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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 英國公立college
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英國公立college [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-22 13:50 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
budget 有限,請問jm有冇成績比較好及多課外活動既college 介紹?暫時知道有Richard Hish 及 Richard Collyer,請問呢两間有冇用家有comments? tks
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-22 14:35 |只看該作者
回覆 luiling 的帖子

公立college要有英國護照或EU Passport才可入讀, 大部分亦沒有boarding house

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-10-22 14:57 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 19-10-22 15:01 編輯
luiling 發表於 19-10-22 13:50
budget 有限,請問jm有冇成績比較好及多課外活動既college 介紹?暫時知道有Richard Hish 及 Richard Colly …
以下討論帖, 有幾十間公立 College 收國際學生


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-22 16:06 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 19-10-22 14:57
以下討論帖, 有幾十間公立 College 收國際學生


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-10-23 11:29 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 19-10-23 11:44 編輯
luiling 發表於 19-10-22 13:50
budget 有限,請問jm有冇成績比較好及多課外活動既college 介紹?暫時知道有Richard Hish 及 Richard Colly ...

可以睇吓 John Leggott College & Pembrokeshire College 有 youtube 介紹呢兩間學校.

而 King Edward VI College 學校有宿舍, ITCHEN SIXTH Form College 有唔少香港學生係呢間讀.

多活動的話, Hartpury College 夠大夠多活動, 學校規定参加最少2個 enchantment, 亦可睇 youtube 了解吓

John Leggott College https://www.leggott.ac.uk/international/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh-ZTVsvVqE & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfKfUdW2j3g & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbPe1PHEjWQ
John Leggott College is one the No. 1 A level provider for International students in the UK. In 2019 90% of our International students achieved A* – C and 85% of our students progressed to Russell Group Universities.

In 2019, we were very proud to announce that 90% of our International Students achieved A*- C grades in their A levels, 85% progressed to Russell Group and 75% to the Top 20 universities in the UK.

Each year our students progress to prestigious universities across the globe, including enrolling onto very competitive courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science. Over the past few years, more than 50 International students have progressed to Oxford and Cambridge, as well as Imperial, UCL, LSE, York and many more Russell Group universities. We are extremely successful at progressing our students to the G5 universities in the UK.

Students also successfully progress to Universities outside of the UK, as A levels are an international qualification. These include Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Les Roches International School of Hotel Management in Switzerland and National University of Singapore.

Pembrokeshire College https://www.pembrokeshire.ac.uk/international-home/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU1N4NXUkwY

King Edward VI College (學校有宿舍) https://www.kedst.ac.uk/international-students/welcome/ &
Overall pass rate of 99.5% and an A* – C pass rate of 82.9%

ITCHEN SIXTH FORM COLLEGE http://www.itchen.ac.uk/international/life-itchen/life-itchen/

Hartpury College (學校有宿舍) https://www.hartpury.ac.uk/college/facilities/life-at-hartpury/finance/ & https://www.hartpury.ac.uk/college/course-areas/a-levels/ & https://hartpury-publications.cld.bz/Hartpury-College-Prospectus/6/ & https://www.hartpury.ac.uk/courses/download-a-prospectus/?institution=1151
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfUo-CeuMGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW5q9Joa6m6L6clckrIYemg
A level 讀3科,每科每星期~6小時,3科共18​小時。另外,學校規定参加最少2個 enchantment)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-23 11:42 |只看該作者


Tks, 小時了了
請問 Richard Hish 有咩comments?

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-10-23 12:01 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 19-10-23 12:02 編輯
luiling 發表於 19-10-23 11:42
Tks, 小時了了
請問 Richard Hish 有咩comments?

我只係紙上談兵, 睇 youtube & 學校網站 及EK 了解而已, Richard Hish 好似都多香港學生係度讀.

Our Results https://www.huish.ac.uk/huish-international/
Class of 2019 celebrate success
Our class of 2019 achieved an A* to B pass rate of 53%, and an A* to C pass rate of 78%. Huish students did extremely well with 72 students gaining three or more A/A*grades, with 17 of these gaining three or more A* grades.  Casey Williams is the highest achieving student with an impressive 4 A* grades in Computer Science, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics.

Amongst our top achievers were Henry Tse (HK 名?), an international student who achieved an A* in Further Mathematics, A* in Mathematics and A grades in Physics and Chemistry and Elim Wong (HK 名?)who achieved an A* in Mathematics and A grades in Further Mathematics, Geology, EPQ and B in Physics.

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