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ucas 選校策略   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-9-28 23:36 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
之前有上EK睇過有家長話 ucas 選校都好有學問,請大家分享下
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-9-29 03:16 |只看該作者

嘗試就是收生成績比你高一級,例如成績ABC的話,可以選ABB。與冒險差不多,但是offer率絕對要90%以上。不是每間大學和每個學系都有100%offer率。可以選些排名較低一點的Russell Group,例如Leeds,York,Cardiff等。

穩陣,顧名思義,就是與你成績一樣或是低一級,若成績是ABB,就選一些與自己一樣的吧。可以選一些排名更低的Russell Group和與Russell Group一樣出名的大學,如Leicester,Sussex,Brighton。

後備就是touch wood大失準,如果成績是ABB,可以選一間BBB的。

好了,上述謹是選校策略。選科策略也是很重要的。大學除了出名,還需要個別科目上排名高。例如Accounting and Finance,Bath和Strathclyde雖不在Russell Group內,A&F卻是她們最強。Loughborough也不是Russell Group,Art and Design是國內出挑的。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-9-29 15:45 |只看該作者
回覆 1998Ruby1998 的帖子

Thanks for sharing.
My daughter will apply university next year.  She aims for Law.  I have looked the UK ranking for Law LLB. I would like to know what are your recommendations except Oxbridge. Thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-9-29 16:25 |只看該作者
thanks for sharing.  He's predicted grades are yet to be made  3A*A/B.can he try LSE &Imperial?

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-9-29 16:30 |只看該作者
回覆 Cutemum16 的帖子

Law is quite a special case because most Russell Group Universities require straight As and they tend not to be lenient to law applicants. I would suggest UCL or LSE, Warwick, Exeter or Sussex or Surrey and Essex.UCL or LSE are top law schools but their offer rate is around 20%, and they usually require A*AA.
Warwick requires straight As yet the offer rate is not quite secured, usually around 50%.
Exeter, Sussex and Surrey allow AAB students, their offer rates are higher, almost securing yourself a place in them. Despite not Sussex and Surrey are not in Russell Group, they have their reputations.
Essex accepts applicants with BBB to ABB, which means this would be your last resort if your daughter's examination performance unfortunately does not meet her expectations.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-9-29 16:42 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 HHHR 於 16-9-29 16:43 編輯

回覆 Cutemum16 的帖子

Need to know the expected grades / marks of your daughter before any concrete suggestions can be made.
Another reminder: If your daughter consider coming back to practise in HK, picking a law school that is more renowned, in particular to HK law firms and chambers, e.g. the Russell Groups, may be a bit more advantageous.

When referring to UK league tables, please do not only look at one. Try to compare the ranking between different tables. Personally, I will pick the Complete University Guide, The Times Good University Guide, and the QS World University Ranking by Subjects (use filter to list only UK law schools). I don't take the league table of the Guardian too serious as their ranking of some law schools is totally different from the others. In all, league tables are just reference, not The Bible.

I will also consider the employer and graduate survey conducted by The Chambers Student. Contains quite useful information, in particular views of employers. Below is the link:

Hope the above can help!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-9-29 19:07 |只看該作者
Thanks a lot 1998 Ruby1998 & HHR

Appreciate both of you your detailed explanation and advice to me.  Very helpful!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-9-30 18:58 |只看該作者
Cutemum16 發表於 16-9-29 15:45
回覆 1998Ruby1998 的帖子

Thanks for sharing.
Hi, same here.According to my research:
LSE is surely the top choice but it is hard to get in. A large number of applicants with 9+ A*s and predicted 3-4A*s get rejected every year.
UCL and Durham are excellent too but bear in mind that they are LNAT universities. UCL in London so maybe more expensive living cost but more entertainment.
KCL is very good as well but more expensive fees (can apply for Dickson Poon Scholarship though) and a lot of HK/mainland students (in fact in other unis as well). Compared to Durham, King's is less academic. Also a LNAT uni.
Bristol, nice place, academically strong but LNAT.
Nottingham and Queen Mary have high academic standards but in terms of location they are less attractive (probs higher crime rates). And the majority of students are black at QM.
Warwick has a lower standard offer compared to the above unis. No LNAT, good reputation (esp. in HK).
My preference: LSE > UCL > Durham > KCL > Bristol > Notts > QMUL > Warwick
Not sure about other unis though
Good luck!

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-2 17:54 |只看該作者
My son expected the following 2017 DSE  results:
Eng(5*), Chi(3), Math(4), LS(5), Econ(5), BAFS(5).

He is interested in studying LLB in UK. It is not realistic to target the LLB courses at those top universities, like LSE & UCL  I am going to apply for the following:

University of Manchester
University of Birmingham
University of Southampton
University of Sheffield
University of Liverpool
Cardiff University

May I know whether the above are good? Any other worth considering? Which 5 should I apply?

Thank you

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-2 19:17 |只看該作者
optimist, Thanks a lot for your view and sharing.  Appreciated

I know LSE and UCL both are difficult to get in unless you have super good results (good luck as well)
Durham is good but my daughter thinks that the town centre is small and boring ( she is now studying in a small town boarding school for year 12, A level)
Nottingham U has nice campus coz she had been there for taster lessens last year.
So I would put: 1. try LSE/UCL(if her predicted grades can meet their requirement) 2. Bristol 3)Warwick 4)Exeter
5) Nottingham
Her GCSE result this summer was 8A* 2A but hard to tell how her GCE's result????

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-2 19:57 |只看該作者
Cutemum16 發表於 16-10-2 19:17
optimist, Thanks a lot for your view and sharing.  Appreciated

I know LSE and UCL both are difficul ...
If she is just Y12, I suppose she still has plenty of time to do more research before a firm decision has to be made. Given her GCSE results, I guess her predicted grades would likely be higher than or equal to A*AA. In this case, the five choices you mentioned are sensible but personally I reckon she can be more aggressive e.g. LSE, UCL, Bristol, Warwick, Nottingham. However it is too early to think too much because she has just started her A levels. Maybe a better strategy, rather than picking unis at an early stage, is to focus on her current subjects, increase her exposure to law(work experience, court hearings, reading etc.) and not panic. She will gradually have more idea as she attends open days and hears opinions from the Y13s and the school. Not until summer 2017 will she need to worry about UCAS.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-2 21:42 |只看該作者


原帖由 optimist 於 16-10-02 發表
If she is just Y12, I suppose she still has plenty of time to do more research before a firm decisio ...
My son also just started the A level courses at lower six. By when should the student decide on their university subject so to start doing the relevant preparation?

發表於 16-10-2 21:51 |只看該作者
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發表於 16-10-2 21:54 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-3 00:02 |只看該作者
回覆 connie_tam 的帖子

Optimist & Connie_tam, thanks a lot for both advice and sharing.

Agreed that she needs to gain law related working experience for writing personal statement.  Actually, she had gained law experience at the Royal Courts of Justice in London last year. (appreciated her school arranged this for her).  I feel glad about this coz she had been given the opportunity to gain insight into the judiciary. She also watched one trial in the court of Old Bailey.  After this,  she will receive  support and advice from junior barristers connected for her application process.  My daughter would put these as part of her personal statement.

For the 2017 summer holiday, I hope she can also gain other law related experience as well.  Hope her school can offer help or through my connection to find one.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-3 00:42 |只看該作者
connie_tam 發表於 16-10-2 21:54
回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

To be fair, it's probably the right time to start thinking about which subject ...
Right. A point to add is that if he is considering medic, he should start looking for work experience now. The competition for medic is very fierce because 1) there is a quota of the number of international students (approx 7%)(everyone not paying UK tax but holding UK passport is counted as intl'); 2) not many universities offer the course;  and 3) medical schools expect applicants to have done a decent amount of work experience. (Sorry if there is any inaccurate information)Besides, I would positively recommend doing an Extended Project (EPQ) on the subject he intends to apply for if the school offers the option. It is something brilliant to put in the personal statement and UCAS reference (and to talk about in interviews too). In the process he will do extra reading and research which would ideally develop his interest in the subject.Back to your question, I think he may want to decide whether to do an art or science degree by the end of December. By Easter it should have been narrowed down to 1-2 subjects. Then he needs to make up his mind by July at the very latest because it is the final chance to do work experience/ summer course.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-3 00:47 |只看該作者
Cutemum16 發表於 16-10-3 00:02
回覆 connie_tam 的帖子

Optimist & Connie_tam, thanks a lot for both advice and sharing.
It certainly puts her in a very strong position! This is a very good start so don't worry too much.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-10-3 01:39 |只看該作者
回覆 Cutemum16 的帖子

My friends have been to Nottingham's accommodation, they comment that the accommodation is not up to expectations and far worse than Birmingham and many other universities.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-10-3 01:40 |只看該作者
回覆 geppetto 的帖子

Why not Warwick? :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-4 00:33 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 HHHR 於 16-10-4 00:42 編輯

回覆 Cutemum16 的帖子

Your daughter's GCSE results are great. Congratulation!

Your choice of 5: LSE/UCL, Bristol, Nottingham, Warwick and Exeter are well picked. Personally I prefer UCL, though LSE is more well known to both the general public and the legal profession. Nonetheless, UCL is gaining pretty high reputation in the professional field in recent years. On the other hand, I will pick Exeter as the insured choice, and if you want to consider an alternate option, the law school of Manchester is worth considering.

Has your daugther thought about getting into Oxford / Cambridge? Judging from her GCSE results, it worths a shot if you want to be a bit more aggressive.

Your daughter's internship and work-related experience seem to be focusing on barrister. Is that her preference? If not, try get some exeprience of working in a solicitor firm. That will definitely broaden her view and perspective, and give her more information to make up her mind.

One last reminder. As far as possible, ask your daughter to pay a visit to the universities she may consider. Open day is a good opportunity for her to know more and see if she likes the people and the environmet there. It is very crucial, as she is going to spend three of her most important years in that university. UK top law school is highly competitive and very demanding, not just for getting in but also for the 3-year of study. Study life can be pretty tense, and if she doesn't like the university life, it can be a nightmare. All of your 5 choices are very O.K., all of them being top UK law schools. It will be fine no matter which one your daughter is going to study, so ask her to pick the one she like most. To me and most of my school-mates and friends, university life is one of the best time of our life. It should be fun, enjoyable and full of good memories.

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