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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 BB聽力測試
樓主: DaisyWong

BB聽力測試 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-7-30 00:24 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

唉! QM好好人又好有經驗o既許醫生十月會離開QM, 出去自立門戶呀! 我睇左佢一次, 仲鬼死咁中意佢tim! 點知又要同佢say goodbye!
I love my little yanyan..... :-D 這是她的肥豬腳.......好好味呀...... :-o

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-7-31 00:12 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試


我o既BB因為早產(28週出世),所以38週時做o左OAE,但 fail o左,一直以為他太細,所以唔準,上兩星期(44週)做o左ABBR都fail,雖然醫生未詳解報告,但話情況嚴重,已叫我排期到下葵涌做聽力訓練.

"No clear wave V up to 100dBnHL clicks (AC) but cochlear microphonics were records."

依我理解份報告,BB可能連100dbn都聽唔到. 下星期三會見醫生,我已有心理準備,最擔心反而係驚情況太差,連用助聽器到幫唔到,都唔知點算.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-7-31 00:29 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi loveyanpig,

之前睇報紙都有講過, 估唔到係真, 許醫生係我so far見過最好嘅醫生,佢好出名. 


Rank: 2

發表於 05-7-31 01:11 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi 稚言治語 / Shiba-Inu,


EMB inspector 曾經advice子喬去做兒童智能評估,叫我哋同醫院醫務社工講,安排轉介,我今日去咗搵醫務社工,佢哋話轉介一定要醫生寫紙,之前我都係這裡講過,醫生話佢唔覺得有咁嘅必要,咁我可以點做好    吓吓搵私家,真係好唔得掂   

同埋so far子喬proof有弱聽後,點解都冇醫院醫務社工跟進,是否佢哋當作已交咗比EMB,因此唔再理?


Rank: 2

發表於 05-7-31 01:27 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi MarchK,



Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-1 14:30 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Dear MarchK,

多d上來呢個forum, 呢度既有言語治療師提供專業意見, 又有好多好mama同妳一齊行呢條路!唔洗灰心, 希望在明天呀!

May God bless you & your BB!

I love my little yanyan..... :-D 這是她的肥豬腳.......好好味呀...... :-o

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-2 07:46 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi MarchK,

Your baby's case is a little bit special and different from the other babies in this forum. However, as I have mentioned before, follow-up with all the medical/ hearing tests arranged for him/ her and the "real" hearing status will be revealed gradually so that u and the professionals know how to help.

報告上寫住(兩隻耳):"No clear wave V up to 100dBnHL clicks (AC) but cochlear microphonics were records. 依我理解份報告,BB可能連100dbn都聽唔到."
Your guess is NOT really true!  

(1) The usual ABR test done in HK tests for high-freq (high pitch sounds) but gives no info on low- and mid-freq sounds. So no response at 100 dB nHL in ABR does not necessarily means hearing nothing below 100 dB since we have low-, mid- and hi- freq sounds in our environments and speech.

(2) Actually the most important info given by your baby's test report is "No responses.... .BUT cochlear microphonics were records" To put it simple, that means the sensory cells in the cochlea (inside inner ear, shaped like a snail shell) are working fine, but abnormal neural function was recorded. --- Well, don't misunderstanding my point as "baby has 'brain' problem" --- See point (3) below.

Usually for hearing impaired people, it's the sensory cells in the cochlea that are not working rather than the "nerve cells", and amplified sound drives the "sick" sensory cells to work harder and help.  --- Since your baby's sensory cells are still normal, putting on hearing aids for your baby have to be monitored closely. --- See point (4)

(3) Since your baby is premature, there is a possibility that neuro-maturation is one of the underlying problems. So there is still hope that as baby grows and neural system matures, the test results can be improved.

(4) The audiologists in Ha Kwai Chung EMB will follow-up with your baby's hearing test and hearing aids fitting. They will NOT repeat ABR but will do some tests to see the actual responses of your baby towards diff sounds. The test results may or may not agree with the ABR test, because of points (1) and (2). Then base on their results, they will decide on the hearing aids fitting. If eventually h/a are fitted, follow the audiologists' guideline and see if baby is un-/comfortable with the amplified sounds or not. Chances of both scenario are there.

When will EMB see your baby and which hospital is following up? Hope my info are not too difficult to be digested!    If u cannot understand my English, let me know.....
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-2 10:57 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Thank you so much for all of you, especially Shiba-Inul.

BB (栗子)10月會o係東區再做ABBR, 我真希望他隨著時間會有改善.其實BB早產已令我心身都好倦,o係他住院o個十個星期,每日都擔心o係早產BB身體上有潛在o既問題會被發現係栗子身上.經歷o左咁多,我唔想他再受苦.所以當知道栗子耳仔有問題時,真係非常擔心,漫漫長路,唔知自己頂唔頂得住.雖然知道有方法去改善,但他一定會比較吃力,辛苦.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-8-3 11:18 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

DaisyWong 寫道:
1. EMB inspector 曾經advice子喬去做兒童智能評估,叫我哋同醫院醫務社工講,安排轉介,我今日去咗搵醫務社工,佢哋話轉介一定要醫生寫紙,之前我都係這裡講過,醫生話佢唔覺得有咁嘅必要,咁我可以點做好   

2. 同埋so far子喬proof有弱聽後,點解都冇醫院醫務社工跟進,是否佢哋當作已交咗比EMB,因此唔再理?

1. 要到兒童體能智力測驗中心,必須有醫生紙。由母嬰健康院或私家醫生寫的也可以。這個"智能評估",其實是一個整體發展評估,看看小朋友的大肌肉、小肌肉、認知、社交、手眼協調、語言理解及表達方面的發展有沒有問題。我認為現時子喬還小,除非你懷疑她除了弱聽外還有其他問題,否則可以等到差不多兩歲才做。歲半時(因為要排期,排得嚟就差唔多兩歲啦﹗)往健康院或請任何一位私家醫生寫紙即可。

2. 呢樣真係唔知,不如你問問醫務社工﹗政府啲政策(尤其係跨部門嗰啲)係好難明嘅,又成日都轉。唉﹗
稚言治語 = 一個很喜歡治療小朋友語言問題的言語治療師﹗ ;-) 不要怕,只要信﹗希望在人間吖嘛﹗ 你今日微笑了嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-4 10:23 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試


他一隻完全聽唔到,另一隻只聽得好少. 因為BB早產,受過多種創傷,如黃疸過高(max 試過299),令腦神經受損.

醫生話聲音耳蝸接收到但絨毛組織反射唔到腦神經,腦神經接收block o左同接收時間唔一致,所以即使他聽到聲音,都可能分辨唔到音準,話耳蝸植入手術唔適合他,唔駛諗.除了要用助聽器外,仲要靠手語輔助,因為助聽器的成較對他來說,未知可唔可以改善聽力,將來會入讀特殊學校.



Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-5 09:51 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試


In term of 栗子's condition, I have a lot of information to share with u as that is my area of interest when I was working in HK. However, I am myself quite busy recently    and I don't think it's a good idea to bomb u with too much info.... so one step at a time!  :wink:  Pls allow several days btw my responses!

Firstly, if further tests still indicate similar results (ie. no ABR responses, but normal cochlear functions). The Eng term for it is "Auditory Neuropathy (AN)". It's a rather new diagnosis that can be made due to improved technology. I doubt if there is any Chinese term yet, as I would say just a few professionals in HK heard of it ten years ago.

Secondly, chance of neuro-maturation is still there, although with your additional info "黃疸過高", that chance decreases.

"他一隻完全聽唔到,另一隻只聽得好少. "

It's one of the characteristic of AN that no ABR can be recorded, but it doesn't necessarily mean that baby "cannot" hear. Rather it's like what the doctor said " ....時間唔一致,所以即使他聽到聲音,都可能分辨唔到音"
Hearing has several dimensions: loud/ soft, hi-pitch/ lo-pitch, and timing of which the sound is received. The last item results in "distorted" sound (like a radio tuned wrongly), but baby may still hear it. And since ABR result was affected by the timing component, we actually have no idea how loud/ soft 栗子 can detect sound, until he/ she is big enough to do other behaviour tests.

With this in mind,

(1) talk and sing to baby as usual. Although the songs 栗子 "hears" may not be in the same way as ours, he/ she still feel your love within.

(2) face-to-face interaction is especially important in this case. Consider adding any visual cue  that helps him/ her understands.

(3) as mentioned in last message, if hearing aid is fitted for trial, very close monitoring is needed. If 栗子 shows sign of discomfort/ frighten by amplified sound, that means he/ she can detect sound softer than we expect. Report to the audiologist and ask for opinion of re-tuning the h/a.

(4) sign language is not a bad idea, but talk to him/ her even u try sign language. In US, even hearing babies learn sign, because research with them shows that they can develop both just like learning 2 languages.

(5) "話耳蝸植入手術唔適合他,唔駛諗" I have conservation at this point. Successful cases have been reported in foreign countries. And I had a case in HK (an AN teen) has it done too.

(6) answering your previous question: if CI surgery is considered, HK govt will usually fund for one rather than two even though two ears are impaired.

---- All in all, hope is still everywhere and keep on the love and care u dedicated to your baby!    If u don't mind reading a lot of Eng to understand the situation more, I will give u some websites next time.

---- All the best to u and your baby! BTW, is baby 栗子 a boy/ girl?
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-5 13:04 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試



我都問過東區聽力測驗o個位陳生(BK媽咪叫他做四眼陳o個個),正如你所講,栗子診斷為Auditory Neuropathy.  可能陳生見到BB情況較差,所以都好有耐性解釋o個情況,陳生都唔係其他媽媽講得咁差.不過,解釋完都話耳科無乜好做,唔會refer去QM,一年後覆診,等下葵涌跟進.

其實尋日心情都down down o地,所以o係公司開工時喊o左個上午,好無奈!
:cry:  一收拾心情後,又繼續找資料.所以中英文我都會睇.  

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-5 14:30 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

我個女九個多月大,下葵涌話們佢兩邊耳都係中度弱聽,但我一直唔肯接受現實,一直認為佢會好番 …



Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-7 06:49 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試


No crying la! When u feel  "down down o地", come here to chat with other moms to share your feeling. I will try my best to help u too! u will get support and feel better after sharing more with others and knowing more and more on how to help 栗子!

Medically there is really nothing much the doctor can do for the time being. So follow-up by the audiologists and teachers in EMB is really the best. However, as I have mentioned, the possibility of having CI to help 栗子 is still there (u can read it from the articles followed), so u still want ENT doc to follow-up 栗子's case.

One thing u and your husband may consider is to learn sign language yourself first to prepare for the future. HK Society for the Deaf has introductory classes which are popular:

However, your baby will not be ready to use it until after 6 months. For the time being, talk talk and talk more to him.

Since u don't mind English material, you can start with this easy one:
Info for parents with AN kids
Hearing what a AN person hears (item #2)

Let me know when u want more!  
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-7 07:09 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi tbo,

It sometimes takes time for parents to face the fact that their babies have hearing loss. So don't blame yourself.

Since your daughter has moderate hearing loss in both ears, chances are she can still hear most part of your talking to her when she is a baby, because you are always holding and hugging her and keep her very close to you. Of course the ultimate solution is to let her wear hearing aids so that she will not miss even a small part of your talking and singing. The successful rate of using hearing aid in moderate HL kids are very high, and the chance of going to normal primary school is high too!

So start using h/a for her consistently, 接受早期訓練, follow the training at home and 排兼容幼兒園....  All these help her now and still 不太遲!!  
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 1

發表於 05-8-8 15:33 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

你的心情我們完全明白, 多點上來跟各位媽媽和專家們談談吧.我們會支持你和栗子的.
我的小b剛証實了輕度弱聽時,內心也很難受, 正當我消化了和接受了這事實後,健康院姑娘又說他的頸項有點歪,要做物理治療.我也以為是小問題, 但治療師說如沒有改善, 會影響肩膀和脊椎骨, 五官也會歪呢.  所以帶孩子的責任和壓力真的很大.我知道氣餒是無補於事的, 唯有樂觀面對吧!
願與各位bk moms共勉!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-13 23:23 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi MarchK,

唔好灰心呀,栗子係一個好堅强同勇敢嘅bb,佢好努力咁嚟到呢個世界,同daddy mummy見面,所以你又點可以氣餒呢!

為栗子努力呀!我哋bk mums全力支持你     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-15 10:48 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試




DaisyWong, 你o既BB點呀?

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-15 17:44 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試


好耐冇蒲頭la, 因為大仔剛開學, 好多濕碎嘢忙....另一方面, 囡囡真係令屋企生"聲"不少---佢不單止愛笑, 愛運動(成日忙於翻來翻去, 手舞足蹈), 更愛練聲(嘈到不得了, 發出嘅聲音差D可以震爆杯!攪到成日最愛摟住佢

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-17 00:54 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi MarchK,

Good news bor  , 前面仍有出路.

我bb上星期再去瑪麗醫院做聽力測驗,情况並未好轉,即場我就忍唔住放聲大喊 ,事後諗番,其實情況無惡化,已經好值得感恩了。

你bb去完教署轄下的聽覺訓練組, 嗰度d督學好好人,有乜事可以打電話問,唔駛要吓吓等到覆診時先可以跟進。我bb而家係雙耳配戴助聽器, 佢對聲音好明顯敏感咗,但記住bb初時對戴助聽器會抗拒,但功多技術,我哋成家人已經可以幫bb戴得好純熟啦,記住bb初時戴助聽器會喊(因為我哋大人唔識點樣帮佢戴, 所以連我哋自己都會好忟憎), 同時佢又會成日用手去mon甩,尤其時天氣熱,但千祈唔好因為咁樣鬧佢,否則佢會憎咗戴助聽器(因為佢一戴助聽器 = 比daddy mummy鬧), 儘量分散佢注意力就得啦。下次督學會教你平日同bb溝通嘅技巧,每晚都要同佢玩吓至少個0鐘(儘量啦   )

我bb可能大d都需要做耳蝸手術, 但醫生話至少都要等bb歲半大先決定,佢叫我哋現階段唔好諗太多,實際d同bb多訓練多溝通先可以幫到佢,空担心只會浪費時間.

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