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Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-14 15:00 |只看該作者

Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號

Beacuse I would like to let my son(6 years old) to learn 長號, is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號.
I have find one teacher, he said my son can learn now, becasue of he is tall enough to hold the 長號, I don't know is it too early for him.
Any advise/comment.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-8-14 15:16 |只看該作者

Re: Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號

Hi - tyl,

As long as he is tall enough, & his arm is long enough, then he may start.  One of my student is learning Trombone since he was 8.

If u think he is not ready for the trombone, then u may try Trumpet.  The size is smaller.  Don't worry, if he know how to play trumpet, then it's easy for him to learn trombone when he is getting older.  

Find out which instrument he like the most will be the most important thing.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-14 19:48 |只看該作者

Re: Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號


So happy to have your advise, thanks!

And I also want to ask, is it very difficult for my son to understand even the teacher said he is tall enough, because you said"If u think he is not ready for the trombone, then u may try Trumpet", can you explain some more detail of this.

And the teacher suggest me to buy the 長號 from Tom Lee, even there will be around $8000, he said it is better to let him got a best one from starting, but I can find another cheaper from柏X (on sale $3500-4000), the shop manager said the sound and quality is just like the expensive one, I don't know how to compare them, can you give me some more adivse?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-15 00:27 |只看該作者

Re: Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號

Dear TYL,

I don't know why, but just have another view of music_teacher.

If you are really a trombone teacher, you won't ask people to start on Trumpet, since they are not in same ways of producing sounds. Their method are different. If a child is too young / small, why not simply consider a Sorpano Trombone, since the major issue to a trombonist is the silding, not the mouthpiecing.

Indeed, for wind/brass, it's always good to start with the best instrument. For an usually trombonist, they will get the Tenor Trombone as the start. The highest level of a Tenor Trombone will be what you said - around $8K. The major difference between them are the 手工. Most higher class brass will be handmade, and the polishing will be better. My friend who is also a trombonist said, when the time he start learning Trombone, he only got a $4K Yamaha student model, and was a hard time to him. Right now what he have is a Bass Trombone at around $22K.

Parsons' Trombone is not worth their price. Most of them are chinese made - at that price, consider a Yamaha would be better. And your child will hate learning Trombone when you just giving them those "TOY" - they shouldn't be named as instrument.

Lastly, what I consider for a child whether he is ready or not -- not the height but the energy. Holding a trombone might also be hard / difficult to an adult, it will be a hard work to little child. Remember, that's a brass, not some woods/  paper. You will need to hold it for 1 or more hours for practising or lesson, and other some hours for traveling for lessons. And don't forget if you are going to have performace / exams, you have to travel with your trombone. A tough work will be.

Let share more, or PM me if you need.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-15 00:49 |只看該作者

Re: Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號

Most of the students playing trumbone in Primary School are using student model, around $4K.  A boy who just buy it for taking G5 ABRSM, he will be using it for higher grade, maybe up to G8.  It's no problem.  Of course, the sound mustn't be as good as $22K.

It's not only hard to hold such a big & heavy instrument, you need to clean it frequently.  Parents may need to help if the kid is just only 6 years old.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-15 09:43 |只看該作者

Re: Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號

is there any place can rent or buy 2nd hand 長號?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-15 11:12 |只看該作者

Re: Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號


I saw there are some ads in Yahoo!Bid, selling the $4K Yamaha student Model. But I don't know much on it and so probably you should ask your teacher to help.

There are also shops for renting Trombone, but if for long term, buying a Trombone with 分期, will be better.
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. –Jules Combarieu

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-15 12:17 |只看該作者

Re: Is it suitable for a 6yrs old boy to learn 長號


can you give me some more information of "shops for renting Trombone", thanks!

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