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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)
樓主: IngridMaMa

ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-20 23:46 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)


- My daughter learns ballet in 曽雪麗 before, then switch to 王仁曼 in Shatin recently-
...i see.....

- It is good that your daughter cannot recognize letter names. In fact, it is better for them to learn letter sounds first.
....Really? but I am a bit worry on my daughter's progress, as I saw many cases that children can recognize letters when they were 2 something, so I am not eager to send her to learn Phonic now, as I am afraid to give too much pressure on her.

- For Mandarin lessen, you can group two or three kids together, then employ a Mandarin teacher.
....I will have to wait until my daughter made some friend in school and their parent will also interest to send their kid to Mandarin class. As my daughter is the only child in our family, and most of my friends do not intend to have baby even they got married.

two more questions.........................
What do you think the mixed age class in ESF kinder? Do you think it is good for all age of kids? Whoever younger or older? How they could benefit from it?
Why do they have K3 students? I always think they just offer k1 and k2.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-21 09:33 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

Hi cpmummy,

I believe it is better for kids to learn letter sounds first before they know any letter names.  When my first daughter studied in Anfield, the school told us not to teach them any letter names.  I followed their advice and it is very good.  My daughter knows all letter sounds when she was three, and then she can pronounce many words without any difficulty, because when she sees a letter, she can quickly tells the sound, not the name.  She also started her "invented writing" when she was still very young, e.g. she wrote "I luv to go to sgool."  So I do think letter sounds is more useful.  Even her ESF kindy teachers told me that she knows how to pronounce and write many words.  In fact, she only knows the letter names when she was five!!  During these years, I don't give any pressure to her.  She just learnt it naturally, at her own pace.  In fact, I hope she can know more Chinese and I have spent more time in teaching her Chinese.

Learning phonics through letterland is very easy and interesting.  No pressure at all.  e.g. "A" is referring to as "annie apple", "c" to "clever cat"... each letter is represented by a figure, so when the kids know the figures (or animals) representing all the letters, she already knows the sound.  So easy.  There are books and VCDs to supplement.  If you have time, I suggest you attend some classes for parents.  It will be great help to kids.

For ESF kindy, they don't have K3 (what I mentioned in other post is that Anfield has K3).  Some educational theories suggested mixed age teaching... the bigger kid can help take care of smaller kids, while the smaller one can learn from the bigger ones.  But personally, I prefer classes divided by age.  But anyway, Cheryl was happy in ESF Kindy, thought she needed time to get used to it in the first few months.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-21 10:06 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)


I have a young daughter about 11/2year old. I want to teach her phonics myself.

"So easy. There are books and VCDs to supplement. If you have time, I suggest you attend some classes for parents."

Would you give more information about classes for parents ? Thanks

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-21 10:24 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

Here is the sole agent of letterland in HK:

There is a shop in Tai Koo Shing.  The lady there is very nice.  You can stay there and ask her to explain the programme to you.  They also run training courses for parents.  You can ask them to fax it to you.  My friend has joined it and said it is useful.  

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-22 09:27 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

this tuesday我去學校接女放學, 見到妳女女, 想同佢say hello, 但我驚佢會scare, 都係望下算lu
果日我見到, side gate一打開, reception的小朋友出來先, 妳女女重hold住teacher隻手, 好乖呀!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-22 09:30 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

QBS今週開始, 多左一本spelling book, every week 要學spell ~10個字

妳地有冇呢個exercise呢??  What is the words is your list?? My girl 1st list is "List 12"

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-22 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

早晨ingrid mama

你絕對可以同佢hello呀, 佢唔佰醜嫁. 如果有野玩有野食佢跟你返屋企都得呀, 死未 ???      

咩 spelling book 呀? 我地沒wow...可能 reception沒啦...
咩 list 呀 ?? (hat is the words is your list?? My girl 1st list is "List 12") 我唔識呀 ?? 講多d來聽呀唔該 !!! 好以reading都有 grade嫁,點分嫁 ??? 

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-22 10:23 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)


同時我都好worry esf 改收生嫁priority,我地重件細嫁跟注嫁嗎...水 law 水 law,如果取消左sibling 嫁 priority 就水啦...


你個公子會去邊樹讀kinder呢 ??      

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-22 11:11 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)


Thank you for your sharing about the Letterland phonic. I will visit their showroom again.

ESF kindy, they do have K3 students, that's what I heard from teacher on this Monday when I accompanied my daugther to school on her first day, so I don't understand too but I didn't ask further at that time.

I am a bit doubt on ESF kindy, as it seems all the kids there keep on playing all the time. Could they really benefit from it? What could they learn? the only think I could see is the kids there are more independent but not more. They seldom to sing song and they don't do arkwork. The routine seems to be only story telling, play, play, play and then half hour before the end of the class, they read book on their own........
My husband said I should trust their philosophy and be patient. But I just can't stop thinking whether I did the right choice for my daughter......I want my daughter to enjoy her school life and willing to learn, that the former school she attended before could achieve my expectation and also I could see she could learn some alphabets, words, phonic,counting and Mandarin......However, ESF kindy didn't teach any alphabets, words, phonic etc... What could they learn??? It seems the ESF kindy's parent need to do alot extra efforts to keep up our child's standard. Will there be a big gap between kindy and primay if we do not do anything at home? For what reason we send her there? Only the relationship with ESF primary? In fact, they don't guarantee a place or a chance for interview in ESF primary. I start to worry that if she can't be admit to ESF primary then what could she do? as she definitely not be able to adopt local primary as she don't recogniz any alphabets or words and she does not know how to write.....
Did I say to much? sorry.........

Rank: 1

發表於 05-4-22 11:14 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

Hi IngridMaMa

I just to be a member of Baby-Kingdom. I have two boys in QBS, one in Year 1 and another one in Year 3, I am so worried about my small boy about his English Reading. He always forgot the words even just read. Besides, in this Monday,I received spelling book from school but his list is List 5.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-22 14:34 |只看該作者
Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-11-13 14:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-22 15:06 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

For SJS, they bring 3 books to read every two days and the student need to complete a vocabularies excrise by themselve.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-22 15:18 |只看該作者
Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-11-13 14:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-22 15:30 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

"what do you mean by "vocabularies" exercise? "

It is a sheet with 5 vocabularies. Only one sheet was distributed for a 7-day cycle. Student can practise by herself. The vocabularies are very easy.

Which class did your daughter study in SJS ?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-22 16:20 |只看該作者
Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-11-13 14:47 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-22 17:06 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)


係呀! 我都worry, 大家都有件細跟住 (我仔應該係08年入學), 同埋佢應該都會響番屋企果度間kinder讀 (1來家姐讀得好開心, 2來中/english都教得唔錯, 最important係我老公唔想咁細個小朋友坐school bus

妳呢??  我都唔記得問妳, 妳個ingrid讀邊間呀!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-22 17:08 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

updated list
1. IngridMaMa (QBS Yr 1)
2. cpmummy (ESF Kinder)
3. MomMom (BHS P1)
4. ManManma (SJS P1)
5. CherylMum (SJS reception)
6. alexlui (SJS P1)
7. Kareese (KJS Yr 1)
8. IM (QBS reception)
9. garon (BHS P4)
10. gwan (BHS P1)
11. ddmummy (KJS Yr 1)
12. Shown Ma Ma (BHS reception)
13. fefelee (GS P1)
14: JCMOTHER (KJS P2 and ESF Tsing Yi Kinder)
15: harryman (QBS Yr 1 & 3)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-22 17:15 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)


Nice to meet you. My girl is in 1F, how about your son, same class??

咁妳仔仔reading journal係which level 呀! 應該mark左number響本journal後邊

妳個大仔讀成點呢?  妳覺得QBS好唔好呀!?

佢地重細, 唔好太worry佢地的english level住, 我相信頭1-2年, 小朋友的分別會好大, 因為間間kinder的level都唔同, 我女一路響local kinder讀, 中文當然比好多人叻啦!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-22 17:18 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

係呀, 我地ingrid都係08入呀..我依家念緊kcis or 做你公子個同學仔好呢 ???

唔該答我d reading � spelling 問題呀. 唔該晒....        

Rank: 1

發表於 05-4-22 22:13 |只看該作者

Re: ESF家長請進 (大家交流下啦)

Hi IngridMaMa:

Nice to meet you too. My boy is in 1K, I am not worried about his English Level, he can speak very good english but the problem is reading, his home reading still in Level 6. His problem is memory, He don't put the things in his mind. And he can't sit on the same place more than 10mins.

My big boy is in 3C, He is a good boy but shy. He  can take patience on all the things. He enjoy the school life.  

QBS is a good school and give a lot chance to all kids.
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