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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 Shrewsbury & Bromsgrove
樓主: honeyball

Shrewsbury & Bromsgrove [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-30 12:33 |只看該作者
麥精豆奶 發表於 20-11-30 11:42
回覆 luckyangel 的帖子

What about Shrewsbury and Uppingham? Both schools are town schools?I encount ...

Thank you 麥精豆奶!
Your reply is really helpful to me in all round. I also have puzzle about the different between Shrewsbury and Uppingham.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-30 12:34 |只看該作者
May u advise any strength in Shrewsbury?
Such as Sports?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-30 12:38 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 kct18 於 20-11-30 12:38 編輯

To be honest, Do u enjoy the school life in Shrewsbury?
Any area you would like to draw our attention and think it is not satisfactory and weakness in Shrewsbury?

Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-30 20:57 |只看該作者


Uppingham 位於小鎮,全人教學,全校90%寄宿,宿生係house一齊食飯加強大家嘅宿生關係,唔係太pushing. Mumsnet 啲家長comments 好好. 但我仔唔鍾意small town 太悶。

Shrewsbury 靠近市中心,有快餐有中超,學校好caring 回覆查詢好快,但睇個comment有個舍監太惡,嚇走啲學生。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-30 21:00 |只看該作者
fooky-hk 發表於 20-11-30 20:57
Uppingham 位於小鎮,全人教學,全校90%寄宿,宿生係house一齊食飯加強大家嘅宿生關係,唔係太pushing. Mum ...


Rank: 4

發表於 20-11-30 21:17 |只看該作者



Rank: 4

發表於 20-12-3 11:46 |只看該作者
回覆 kct18 的帖子

It gets boring sometimes and you don't know what to do; that is the only downside I can think of. This, though, happens very rarely when you ascend into Sixth Form life. Besides, there are options you can do on site, if you can be bothered to leave your house.
Some minor ones include bad food, but not even Eton's kitchen can make "good" food. So, that you will have to put up with.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-12-8 10:57 |只看該作者
回覆 麥精豆奶 的帖子

My son got an offer from Shrewsbury and has to pick a boarding house.
Not much info on its website. We know School House is the oldest while Severn Hill new.  Could you share some ideas on different houses? Like which one is more sport oriented and which music ...

Thank you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-8 11:57 |只看該作者
回覆 bbdenis 的帖子

I also want to know too as my son is more interested in music.

Rank: 2

發表於 20-12-17 12:55 |只看該作者


想問吓各位Shrewsbury 升中學嘅result,同埋第時想揀返IB 嘅學校會唔會好難?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-12-17 13:10 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 aidan08 於 20-12-17 13:19 編輯
fooky-hk 發表於 20-11-30 20:57
Uppingham 位於小鎮,全人教學,全校90%寄宿,宿生係house一齊食飯加強大家嘅宿生關係,唔係太pushing. Mum ...

其實我想知year 9學生出去的機會有幾多?係咪year 9咁細個係多數唔會出去?定星期日都可以出去?如果唔可以或多數唔會出去的話,咁係咪sixth form 之前是否在small town 都唔係concern呢?
Btw, 因為仔有Uppingham offer, 所以最近都打聽到一D讀緊嘅小朋友的comments. 佢哋話house dining d食物好好食,真係好少聽到人話boarding school 的食物好食。做research 時都見到原來何家有個千金以前都讀Uppingham, 佢ig 有個post係話好掛住Uppingham 的某幾樣食物

你講開Shrewsbury 回覆好快,我都想講我幫個仔報咗七間學校,有D真係報完唔會理你,有D就經常會update你學校情況,好systematic, 回覆又快。Uppingham 係其中一間好responsive 的學校。Sevenoaks, Abingdon 又係,你報咗之後佢會不斷update 吓你學校發生乜事,好似當你一份子,多數亦好快回覆問題,好有交帶。有D係音訊全無,問嘢唔答,相比之下真係覺得無咁喜歡嗰D學校。

Rank: 4

發表於 21-3-4 00:34 |只看該作者
回覆 bbdenis 的帖子

Apologies for this late response, but here it is:

Disclaimer: I was from School House, so view the following with a pinch of salt. I won't be reviewing girls' houses since, well, I'm not a girl.

Upper Common houses:

School House: Absolutely massive, and old, like a castle; everything is big. Has 6 floors, lots of stairs. The "happy" house, without an emphasis on either sports or music or academics. Quite a melting pot. Undeniably nice view if you have an upper floor room facing the town and the river. Literally next door to the Main School Building (Maths, English, and All Languages except Latin). Only downside is that it is the furthest house from KH - the canteen. I was a Scally though, so this may be biased.

Churchill's: Old, small, mini-castle - that is I would call it. Rivals with Riggs and School House. Been there for debating, looks tucked away. Emphasis on academics, and this is true to some extent. Though this academia does not preclude it from having unacademic boys, like any other house.

Riggs: Is constructed in an "H" shape. Been there for debating, their common hall is tiny. Riggs people don't have a set perception. Sports is decent, but not the best. All rounder house, but not facilities wise.

Ingram's: Not very academic, but strong sports. On the upside, it is literally opposite the sports hall, so swimming, basketball, and indoor sports are at your doorstep. Closest to the Grot shop, so snacks, too, at your doorstep.

Oldham's: Very strict housemasters, have been and still is from what I know. Noted for its academia. Close to Hodgson Hall (Humanities) and the Science Block.

Lower Common houses:
Ridgemount : Decent academics, but stronger sports. Location is close to Hodgson Hall and Science Block, but further to it than Oldhams. Also quite far from other sites, and has a little hill to walk up.

Severnhill: Apparently best at anything that uses a grass pitch for my time there. Academics wise decent, but absolutely miles away from everything.

Porthill: Day boys. Full stop.

Radbrook: Day boys. Full stop.

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