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[加拿大] 安省大學   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-4-3 11:03 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問邊一間好啲? 小女有CO
UTM life science vs UTSC co-op social science vs Queen health Science vs Ryerson co-op Medical Science 其實本身想入UTSC co-op life science 不過唔成功,俾咗social science 佢,咁唔知遲啲會唔會有返offer俾佢
   15    0    0    0

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-4-3 20:11 |只看該作者
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twkcck 發表於 21-4-3 11:03
請問邊一間好啲? 小女有CO
UTM life science vs UTSC co-op social science vs Queen health Science vs  ...

University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM)
Chemical & Physical Sciences (HBSc) > Mid to high 70s
Commerce (BCom) >  Mid 80s
Communication, Culture, Information & Technology (HBA) > Mid to high 70s
Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics (HBSc) >  Low to mid 80s
Forensic Science (HBSc) > Mid to high 70s
Humanities (HBA) > Mid to high 70s
Life Sciences (HBSc) > Low to mid 80s
Management (BBA) > Mid 80s
Psychology (HBSc) >  Mid to high 70s
Social Sciences (HBA) >  Mid to high 70s
Theatre & Drama (HBA) > Low to mid 80s
Visual Studies (HBA) > Mid to high 70s

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-4-3 20:15 |只看該作者
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twkcck 發表於 21-4-3 11:03
請問邊一間好啲? 小女有CO
UTM life science vs UTSC co-op social science vs Queen health Science vs  ...

University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) https://www.utoronto.ca/university-life/campuses/scarborough & https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/home/academic-departments-and-programs & https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/admissions/programs-overview

Programs by Admissions Category https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/admissions/program-listing-categories

Computer Science
:  High 80s (Non Co-op) / High 80s (Co-op)
Computer Science — Comprehensive Stream
Computer Science — Entrepreneurship Stream
Computer Science — Information Systems Stream
Computer Science — Software Engineering Stream

Double Degree in Management & Finance (BBA) and Statistics—Quantitative Finance Stream (BSc) > High 80s (Non Co-op) / High 80s (Co-op)

French > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

International Development Studies (BA) - co-op >  Low 80s
International Development Studies (BSc) - co-op > Low 80s

Journalism (Joint Centennial) > Mid 70s

Biology > Mid 70s
Conservation & Biodiversity > :  Mid 70s
Human Biology > Mid 70s
Integrative Biology > Mid 70s
Molecular Biology & Biotechnology > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)
Molecular Biology, Immunology and Disease > Mid 70s (Non Co-op)
Neuroscience > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)
Plant Biology > Mid 70s (Non Co-op)

Economics for Management Studies (BA) > Mid 80s (Non Co-op)

Economics for Management Studies (BBA) > Mid 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)
Management > Mid 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)
Management & Accounting > Mid 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)
Management & Finance > Mid 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)
Management & Human Resources >  Mid 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s Co-op)
Management & Information Technology > Mid 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)
Management & Marketing > Mid 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)
Strategic Management > Mid 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)

Mathematics  > High 80s (Non Co-op) / High 80s (Co-op)

Paramedicine (Joint Centennial)  > Low 80s

Astronomy & Astrophysics > Mid 70s

Biochemistry > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Biological Chemistry > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Chemistry > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Environmental Biology > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Environmental Chemistry > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Environmental Geoscience > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Environmental Physics > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Environmental Science > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Natural Sciences & Environmental Management > Mid 70s

Physical & Mathematical Sciences > Mid 70s

Physics & Astrophysics  > Mid 70s

Health Studies (Population Health) > Low 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)  

Mental Health Studies > Low 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)

Psychology > Low 80s (Non Co-op) / Mid 80s (Co-op)

Psychology (BSc) & English (BA)  > Low 80s

Social Science
African Studies > Mid 70s

Anthropology > Mid 70s

Biomedical Ethics (Minor) > Mid 70s

City Studies > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Classical Studies > Mid 70s

Creative Writing > Mid 70s

Critical Migration Studies > Mid 70s

Culture, Creativity & Cities > Mid 70s

English > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

English and Chinese Translation > Mid 70s

English Literature > Mid 70s

Environmental Studies > Mid 70s

Food Studies > Mid 70s

Geography - Geographical Information Science > Mid 70s

Geography - Human Geography > Mid 70s

Geography - Physical & Human Geography > Mid 70s

Global Asia Studies > Mid 70s

Health Humanities > Mid 70s

Health Studies: Health Policy > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

History > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

International Development Studies (BA) > Mid 70s

International Development Studies (BSc) > Mid 70s

Linguistics > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Literature & Film Studies > Mid 70s

Philosophy > Mid 70s (Non Co-op) / High 70s (Co-op)

Political Science >

Psycholinguistics >

Public Law >

Public Policy >

Sociology >

Urban Public Policy & Governance >

Women's & Gender Studies  >

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-4-3 20:39 |只看該作者
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twkcck 發表於 21-4-3 11:03
請問邊一間好啲? 小女有CO
UTM life science vs UTSC co-op social science vs Queen health Science vs  ...

上面,copy & paste UTM 及 UTSC 大學以當地安省高中文憑 OSSD 收生分數俾你参考。OSSD 滿分為100分。纯单單以大學 OSSD 收生资料睇, UTM life Science 要求分數高過及難考入過 UTSC co-op social science
另外2間我無做資料搜集,俾唔到資料你,你考慮吓嗰兩間大學,用我上面方法,睇吓大學OSSD 收生分數喺幾多分。

多口問句,你女女係咪用DSE 成績申請? 有無讀 M1 或 M2? UTSC Life Science 要求DSE 必須要有 M1/M2才會收,
UTM Life Science無要求DSE M1/M2故無讀呢科都會收

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-4-3 20:57 |只看該作者
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

係呀,用DSE成績申銀,冇M1M2,不過有考SAT subject Math Test II, 790/800 score.  不過UT一直都冇叫我哋俾SAT 成績佢哋睇,基本上佢哋都唔知我女考左SAT.  只是經OUAC 申請時有題過。

又多一句,唔知UTSG 幾時出offer?因為到而家都冇聲冇氣

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-4-3 21:15 |只看該作者
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twkcck 發表於 21-4-3 20:57
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係呀,用DSE成績申銀,冇M1M2,不過有考SAT subject Math Test II, 790/800 score.  ...

Admission Prerequisite: …………Calculus & Vectors = DSE M1/M2. 你要send俾UTSG DSE M1/M2 中學校內成績大學才會接受你申請

之前,EK前輩網友講過 SAT subject  Maths 可以代替 DSE M1/M2,  但我未試過不知道是否屬實(後記:揾到U of T 網站资料 SAT subject  Maths 真喺可以代替 DSE M1/M2)。如我係你,馬上立即 send SAT subject  Maths II成績俾大學,否则,大學以為你女女唔乎合大學Life Science 申請要求,唔會出CO / offer 俾你女

eg.  UTSG Human Biology https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/admissions/programs/human-biology
Admissions Category: Life Sciences
Supplementary Application Form Required: No
Admission Prerequisites: Advanced Functions, Biology, Calculus & Vectors, Chemistry, English
Approximate Grade Requirements: Mid 70s (Non Co-op)
OUAC Application Code: TSL

University of Toronto: https://future.utoronto.ca/academics/undergraduate-programs/
https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/applying/ & https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/requirements/ & https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/requirements/international-high-school-secondary/?_sft_alphabet=h
Minimum Admission Requirements:
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE): the completed diploma, including
at least 2 elective subjects from Categories A and/or C. Subjects should include prerequisites for intended programs. Mathematics Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) or Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) is required for programs with the Calculus prerequisite.  Applicants who are not completing Module 1 or 2 may present Advanced Level Mathematics, AP Calculus, or SAT subject test Mathematics II as an alternative.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-4-3 21:43 |只看該作者
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twkcck 發表於 21-4-3 20:57
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係呀,用DSE成績申銀,冇M1M2,不過有考SAT subject Math Test II, 790/800 score.  ...

UTSG 幾時出offer https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/important-application-dates/
All Other Applicants

Admission decisions are released between mid-December and late May.  The earliest rounds of consideration will take place before the February document deadline. Applicants who submit documentation early are able to maximize their opportunities for admission consideration. Documents received after the February deadline will be considered as space allows.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-4-3 22:57 |只看該作者
Thanks for your information

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-4-3 23:33 |只看該作者
回覆 twkcck 的帖子

吖!問多啲句,UTSG life science 冇M1, M2, 但有SAT math II test 都係咪唔會有offer?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-4-3 23:46 |只看該作者
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

UT 個portal 冇得upload extra document.  之前剩係俾predict grade 同school transcript. 於是又send過email俾佢哋attached 咗sat 張result俾佢她,不過之後佢offer另一個alternative offer俾我女,我女又send返個apoeal request attached 埋個sat result俾佢睇,佢話要4-6 星期review.  不過現在都未有消息,唔知點

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-4-4 00:03 |只看該作者
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twkcck 發表於 21-4-3 23:46
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UT 個portal 冇得upload extra document.  之前剩係俾predict grade 同school trans …
我纯粹閱讀理解: https://future.utoronto.ca/apply/applying/

How your application is considered

We first verify that you meet the University’s general admission requirements. These are basic requirements that all candidates must meet to be eligible for University of Toronto admission consideration. The general requirements, including our English language requirements, are outlined by educational jurisdiction in the Requirements section.

Secondly, we assess whether you meet program-specific requirements for your intended area of study.  Do you have the necessary subject pre-requisites and have you completed any required personal statement, supplementary application or audition?

The University of Toronto does not have the capacity to admit all applicants who meet the minimum general and program-specific requirements. We seek to admit the best possible students on the basis of academic performance and potential, and will select students for admission based on competitive strength.

The emphasis of our final assessment will be placed on the results of your most recent two years of study, including your marks in prerequisite courses, and on the strength of your supplemental information (personal statement, profile, etc) where this is required. However, we may also consider other aspects of your complete academic record including, but not limited to: consistency; where and when courses were completed; and the number of times any courses have been attempted.

When admission decisions are made, and alternate offers      

You will receive a decision from all of the University of Toronto faculties you selected. Those who are not admitted to their selected program(s) may be considered for alternate programs and campuses, space permitting.  Admission decisions are released between mid-December and late May.

It is always wise to apply and submit required documentation well in advance of deadlines in order to maximize your opportunities for admission consideration.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-4-4 00:27 |只看該作者
twkcck 發表於 21-4-3 23:46
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

UT 個portal 冇得upload extra document.  之前剩係俾predict grade 同school trans ...

我記得, 我仔當年既SAT 成績, 全由college board官方直接寄去大學的.   不讓學生私下寄, 大概是怕有造假.

Most colleges require applicants to send them official score reports directly from the College Board—they do not accept copies of online score reports or score report labels on transcripts.

More and more schools are allowing students to self-report their SAT/ACT scores and only require official score reports if students are accepted.

你讓女兒再確實是否這樣, 另她仍可登入college board官方網站要求寄出成績到大學去.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-4-4 12:03 |只看該作者
回覆 dlam141231 的帖子


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 21-4-7 11:28 |只看該作者
twkcck 發表於 21-4-3 11:03
請問邊一間好啲? 小女有CO
UTM life science vs UTSC co-op social science vs Queen health Science vs  ...

Life Science, Health Science, Medical Science 是 science stream
Social Science 不是 science 是另一條路


university ranking 是比較 research 為主,
入 undergrad 就不用迷信 ranking 。
有些 undergrad 科 ryerson 比 UofT 好

如果想讀四年就工作,co-op 會唔錯。
但聽聞,co-op work term 找工作雖然不難,但要找到一份 "好工" "relevant 的工" 也不易,
勁爭也大,學生也有心理壓力,有些人讀讀下會改為不 co-op 就算。

在 ontario 大學中,UofT 相對收生門檻真的不高。
佢地出 offer 早,以往成績特別好的話,一二月已經有 offer ,
成績好的學生,如果等到其他心儀的大學 program offer ,就會 release 返 UofT 出來。

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


發表於 21-4-7 13:40 |只看該作者
Artie 發表於 21-4-7 11:28
Life Science, Health Science, Medical Science 是 science stream
Social Science 不是 science 是另一 ...
路過想請教University Calgary / University Ryerson邊間好d?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-4-7 16:05 |只看該作者
想請教如果有兩個conditional offer, 您們會唔會兩個都接受,定係只hold 1個呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-4-7 23:10 |只看該作者
wyh:) 發表於 21-4-7 16:05
想請教如果有兩個conditional offer, 您們會唔會兩個都接受,定係只hold 1個呢?

經OUAC 申請的,只可接受一個 offer。若想改變主意,可取消之前accept 嗰個,之後再accept另一個

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 21-4-8 00:33 |只看該作者
回覆 J-smama 的帖子

如果自己直接向學校申請,就可以accept 多一個offer?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-4-8 07:53 |只看該作者
Artie 發表於 21-4-7 11:28
Life Science, Health Science, Medical Science 是 science stream
Social Science 不是 science 是另一 ...

我仔今年year 1
以前我都以為UT 係好多學生嘅dream school
佢哋係會以自己心儀program 行先
~~ 說安慰話的舌頭是生命船; 奸惡的舌頭使人心碎 ~~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-4-8 07:58 |只看該作者
J-smama 發表於 21-4-7 23:10
經OUAC 申請的,只可接受一個 offer。若想改變主意,可取消之前accept 嗰個,之後再accept另一個


一個是 BC省的

但是我見辦理學簽 時間都耐
咁考完DSE 就辦理學簽


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