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Piano Learning [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-30 15:25 |只看該作者

Piano Learning

Is there any mum who play piano? (may not necessarily be piano teacher) I just want to know what is your expectation to your kids. Will you teach them by yourself? Please share.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-30 23:07 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

我由我小朋友三歲開始教,直到佢地大約五歲就交去我老師教。至於 expectation,我緊係希望佢地可以考埋 diploma 啦!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-31 09:21 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


Very nice to meet you. I got a baby who is only 6 month now. I'm thinking of the best approach to help my girl in developing her sense in music. Should I always play piano at home? What's the suitable time to teach her? Should I let her touch the piano before that? (some people say that don't let her touch the piano to arouse her curiosity)

You started teach your kid at 3. How's the progress? Did you teach him/her like a formal class?(I mean fix a time like 30 minutes a week)Did you accompany him/her in the practising? Why did you find another teacher at his/her 5?

I'm sorry for so many question. But it is not easy to find a mum who can share this kind of experience with me. Pleeeaaaaassse.  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-8-31 09:47 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

我都識彈琴, 不過個仔o係出面跟老師學.

我仔4.5歲至正式學piano, 之前上music group.  我雖然識piano, 但冇諗過自己教, 我只會輔助老師supervise佢鍊琴, 同埋講番比老師知佢o係鍊琴/彈既技巧方面邊度較弱, 等老師再注意下同佢加強d.

6months BB 唔洗心急學住, 佢乜都未識, 你可以expect d乜野?  你可以比多d兒歌佢聽, 或者o係佢心情好既時候自彈自唱兒歌, 到佢大大下就會跟住你唱, 然後就開始對個琴有興趣喇.

不過, 起碼要4歲至好正式學琴, 最好5歲後.  小朋友手指仔真係冇乜力, 好容易勀就會冇興趣, 仲可能會彈壞手架.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-31 11:06 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

I used to learn piano before. However, due to the heavy work load, I had no time for practice. So I gave up since I got grade 3!

For my son, of course taught by other teacher, because I only get grade 3 standard. About the expectation.............I hope he can finish diploma level!!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-31 12:09 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

Teresa and Gaykid, nice to meet you.

I'm so excised to see your sharing. Why I'm so concern the piano learning of my girl? coz I've found nowadays so many kids learning piano. But the problem is as I can see, None of them can learn it well. Even those with very good parental guide.

They all said that the kid do not willing to practice. As you all know, learnig piano without practice is no way to success.

For my own learning experience, I am not a concentrated person either. But I found that practising piano below grade 5 is not difficult. Only 30 minutes a day is good enough. (for your information, though I got Grade 8, but I found my skill is so so)

Therefore, I just can't understand why the kids in this generation found practising even grade 1 or 2 is very hard and boring. What's the problem?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-31 12:52 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

Is it ok for a child to start learning/playing the piano at 3 actually?  Any harm to their hands?

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-31 14:38 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


I think the theory is the same as walking.
If your kid is too young to walk, their legs are too weak to support the body. They would then walk in wrong posture.

Teresa, am I right?

So I think my girl can learn some music theory and singing at 3 and start the keyboard playing after 4.

Please also comment on the Music Group organised by the Music Co. Your son did joint one. Is it good? I heard some of them are very well known and have to wait a seat for 1 year . Is it that good?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-8-31 18:32 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

Dear ptsamm:

Hi!  I guess you don't really have to worry about not being a good teacher even if you're teaching your child on your own.  Many composers in the past learned from their parents/brothers, right?  

I guess you just need to introduce her the instrument naturally.  For example, you may play a tune that your baby always hears.  Show girl the wonderful side of piano and enjoy it yourself.   If she feels like touching the keyboard, just let her try it and give her some positive assurance (as long as she's not banging on the keyboard!)

As long as you can sustain her interests in playing the piano, you're doing a good job.  Naturally, you'll know when you need to let go and find your girl a piano teacher.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-8-31 22:32 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


學琴似學行, 你都講得好岩呀!

我同你一樣, 去到五六級時真係有個厭學琴既階段, 所以我知學琴係唔迫得.  我就係因為咁, 唔想比個仔o係4歲前1:1學琴而比佢參加music group.  我唔知個仔而家學琴堅持到幾耐, 但總知我係唔會比佢唔學音樂, 如果佢覺得學volin或者其他既instrument, 我會比佢學, 不過要佢保證一定要學到最高級.  (起碼可以去教人, 自力更生唔好靠我地比$佢, 我認我係屎繪架 )

Junior music group有很多, 我仔上過一個月Tom Lee Music Wonderland, 不過我同老公都覺得$同效果唔成正比.  最後我去左我屋企o個頭間小琴行, 1:6上, 我仔同老師好夾, 就係咁上左年幾喇.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-1 00:20 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


其實當我大女出世時,我仲跟緊老師學琴 (因為我好大先學,所以我囡囡其實係我肚裡面已經不停聽音樂。到細仔出世時,我係帶埋佢去考七級試(係肚裡面)。所以我發覺佢地好鍾意聽音樂,由 BB 開始已經要聽音樂訓。到佢地三歲時發覺佢地好有興趣彈琴,所以咪由我自己試吓教佢地,等佢地五歲可以理解得好 D 時候,就交俾我老師,因為佢比我經驗好同埋好嚴格,所以要得佢地大個 D 先可以去!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-1 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

Hi Teresa,

我都認同你們講法, 學琴似學行! 我也同你一樣唔想比個仔o係4歲前1:1學琴而比佢參加music group. 我現在都係上左一個月Tom Lee JMCourse, 我自己就覺得教得好慢, 2年課程, 真係太長。我都唔知可以堅持到幾耐, 講真主要係想睇囝囝有無興趣學。這 JMCourse是親子形式, 1:12, 合共24人一同上, 但我囝囝好依賴我, 所以我好矛盾, 唔知好唔好繼續?我想請教你, 以你經驗, 是否普通琴行學比較好呢!另外, 你提去左屋企o個頭間小琴行, 1:6上, 請問是否一同上堂呢

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-1 09:44 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


Thank you for joining us. your words really help me a lot. Especially

"Naturally, you'll know when you need to let go and find your girl a piano teacher. "

Not only in the aspect of finding a piano teacher, but also the education path for my girl.

Why I'm saying that, I just had a quarrel with my hubby yesterday. coz I have to plan a lot for my girl's future education. I want to set different routes like studing overseas, international school or local school...... , you can imagine man is like . But I just thought that I've to plan the best for my girl.

After hearing from you, I think I should LET GO in certain extent. (sorry for a bit out of topic, I just want to bull)

Vernique2005, I really want a lot of advices from you on the development of my baby. But now, just stick to the topic.

Would you please tell us more your own piano learning and teaching experience for little kids?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-9-1 10:18 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


可能我自己識音樂, 對於要陪個仔去Music Wonderland我上左幾堂後我自己覺得好悶, 而我仔同其他同學仔一樣都係唔可以專心, 要我比咁既 $堂堂陪佢, 我覺得無意思.

後來發現屋企附近有間琴行, 都有幾多小朋友去, 而且佢真係一間"琴行" (唔係加埋畫班同補習社o個d), 我見佢1:6, 學費一個月唔洗$300, absent仲可以就返其他班去補堂, 咁我咪試下law.  佢地上堂唔洗家長陪架 (我最鍾意, 因為個仔唔洗上堂有人依賴), 而個老師姐姐又幾識氹細路, 請佢地食零食 (我仔好為食), 佢咪有心機上law.  個course仲有度好, 就係一班小朋友有唔同level, 老師會比唔同既琴譜佢地practise.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-1 11:10 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


I think the Music Group you mentioned is not the preparation class. You mean your son is still joining the class? So he has separate individual class? So what did he learn in the class?

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-1 11:18 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


Your case is much better than mine as you are an active player. I got my Grade 8 nnyears ago. After my girl born, I found no time to play the piano. Coz when she is not sleep, I'd to accompany with her. If she   , I can't awake her.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-9-1 11:33 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning


我仔上既係班際, 不過分左2個parts. Part I係一齊上, 學拍子, 認音符game同埋唱歌; Part II都係同一課室, 即係每人有個小keyborad, 老師按level比唔同琴譜彈, 其間就個別指導下.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-1 11:58 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

I see.  :wink:

Did you find any problem of your son in home practising? How long does he practice a day? Does he feel interest?

Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-1 18:26 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

Hi all,
It is mentioned that kids start to play the piano at 3 may hurt their hands. I don't know for sure, but I can share my experience to you.
Indeed, I did it, start playing at 3. So far I'm twenty something with a pair of great hands   Occasionally I felt tired that time, but like doing it in heart. As a great parent, we should distinguish "Dislike" and "Tired" clearly, parent is the one not to give up most of the time! Kids will follow your decision, finally.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-9-1 18:57 |只看該作者

Re: Piano Learning

hihihi ptsamm,


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