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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 傳統名校vs國際學校
樓主: aspirant99

傳統名校vs國際學校   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-12-12 12:13 |只看該作者
I went to local school and my son goes to IS IB school. I think he can be well developed himself in IS system and fit in the new century.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-12-13 21:01 |只看該作者


原帖由 aidan08 於 15-07-29 發表
兒女長大,是否離開香港也不單純是父母的選擇。父母能做的,是指引,是盡能力去教育而已。路始終是子女的。 ...
Your uncle's children benefited from good education in the UK. What would have happened if they were born and raised in HK? Would they achieve (making the same kind of money, living at mid-levels, playing at HKCC, etc.) the same living standard were they educated in HK at local schools? Do you think your uncle regret his decision to raise his kids in the UK?

Rank: 4

發表於 15-12-13 22:37 |只看該作者

回覆:Artie 的帖子

well said :)

發表於 15-12-14 04:37 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-12-16 10:20 |只看該作者


I kind of gone through both systems (LS vs oversea education) myself and I have deep appreciation of how I thrived in IS type of education environment - it cultivates passion for learning which is really a lifelong gift. LS stressed too much on how to pass the exams thru memorisation.

Now that I have kid on my own, it's never crossed my mind to send him into LS, mainly because I like IS' early education philosophy - learn through play, curiosity and imagination cultivation, courage to explore and fearless of failure. I think these are important skillsets/characteristics that would benefit my kid for a lifetime. He might not be able to read or write now compared to the LS peers in K1, but I am confident that by the age of 10, literacy differences between the 2 groups would be quite insignificant.

If you worried about the Chinese learning, I think the IS parents would have to play a more active part. But then my kid's mandarin level has been developing effortlessly thru their mandarin programme which to me is really adequate.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-12-16 10:27 |只看該作者


Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire - this sums up my belief for education.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 15-12-16 13:34 |只看該作者


原帖由 shabushabu 於 15-12-16 發表
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire - this sums up my belief for educ ...
Good summary.

The more bizzare a thing is, the less mysterious it proves to be.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-12-16 19:34 |只看該作者


原帖由 torunpoland 於 15-11-23 發表
本帖最後由 torunpoland 於 15-11-24 10:06 編輯

Maybe let me rephrase a bit of your conclusion: LS  ...
Can't agree more

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-12-18 09:11 |只看該作者


原帖由 shabushabu 於 15-12-16 發表
I kind of gone through both systems (LS vs oversea education) myself and I have deep appreciation of ...
Well said. Thanks for sharing.

Rank: 4

發表於 15-12-18 11:37 |只看該作者



Rank: 1

發表於 15-12-22 12:16 |只看該作者
回覆 aspirant99 的帖子

I seriously suggest you to consider International school, I am a parents with older kids and also friends with older kids going advancing to high school.  Many friends are complaining about the workload of traditional schools and also not really learning much and many of them are considering to switch to International school.  On the other hand, my kids are going to International school, one of the most famous ones in HK, I am very happy that my kids are really learning good knowledge.  I never looked back at our decision of attending International school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 15-12-22 12:51 |只看該作者


Dear all,

For those who chose IS over LS, may I ask how much on average do you have to spend on your kid? All things included e.g. exchange trips etc

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 15-12-22 21:22 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 annie40 於 15-12-22 21:24 編輯

回覆 pinkmania 的帖子

In schools like ESF we don't need exchange trip . We have activities  for children to choose in horizon week around November after year 7 in secondary school. The activities could be learning how to write internet games or app in school with zero charges, or outward bound in Saikung for few thousands, or a Nepal mountain trip for abt HKD15,000.- (including donation to some orphanage ). I think overall expenses are affordable .

In general IS students feel quite  comfortable to choose to stay in HK to save money or with friends to some nearby countries like Thailand or  Cambodia .  They never have the pressure to join anything that they don't need it. And so do parents.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-1-1 07:03 |只看該作者


I am facing this difficult choice right now. An international school vs a straight through LS offer.

In the end I think it doesn't matter. She is only 2.5 right now. If we make a wrong choice there is still time to change.


annie40  it is so so true.  發表於 16-1-1 08:59

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-1 19:02 |只看該作者
I can fully understand all of you young moms and dads' feeling.  As parents, we all want to make the best and right choice for our kids. Both of my kids attend IS and I am so glad that I made such decision many years ago.  When I saw parents pushing kids to do spelling and dictation, I just felt so sorry. None of my kids need to memorize vocabulary, they just somehow know how to spell right. The same applies for maths, addition and times table! My daughter is now in UK university, she is thriving excellently. I hope my experience helps.


annie40  IS 孩子真心享受學習,自理和自學是很自然的事。  發表於 16-1-1 23:17

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-5 17:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 aidan08 於 16-1-5 18:36 編輯
4eyesDad 發表於 15-12-13 21:01
Your uncle's children benefited from good education in the UK. What would have happened if they were ...


如果你用我舅父的例子,我反而想講你知個現實情況。我舅父的子女無特別比我媽媽其他兄弟姐妹所生,留在香港接受教育而年紀差不多的其他孩子好,呢群人佢哋行嘅路各有不同,但我舅父的子女無特別好,大家的工作好唔同,如果功利D講搵錢,真係唔太大分別。優勢方面都各有長短,香港大的孩子在香港搵工無難度,各展所長,工作穩定,無咁高學歷嗰D一樣搵到自己的專業,有個一路做嘢一路進修到有大學學位。高學歷的,一個讀到F5出國留學,讀諗都無諗過會讀的fashion,考咗入Central  St. Martins,而家工作愈爬愈高,係辛苦D。另一個無出國,大學畢業,做marketing,一直工作好順利,但最幸運的係識到好老公,嫁咗做少奶奶,家庭幸福。我舅父D仔女,嚟到香港一個教國際學校,一個做建築師樓,一個返咗英國(因為中文唔好),前兩個無疑英文好可以在香港搵到一D需要英文好的工,但同樣地佢哋中文唔好都限制咗佢哋在香港搵工,不過影響又唔大。


話說回頭,我唔肯定我舅父有無後悔D仔女喺英國長大,我反而知道佢係後悔自己去英國的決定。因為在當年佢係算好高學歷,去到英國佢係洗大餅,開咗間fish and chips同個老婆捱到無日無之,到今日比起我媽其他無學歷的兄弟姐妹,留在香港的環境好好多。佢當日如果無去英國,求其考個督察做都卓卓有餘,今日環境亦會截然不同。佢個case其實幾sad,唔知佢係理財不善定係人到中年覺得自己大才小用而做咗D好冒險的投資,佢今日環境係要借錢渡日。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-5 17:51 |只看該作者
4eyesDad 發表於 15-12-13 21:01
Your uncle's children benefited from good education in the UK. What would have happened if they were ...
仲有,啱啱睇返你段回覆,你有樣幾有趣的假設︰Would they achieve (making the same kind of money, living at mid-levels, playing at HKCC, etc.) the same living standard were they educated in HK at local schools?

老實說,我舅父的仔女無你所講呢D生活質素,反而同輩中在香港土生土長、接受local school 教育的有兩個就係享受緊呢D生活。一個有父蔭,萬事起頭易。一個係嫁得好。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-1-8 12:33 |只看該作者

回覆:aidan08 的帖子

I think it depends on your child learning path and parents' expectation.  I my experience ( experience in both local and international), IS has a unique way to bring the best in your child no matter whether your child is a genius, mediocre, or late bloomers.  Teachers are very loving and encourage kids to ask questions.  But if your child is an early bloomer, and good in memorizing answers and generally smart, LS is also a very good option.  
Also, parents need to work hard as well in LS, if you are not wiling to, teachers will not like your child very much.  If you as a parent interfere too much, IS teachers will ask you to give the child the joy of self learning.  
Also in IS, childhood time is occupied by reading a lot of books, doing sports and activities.  In LS, frankly we dont have that time to enjoy these as we have dictation every week.  So if you child has good memory, you will have more free time to read books and do other activities.  Otherwise, you will be revising dictation everyday after dinner from P1 to P3.

Rank: 4

發表於 16-1-8 14:07 |只看該作者


原帖由 aidan08 於 16-01-05 發表
本帖最後由 aidan08 於 16-1-5 18:36 編輯
Agree!  "...好多嘢唔係話你可以預計得到,際遇、大環境的變化等,半點不由人。做父母,我覺得可以實際D,比D一定唔會無用的裝備子女,例如抗逆能力、進取心、分析能力、語言能力呢D更為重要。"

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-1-8 18:28 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 maomaofafa 於 16-1-8 18:29 編輯
aidan08 發表於 16-1-5 17:41

agree... 另外我覺得家教也很重要... 讀IS/從小留學的孩子很多存在著西化的概念... 對孝順顧家的理念比起傳統中國人不太強烈。比起能力,我覺得家庭感情和教育也不能忽略... 很多孩子IS畢業後去外國讀大學,讀完不回來了,去國外落地生根。一來英文比中文強,外國發展更加容易,二來文化及理念更接近外國,就連盡孝道和結婚等等都和中國人傳統觀念存在著差距,發表起意見來也比較自我中心一點,少顧別人的感受。這點是我讓孩子讀不讀IS會考慮的,尤其如果是女孩的話。為什麼這樣說,因為身邊讀IS/自細外國留學的人都是這樣,不太顧家,主見很強,自己喜歡怎樣就怎樣。西方教育培養獨立,自信,但與此同時會否有其他缺點,這也值得深思孰慮。(如覺得被冒犯很抱歉,我只是在說我身邊的親人的例子)
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