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Changing Kinder this Sept - Odd behaviour [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-3 10:51 |只看該作者

Changing Kinder this Sept - Odd behaviour

For those who are changing kinder this Sept., have you given notice to school? I had gave notice to her present Nursery, last two weeks ago, and I found something strange happening.

She started to refuse to go to school and cried all the way from home to school. Normally, she will refuse to get dressed but is OK and happy once she saw her form teacher. I know that she doesn't like the vice principal because of one particular incident, and the v.principal will be there to help N1 teachers from time to time.  But now, she will ask my maid to carry her even if she saw her form teacher. Now, I started to worry if the teachers have done something differently. Wonder if I should quit early because the school term end at mid August or raise the question directly to the teacher/principal.

I have asked her the reason, but because she still doesn't know how to express herself properly I cannot get the exact answer. When I ask:
Do you like Ms. XXX?(vice principal) She shake her head.l
Do You like Ms. XXX? (form teacher) she nod her head.

Desparately need your advices.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-11 10:39 |只看該作者

Re: Changing Kinder this Sept - Odd behaviour

Last year, when we informed the school that my child would quit the nusery. she also refused to go to school suddenly at the final month. So, I just let her stay at home. Recently, she would also quit 蘇浙 at July and then study at an international kinder, However, the teachers in 蘇浙 are still nice to her that she still loves to go 蘇浙 .

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-12 10:13 |只看該作者

Re: Changing Kinder this Sept - Odd behaviour

I think you have to be care of teacher's attitude to your child.  Some Kinders are very commerce (I think you know what I mean).  I remembered my son's first Kinder at Meifoo.  My son's class only have a 20 years old teacher to look after the child and she cann't control the class, so she asked me to look after my son at the class at the first 2 weeks, then at the next month, I send my son go to schhol at 9:00am, at 10:00am they called me to picked up my son, because he is crying.  and one month later,  I called to them I would let the child quit the shool.  you guess what they told to me :" Ok, but you have to pay one more month school fee".......  :evil:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-13 09:29 |只看該作者

Re: Changing Kinder this Sept - Odd behaviour

Thanks all. Everything is settled now, I called the teacher and she said she will take the case seriously. It is a good school overall and the teachers and staff are also nice to children.
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