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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Small World Christian Kindergarten (SWCK)
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Small World Christian Kindergarten (SWCK) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-5-6 10:49 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問有冇讀緊或者8月會入去 Small World Christian Kindergarten o既家長?
EK 上面o既討論最新o既都好似係幾年前o既事...

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-5-6 23:20 |只看該作者
回覆 melobi12 的帖子

My boy is having great time at SW now ! It’s a great school if you r aiming at IS.  Chinese level is obviously not enough for LS.

Rank: 2

發表於 19-5-10 21:42 |只看該作者
melobi12 發表於 19-5-6 10:49
請問有冇讀緊或者8月會入去 Small World Christian Kindergarten o既家長?
EK 上面o既討論最新o既都好似係 ...

本帖最後由 SmilyBoy’sMom 於 19-5-10 21:42 編輯

Yes the school is excellent. All the teachers are loving and caring. From what I saw,all the kids are so sweet and adorable too.I like their IEYC program as the kids can learn from playing, projects, field trips, show & tell, etc.My son got admitted to FIS (we didn’t apply for any other school though so I can’t give you more reference information).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-5-14 09:49 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 melobi12 於 19-5-14 10:16 編輯

回覆 chocotung 的帖子

Thanks, chocotung!
Mind to share which primary schools do you plan to apply/have applied to?
Other than IslandCA, I heard that many students went on to ESF in the past, but now that ESF has become a through-train school, I doubt any outsiders without priorities can still get a spot.

Just wondering what other choices we have other than IslandCA.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-5-14 10:16 |只看該作者
回覆 SmilyBoy’sMom 的帖子

Thanks, SmilyBoy’sMom!
I was pretty impressed during the school tour -  not only were the teachers friendly, but the kids were also so nice and friendly (to a point that my daughter got scared by their excited hellos and hugs as she usually needs quite a long time to warm up in a new environment). I think that really tells how loving their teachers and parents must have been to them.

May I know if you have applied to FIS really early?

I also heard that many small world students went on to ESF in the past, but now that ESF has become a through-train school, I doubt any outsiders without priorities can still get a spot.

Just wondering what other choices we have other than IslandCA.


Rank: 2

發表於 19-5-14 12:25 |只看該作者
melobi12 發表於 19-5-14 10:16
回覆 SmilyBoy’sMom 的帖子

Thanks, SmilyBoy’sMom!

We didn’t apply really early because previously we only aimed at ICA (as Small World is so loving and caring I didn’t consider other options at all) until my son shown interests in French and their culture.  That’s why we were originally put on waiting list after passing the assessment and only got offer recently.  But I would strongly suggest you to apply ASAP because I heard they accept application from birth.

Rank: 2

發表於 19-5-14 12:25 |只看該作者
SmilyBoy’sMom 發表於 19-5-14 12:25
We didn’t apply really early because previously we only aimed at ICA (as Small World is so loving  ...

本帖最後由 SmilyBoy’sMom 於 19-5-14 12:26 編輯

Sorry I didn’t have much statistics about primary allocation of Small World students, but my impression is all the parents are satisfied and get the schools that suit their kids (you know nationality is diverse there so for example a French classmate will join FIS together with my son this September but these can’t tell much for local HK people like us.)

However, I believe since the school program is inspiring and teachers caring, the kids are well equipped (especially in terms of English language) to take assessment in international schools.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-5-14 14:34 |只看該作者
melobi12 發表於 19-5-14 09:49
回覆 chocotung 的帖子

Thanks, chocotung!
My boy will be going to Nord Anglia this Aug.  We will have interview with FIS at end of this year.  Since my boy is Nov born and different schools got different start year, it has been quite a headache for us and at the end we only took the offer from Nord Anglia which was the only guaranteed offer we had during that time.  As far as I know IslandCA would confirm their place with SW kids towards the end of their lower kinder year (i.e. K1).   

I think SW kids would have no problem in applying for different IS. If you are aiming at ESF then of course ESF Kinder would be your first priority.  

How far is your home to SW ? My boy needs to take a 30 min school bus but he has no problem with it coz it is just another play time for him !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-5-14 16:32 |只看該作者
回覆 SmilyBoy’sMom 的帖子

FIS had once been on our list when we first started exploring different IS options, but we had given it up as we heard that you had to apply really early to have a shot...

So it seems like there are still chances to get in even if we apply now, we should definitely look into this.

My child is an October baby so we can even finish two years at Small World before getting into FIS!

Thank you!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-5-14 16:37 |只看該作者
回覆 chocotung 的帖子

We are quite far away from Small World actually, the ride might be 50-60mins long depending on the traffic... But given my girl's temperament I really feel that Small World would be a great school for her, that is why it is quite a struggle for us...

My girl was born in October so we face the same cut-off problem as you did.

May I know when did you submit your application to FIS? I heard that you have to do it at birth?

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