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[英國] foundation 升大學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 23-11-9 00:02 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
其實foundation 升大學率其實係唔係真係咁高?功課測驗會唔會好頻密同Asso 差唔多?同有冇agent 可以推薦?有太多間又唔知點問
諗住讀business ,有冇邊間大學嘅foundation 可以推薦?
   1    0    0    0

Rank: 2

發表於 23-11-9 16:27 |只看該作者


我覺得foundation如果唔係hea 讀,上大學應該唔會太難。Business 可考慮Durham

Rank: 4

發表於 23-11-9 23:53 |只看該作者
030OUOTAT 發表於 23-11-9 00:02
其實foundation 升大學率其實係唔係真係咁高?功課測驗會唔會好頻密同Asso 差唔多?同有冇agent 可以推薦? ...

Into Exeter 都可以

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 23-11-10 10:44 |只看該作者
030OUOTAT 發表於 23-11-9 00:02
其實foundation 升大學率其實係唔係真係咁高?功課測驗會唔會好頻密同Asso 差唔多?同有冇agent 可以推薦? ...

Warwick 同 Bath 有 Foundation
Business 於三個當地排名榜皆頭5位



Complete University Guide 2024

1 Oxford
2 King's
3 Bath
5 Warwick

7 Exeter
8 St Andrews
9 Durham
10 City

11 Leeds
12 Loughborough
13 Manchester
14 Bristol
15 Edinburgh

16 York
17 Strathclyde
18 Cardiff
19 Birmingham
20 Glasgow

21 Lancaster
22 Nottingham
23 Southampton
24 Sheffield
25 Reading

26 East Anglia
27 Liverpool
28 Newcastle
29 QUB
30 Surrey

31 Bangor
32 Aberdeen
33 Aston
34 Kent
35 UAL

Good University Guide 2024

Business, management and marketing

1 Oxford
2 Warwick
3 St Andrews
4 Bath

7 King's
8 Strathclyde
9 Exeter
10 Loughborough

11 Durham
12 Cardiff
13 Manchester
14 City
15 Lancaster

16 Leeds
17 Edinburgh
18 Glasgow
19 Aberdeen
20 Reading

21 Bristol
22 Birmingham
23 Southampton
24 Liverpool
25 York

=26 Surrey
=26 Bangor
28 East Anglia
29 Robert Gordon
30 Sheffield

=31 Ulster
=31 Nottingham
33 Stirling
34 Sussex
35 QUB

Guardian University Guide 2024

Business and management

1 St Andrews
2 Oxford
4 Warwick
5 Bath

6 Loughborough
7 Manchester
9 Edinburgh
10 Lancaster

11 Aberdeen
12 King's
13 Bristol
14 Durham
15 Strathclyde

16 Reading
17 Glasgow
18 Leeds
20 Exeter

21 Cardiff
22 City
23 UAL
24 Edge Hill
25 Kent

26 Nottingham Trent
27 East Anglia
28 Wolverhampton
=29 York
=29 Liverpool

31 Chester
32 London Metropolitan
33 Southampton
34 Surrey
=35 Birmingham

=35 Aston

QS WUR by Subject 2023

3 London Business School
8 Cambridge
9 Oxford
11 LSE
22 Warwick

28 Imperial
35 Manchester
67 Leeds
=70 City
=70 Lancaster

=78 Oxford Brookes
=78 Bath
97 King's
101 UCL
106 Aston

117 Edinburgh
119 Durham
122 Birmingham
127 Strathclyde
132 Cranfield

=135 Loughborough
=135 Nottingham
137 Glasgow
139 Swansea
145 Cardiff

146 Reading
151-200 Newcastle
151-200 Exeter
151-200 Surrey
201-250 Heriot-Watt

201-250 Sheffield
201-250 Liverpool
201-250 Southampton

THE WUR by Subject 2024

1 Oxford
5 Cambridge
22 UCL
=30 Edinburgh
=38 King's

46 LSE
51 Manchester
81 Bristol
=87 Glasgow
=97 Southampton

101 Birmingham
105 Sheffield
=106 Warwick
129 Leeds
=130 Nottingham

135 Queen Mary
147 York
=155 Lancaster
=168 Liverpool
=168 Newcastle

174 Durham
177 Exeter
190 Cardiff
=193 St Andrews
201-250 Aberdeen

201-250 Leicester
201-250 QUB
201-250 Reading
201-250 Sussex
251-300 Bath

251-300 East Anglia
251-300 Loughborough
251-300 Surrey
251-300 Swansea

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 24-1-29 11:49 |只看該作者
030OUOTAT 發表於 23-11-9 00:02
其實foundation 升大學率其實係唔係真係咁高?功課測驗會唔會好頻密同Asso 差唔多?同有冇agent 可以推薦? ...

Cash for courses: top universities recruit foreign students on low grades


While Britons need straight As to get onto prestigious Russell Group degree courses, their international classmates can buy their way in through secret routes

Jonathan Calvert, George Arbuthnott, Venetia Menzies
Saturday January 27 2024, 6.00pm GMT, The Sunday Times

Britain’s top universities are paying middlemen to recruit lucrative overseas students on far lower grades than those required of UK applicants, an undercover investigation has revealed.

Foreign students can buy their way on to highly competitive degree courses with as little as a handful of C grades at GCSE. The courses require British students to have A or A* grades at A-level.

Representatives of the elite Russell Group universities were secretly filmed discussing the “back door” routes used to recruit overseas students, who pay much higher fees than their UK counterparts.

One recruitment official representing four Russell Group universities laughed as he told undercover reporters: “If you can take the lift, why go through the hardest route?”

He added: “International [students] pay more money and the [universities] will receive almost double, so they give leeway for international students.” He claimed the universities did not publicise the schemes in the UK because British students “would not accept it”. He explained: “It’s not something they want to tell you, but it’s the truth.”

The “back door” routes are so lucrative that top universities are paying tens of millions of pounds a year to agents and private companies to hunt out wealthy students. Some of these businesses operate offices and run courses on university campuses, and their bosses are paid more than most vice-chancellors. The agents typically take about 20 per cent of the fees paid by a first-year student.

Foreign students pay up to £38,000 in tuition fees, which are capped at £9,250 for UK students. In the decade before the pandemic, the number of UK students being accepted by the top universities dropped significantly, while admissions of overseas students escalated rapidly.

Demand for lucrative foreign students is so great that universities advertise their courses in the Middle East, Africa and Asia and use recruitment agencies.

Watch the undercover film: cash for places exposed

There are 15 Russell Group universities that offer special one-year pathway courses that allow overseas students to gain access to undergraduate degrees with far lower A-level or GCSE grades than the normal requirements. They are: Durham, Bristol, Exeter, Warwick, Nottingham, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool, Cardiff, Sheffield, Birmingham, Southampton, Queen Mary University of London and Queen’s University Belfast.

The Sunday Times investigation discovered that overseas students wishing to study an economics degree using one of the pathways needed grades of CCC at Bristol; CCD at Durham; DDE at Exeter; DDE at Newcastle; and just a single D at Leeds. Yet the same universities’ A-level entry requirements for UK students is A*AA or AAA. All five universities also accept younger overseas students, who have not taken A-levels, with just five C or B grades at GCSE.


The special pathways — which are called International Foundation and International Year One — purport to provide an extra year of tuition after school to help students catch up with their UK counterparts.

International Foundation is a one-year course at the end of which students are moved on to the university’s full undergraduate course. Most of the universities allow overseas students to start studying the pathway course aged 16 or 17.

On International Year One, students take the course as an alternative to the degree’s first year before moving straight into year two of the undergraduate programme. Neither of the two pathways is available to British students.

Students on the pathways have to pass exams at the end of the year before joining the undergraduate degrees. However, the universities’ recruitment officials admitted that the exams were so easy that passing was a formality.

Another university student recruiter told the undercover reporters that the use of special pathways by overseas students was “starting to go crazy”. He said: “The [normal] direct entry is a bit tricky in the UK … unless you are an A student. It is like a back door to be able to enter these universities.”

A third recruitment official said at least 30 per cent of foreign students entering UK universities were using the back-door routes, which equates to more than 30,000 a year.

There are no official figures on how many students use the back-door routes. For the pathways, foreign students typically apply direct to the university or the private companies running the courses rather than through the official Ucas application procedure.


Rank: 4

發表於 24-1-29 12:13 |只看該作者



Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 24-1-29 14:25 |只看該作者
030OUOTAT 發表於 23-11-9 00:02
其實foundation 升大學率其實係唔係真係咁高?功課測驗會唔會好頻密同Asso 差唔多?同有冇agent 可以推薦? ...

本帖最後由 964000 於 24-1-29 14:41 編輯

比人講緊,英國某些大學,為咗賺多些國際生(主要中東,亞洲)高昂的學費,搵Agents 海外大sell foundation course, 降低收生要求,成績C已經收(正式要A才收),又暗示呢班學生畢業成績亦差一截,big money 所在,頭一年學費大部份係agent 袋,由於學費相差距大,大學亦樂於收多D成績差的國際生多過本地生。教育從來都是一門生意,由報名費校服到學費都要賺錢
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