我覺得這間學校的質素比起一些所為名校實在好好多呢!  ]

I also note some bad experience and remarks from other Logos parents in this discussion forum. You may also need to consider their points.

In my view, harmonious relationships among the child, parents and school are one of the key factors for happy school life.

Daisy & Chris


Rank: 2

發表於 05-10-27 17:13 |只看該作者

Re: Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments

我要更正我的說話, 科學堂的不是英文"工作紙", 是英文"課程紙" 我最欣賞是科學堂, 由一年級開始小朋友自己親自做實驗, 令他們對科學很有興趣及有更深的認識 :

Rank: 1

發表於 05-10-31 22:56 |只看該作者

Re: Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments

Yes, my niece is also studying in Primary 4. I think she really enjoys going to school comparing to other kids of her age.  I think I can bear the "faults" of the school authority as it's really a newly established school.  I totally agree that all teachers there are very professional.  They all have the "heart" to teach the kids well.  The kids (my niece and my friends' children) love the teachers and the school very much.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-10-31 23:03 |只看該作者

Re: Parents of 真道書院 Pls comments

I appreciate the teachers' preparation.  All the curriculum are tailored made for the students.  The teachers make the "課程紙" themselves.

I like the science curriculum very much.  Most of the teachers are doctors.  

And also computer worksheets.  They are really attractive.  By the way, computer is a new subject.  My friends' child (in secondary) said the teacher is an experienced one.  She was HKCEE marker and question setter.  

Computer and Science are the subjects the kids love most.  I appreciate the school finding more and more professional and experienced teachers to teach the kids.

alaska4567 寫道:
我要更正我的說話, 科學堂的不是英文"工作紙", 是英文"課程紙" 我最欣賞是科學堂, 由一年級開始小朋友自己親自做實驗, 令他們對科學很有興趣及有更深的認識 :
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