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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?
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有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-11 21:39 |只看該作者


好多人話九華d成績一年不如一年, any comments?   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-11 21:52 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

九華今年有一個十A,女拔,男拔, st. mary都係, 敢唔通呢幾間都系成績一年不如一年? 

好多學校唔鼓勵學生考九科十科架, 所以好少狀元, 呢d學校點可以話唔好呢? 張祝山就係表表者啦! 少出狀元, 但平均學生成積真係好勁架 !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-11 22:22 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

According to newspapers such as apple daily and ming pao, this year 香港華仁有一個十A, 九龍華仁 don't have any 10As student.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-11 22:26 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

oic, 多謝指正, 但今年馬利洛 , 協因, 都冇十A窩

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-11 23:11 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

I want to know too.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-11 23:38 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

Both WYK and WYHK had F6 spaces available at the end of yesterday.  That's quite alarming.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-12 02:04 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

Schools like 瑪利諾 convent, St stephen girls, 英華 girls ,張祝山 etc do not allow students to take 10 subjects and hence you won't see any 10A students from them.  But their past average results from HKCEE are among the top, even better than those with 10A.
A lot of parents just based too much on media. they thought schools with no 10A are no good or with decreasing standard. In fact, they do not know the reason behind.
Read Mingpao's school guide: you can tell which schools in fact have excellent HKCEE result judge by average A, average A-C, english standard etc etc. Some schools may have 10A but in fact their average standard are not too high as expected and vice versa, schools without 10A produced excellent result!  

Msma 寫道:
oic, 多謝指正, 但今年馬利洛 , 協因, 都冇十A窩

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-12 09:50 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

kissie 寫道:
Schools like 瑪利諾 convent, St stephen girls, 英華 girls ,張祝山 etc do not allow students to take 10 subjects and hence you won't see any 10A students from them.  But their past average results from HKCEE are among the top, even better than those with 10A.
A lot of parents just based too much on media. they thought schools with no 10A are no good or with decreasing standard. In fact, they do not know the reason behind.
Read Mingpao's school guide: you can tell which schools in fact have excellent HKCEE result judge by average A, average A-C, english standard etc etc. Some schools may have 10A but in fact their average standard are not too high as expected and vice versa, schools without 10A produced excellent result!  

Agree.  I know Maryknoll, Stephen Girls', Cheung Chuk Shan and Ying Wa Girls' are schools with excellent results.  I don't think the number of 10As matters much.  

But my question is, why don't they let students take 10 subjects?

And back to the original topic: what about WYK and WYHK?  Both WYK and Maryknoll dont have 10As.  It doesn't mean that WYK is as good as Maryknoll.  WYHK has one 10A.  But they still have F.6 spaces available at the end of the 1st day.  What's going on?  They can't even fill all their F.6 spaces on the first day.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-12 10:04 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

BillyM 寫道:

But my question is, why don't they let students take 10 subjects?

And back to the original topic: what about WYK and WYHK?  Both WYK and Maryknoll dont have 10As.  It doesn't mean that WYK is as good as Maryknoll.  WYHK has one 10A.  But they still have F.6 spaces available at the end of the 1st day.  What's going on?  They can't even fill all their F.6 spaces on the first day.  

I want to know too!   It's abnormal.  Any comments?     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-12 23:13 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人知九龍華仁今年d成績好嗎?

KWT 寫道:
BillyM 寫道:

But my question is, why don't they let students take 10 subjects?

And back to the original topic: what about WYK and WYHK?  Both WYK and Maryknoll dont have 10As.  It doesn't mean that WYK is as good as Maryknoll.  WYHK has one 10A.  But they still have F.6 spaces available at the end of the 1st day.  What's going on?  They can't even fill all their F.6 spaces on the first day.  

I want to know too!   It's abnormal.  Any comments?      [/quote]

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