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有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-3-31 12:38 |只看該作者


聽說身體含重金屬過高會影響腦部發展,有沒有地方可check 到? 如果是真,有沒有得解毒?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 13:41 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Mercury will lead to speech disability.  Lead will lower the I.Q. of young children.....

My child has got the test from a foreign doctor in H.K.  Heavy metal, rather than mercury, was found in his hair.  But the doctor did not give my child any medicine to remove it.  It seems that there is no solution.  Some articles mention that if heavy metal is found in hair, it means that the body can remove metal by itself.  [size=medium]This is a great doubt indeed.   I am very very anxious about this matter right now and try to seek some solution for it.  Can any mum here give me any advice?

I know that there is a medicine which can remove mercury, but it is harmful to the liver.......   

I just wonder why my child has heavy metal in his hair.  Maybe, we move to newly renovated house, air pollution is serious in H.K. or the vegetables that he eats have heavy metal.  Vegetables from the southern part of China are found to have heavy metal.  What can we eat???   


Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 13:48 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

my son got the same problem, including mecury & lead.  He is taking medicine to remove lead.  I think all kind of foods will have certain level of metal.  Our children may be lacking of the sustance that can remove/reduce the heavy metal from their body.  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 13:59 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear HayBMum,
Can you tell me which doctor you visit?  If it is inconvenient, please kindly PM to me.  Thanks a lot.

HayBMum 寫道:
my son got the same problem, including mecury & lead.  He is taking medicine to remove lead.  I think all kind of foods will have certain level of metal.  Our children may be lacking of the sustance that can remove/reduce the heavy metal from their body.  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 14:02 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear mrsphecheung and HayBMum,
My son has similar problem. He got mercury too. (The lead level is a little bit high but within the range.) However, I was told that the hair test is not very accurate. It is because the air and water pollution is quite serious in Hong Kong.

One thing is quite certain: use as less painted furniture as possible. I can remember there was a report from China which stated that many children in Shenzhen have high level of lead in their bodies. They found some relations between the level of lead and the painted furnitures.
但願媽媽的眼淚能灌溉寶寶, 讓寶寶茁壯地成長

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 14:12 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

It's also Dr Trodd.  But he did not recommend any medicine for removing the mecury.

I have the same question on the hair test before as my son's lead & mecury levels were low when he took the blood test at age 2.  However, some parents told me that hair test for children, esp for lead is quite accurate since the children's hair is relatively less polluted.

I don't like my son to take too many drugs but as mrsphcheung said, we always want to do as much as we can.

mrsphcheung 寫道:
Dear HayBMum,
Can you tell me which doctor you visit?  If it is inconvenient, please kindly PM to me.  Thanks a lot.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 14:12 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear sjmama,
Does your medical doctor prescribe your child any medicine to remove the metal?  My doctor does not recommend any medicine which makes me very anxious.  

My doctor has offered three metal tests to my child.  The first two were urine tests (he got some mercury removing medicine for 3 days while taking the urine test), one was taken in Dec 2004 & the other one was by the end of Feb 2005 and the last one was hair test.  No mercury was found in the urine tests, but excessive heavy metal was found in the hair test.  The doctor does not help me to solve this problem.  I feel very upset, confusing, helpless,....

Can you tell me which doctor you visit?  Please kindly PM to me.  Thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 14:22 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear HayBMum,
How's your child's situation right now.  I am happy to know that a mum in B.K. also visits Dr. Trodd.  Dr. Trodd tells me that about 95% of his patients are foreigners; we are just the minority.  Does he introduce vitamin B12 injection to improve your child's condition?  Sometimes, we feel quite lonely to fight this battle.  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 14:23 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Was the level of heavy metal just a bit above average?  I think the doctor would recommend you to take the medicine if the level is really high.  Like my son's case, his lead level >95 percentile and therefore was considered very serious.  Whereas for mecury, it was about 65~75 percentile and the doctor did not recommend any medication to it.

mrsphcheung 寫道:
Dear sjmama,
Does your medical doctor prescribe your child any medicine to remove the metal?  My doctor does not recommend any medicine which makes me very anxious.  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 14:33 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear HayBMum,

Here is the report:
Lead:~70th percentile
Mercury:~85th percentile
Aluminum:~90th percentile
Antimony:~85th percentile
TOTAL TOXIC REPRESENTATION=   >100 th percentile

My husband says that if Dr. Trodd does not recommend any prescription, it may imply that the situation is not too serious.  Taking too much medicine is no good to the liver of young children.....  My husband is always more optimistic than I.

HayBMum 寫道:
Was the level of heavy metal just a bit above average?  I think the doctor would recommend you to take the medicine if the level is really high.  Like my son's case, his lead level >95 percentile and therefore was considered very serious.  Whereas for mecury, it was about 65~75 percentile and the doctor did not recommend any medication to it.

mrsphcheung 寫道:
Dear sjmama,
Does your medical doctor prescribe your child any medicine to remove the metal?  My doctor does not recommend any medicine which makes me very anxious.  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 14:34 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

we are not alone.  Quite a number of chinese parents I know are Dr Trodd's clients. But I agree that we are the minority who believe (or simply want to try) this kind of method.

Yes my son took the B12 injection for about 2 months then I dropped it for about 1 month because I want to see whether it is effective or not.  I find my son is less attentive after dropping it.  Sometimes I need to ask him several times the same question before he can answer me.  More verbal stimulations were also shown recently.  So I will resume the injection soon.
In fact, I really don't want to take the injection as it takes more than an hour for travelling but just a few second for the injection.
What about your son?  Is he taking B12 injection too?  What's the outcome you think?

mrsphcheung 寫道:
Dear HayBMum,
I am happy to know that a mum in B.K. also visits Dr. Trodd.  Dr. Trodd tells me that about 95% of his patients are foreigners; we are just the minority.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 14:41 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear HayBMum,
Dr. Trodd has persuaded many many times for the injection.  I have taken the injection for just two weeks.  My husband is the one to give the injection.  He is too brave for it.  I dare not do this.  I feel it very terrible.  After taking the medicine, my child is far more talkative than before.  But I don't feel that his attention has been improved.  When compared with taking DHA, I feel that DHA can give the same effect.  I plan to give him the injection for one month and observe his situation.  My friend, a nurse, tells me that too much injection will cause 肌肉硬化 which is irreversable.... That's why I am quite reserved about the injection.  Did Dr. Trodd tell you B-12 injection was forever or not?  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 15:00 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

hi mrsphcheung,

We seems to talk on ICQ   

Is your husband a doctor/ nurse or similar professional?  I am too scare to do the injection myself and that's why I have no choice except to attend the clinic.
I know it will cause 肌肉硬化 but I intend to take it for not more than 1/2 year.  If I am correct, this is also the suggestion of Dr Trodd who said another hair test will be due after 1/2 year's medication.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 15:09 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

mrsphcheung 寫道:

My husband says that if Dr. Trodd does not recommend any prescription, it may imply that the situation is not too serious.  Taking too much medicine is no good to the liver of young children.....  My husband is always more optimistic than I.

HayBMum 寫道:
Was the level of heavy metal just a bit above average?  I think the doctor would recommend you to take the medicine if the level is really high.  Like my son's case, his lead level >95 percentile and therefore was considered very serious.  Whereas for mecury, it was about 65~75 percentile and the doctor did not recommend any medication to it.

mrsphcheung 寫道:
Dear sjmama,
Does your medical doctor prescribe your child any medicine to remove the metal?  My doctor does not recommend any medicine which makes me very anxious.  
:-| [/quote]

Dear Mrs. Cheung,
Your huaband is right! we don't want our kids to take too much medicine. you know, most medicines have side effect.
We also visit Dr. Trodd. We did ask him about the level of lead and mercury. He explained clearly about whether and when my son should take the medication to remove mercury level. But he said my son's not yet ready to take these medicine. So we'll have to wait.

We visited another "doctor" before. The experience was bad.

但願媽媽的眼淚能灌溉寶寶, 讓寶寶茁壯地成長

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 15:23 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

It's good to find this new topic about the biological treatments for our special kids.  My son has taken the tests which inclusive of hair, blood and urine.  We're still waiting for the report from Dr. Ko Yang Yang.  She precribed some minerals, Vitamins B & Omega 3 in advance to help my son's overall problems.  

HayBMum & Mrs Cheung,
How often is the B12 injection?  I'll check with Dr. Ko if my son is fit for the injection.  What kind of medicine is your son taking?   


Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 15:25 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear both,
Dr. Trodd also recommended our son to do the B-12 injection. But we're rather hesitant about that.
He said once start, it will be life-long. Besides, as my son is 6yr old. It will be very difficult to do injection by ourselves as he will against that. And it takes  2-3 hrs to and fro the clinic. The social worker of the EETC said it may have psychological effect if a child take injection for a long time.

Instead, we're trying something else. As my son is auditory hypersensitive, he is now attending the Auditory Intergration Training programme. We hope this can help to reduce his hypersensitivity and improve his attention span, and finally improve speech develepment to certain extent.
但願媽媽的眼淚能灌溉寶寶, 讓寶寶茁壯地成長

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 15:37 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?


Is the AIT provided by Pang's music or the megabrain one?  I still have not made up my mind to take the AIT or not.  Hope you can share with us after your son finishes the program.

There are other forms of B12 like oral & cream.  However, according to Dr Trodd, they are not that effective.  I don't like to take the injection either but just try to see the effect.  I agree we cannot take it for very long.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 15:41 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?


the B12 injection has to be taken in every 3 days, i.e. about twice a week.  My son is taking quite a number of medicine, such as cod liver oil, zinc, calcium, multi vitamin, tablet to remove lead..

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 15:49 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear HayBMum,
We bought a home programme from megabrain and started it for few weeks and stopped as my son needs to attend the AIT in Pang's.
We're told the theorectical base of these two programmes are quite different, though the inventors of these two programmes came from the same school. However, AIT has much more empirical support done by various universities in USA.
Since my son likes the Home Programme very much, we than decide to try the AIT as it's more intensive. Mr Pang's said about 70% of his cases attended this programme found it's useful.
In fact, one of our friends whose son is PDDNOS used the Home Programme from megabrain last summer. He found it's useful to his son. Even the ST found his son improved a lot after the summer vacation. That's why we bought the programme.

Certainly I'll share with you all after the programme is completed.
但願媽媽的眼淚能灌溉寶寶, 讓寶寶茁壯地成長

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 15:53 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

HayBMum 寫道:

There are other forms of B12 like oral & cream.  However, according to Dr Trodd, they are not that effective.  I don't like to take the injection either but just try to see the effect.  I agree we cannot take it for very long.

Dr. Trodd said B-12 will cause hyperactive, and the oral form or cream form will have even greater effect to arouse hyperactivity.

Does your kid has this kind of problem after taking B-12 injection?
但願媽媽的眼淚能灌溉寶寶, 讓寶寶茁壯地成長
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