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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 初小如何準備上高小英文?
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初小如何準備上高小英文? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 15-1-28 09:34 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 15-1-28 09:50 編輯

先旨聲明, 以下我所講只代表本人個人感覺及自己學歷有限, 如有不同意見及見解, 不喜切插.

"上到小四英文便會突然深好多" --- 我好認同及深刻感受, 因為小女依家小四, 今年九月開學後, 我與小女真係無諗過小四會有開學適應有困難(一直以為只有小一及中一先至會有適應困難!!!!!), 我與小女真係用了 2-3個月時間去了解及調較學校高小課程.

以下係今年我發現阿女的功課袋內有一本英文 self learning 學校簿仔 (老師係唔教的, 原來係要自學), 裏面開頭幾版都係課文的英文生字, 然後查字典中文解釋, 都係好少十數個生字吧. 但, 我發覺最後幾版係密麻麻的字, Notes for Writing, 我看後問小女老師有無講咩, 佢話無, 派完呢幾張紙已打落堂鐘了. 我就同小女講我遲啲有時間先至教妳

Notes for Writing (P.4) Page 1

A. Writing a Story
Features of a story:
1. Setting: who, when, where, what, how
2. A problem
3. A solution

At the beginning (1st paragraph)
*Use a hook: What a bad day! Sorry, Mum. I will never do it again. Who can help me?
1. Write the setting of the story
a. When: One day, Last ___________, Once pon a time, Yesterday
b. Who: The main character(s)
c. Where: at school, at home, in the park, in the street .....
d. What: what the characters were doing

In the middle: (2nd paragraph or 3rd/4th paragraph)
1. the events in the story
2. the problem(s) of the story
3. the feelings of all the characters

*Need to explain the appearance of a new character or a new setting

When the bus arrived, he got on/off the bus.
At that time, Mum came ....
Then Tom went to ....

Ending: (3rd/4th/5th paragraph)
i. Provide a solution to a problem

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 15-1-28 09:34 |只看該作者
Notes for Writing (P.4) Page 2

a. Who solved the problem?
b. How did he/she solve the problem? What did he/she do?
c. What happened to the main characters in the end?
d. How did the characters feel?

ii. How you feel about the event: feel sorry for, feel proud of, feel ashamed of.....

e.g. I felt sorry for Tom because he lost all his money. / He felt proud of himself because he could save the girl. / Mary felt ashamed of herself because she told lies.

iii. State what the characters learnt: ______________ learnt that

iv. State what the characters would do them; From then on

v. Express what the characters hoped / promised that he / she / ____________ would

vi. Express your own opinions / personal views e.g. What a _________ day / boy!

vii. Express your hope: I hoped that he would / would not ....

B. How to write a good topic-based article
1. Organization
i. Introduction
ii. Body
iii. Conclusion

2. Body
i. Give supporting details
ii. Give reasons
iii. Give examples

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

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Notes for Writing (P.4) Page 3

3. Conclusion
i. What do ______________ hope ......
ii. What will happen if .......

How to write an interesting story

1. Use dialogues in the story:
The form of the dialogues:
Paul asked, "How old is Mary?"
"She is ten years old, " answered John.
"Let's do somehting," suggested John.

Other words instead of "said": cried, yelled, shouted, exclaimed, asked, replied, answered, explained, whispered, roared .....

2. Describe feelings of characters:
Different words for describing the same feeling

Happy: delighted, overjoyed, glad, pleased
Sad: upset, unhapppy, gloomy, annoyed, down
Angry: mad, cross, furious
Hungry: starving, famish
Afraid: scared, frightened, terrified
Sick: unwell, ill

Happy: high as kite on a cloudy night
Sad: feel blue
Angry: face turned red
Hungry: the tummy rumbles
Afraid: face is as white as a ghost / sheet
Sick: feeling poorly, looking pale

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 15-1-28 09:34 |只看該作者
Notes for Writing (P.4) Page 4

* Others: excited, worried, jealous, envious, shy, embarrassed, hungry, full, thirsty, tired, exhausted, curious, puzzled, nervous, anxious, grumpy

* We can us the following adverbs before the above adjectives: very, extremely, terribly, really

3. Give reasons

4. Give examples: such as, like ....

C. How to improve your language
1. Tenses: the correct form of verbs in different tenses

2. Adjectives / Adverbs: Spelling & use them apporpriately.

3. Connectives:
Because: since, as, for
So: Therefore
But: Although, However, Nevertheless
Moreover: Besides, On the other hand

4. Interjection:
Excited: Hurray! Yeah! Wow!
Being hurt: Ouch! Oh dear!
Unhappy: On no!

5. Punctuation: ! ? -

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 15-1-28 09:35 |只看該作者
Notes for Writing (P.4) Page 5

6. Different sentence structures: Compund senstences
If you pass the exam, I will give you a present.
When I was having a bath, I broke my leg.
Can you tell me what you like?
Miss Lee is a new teacher who teaches Maths.

7. Similes
Personality: a) as fierce as a tiger; b) as cunning as a fox
Appearance: as pretty as a princess
Weather: as hot as an oven
Body: as strong as an ox
Speed: as fast as a cheetah / plane

8. Onomatopoeia:
"Hiss", "Buzz", "Boom", "Poof", "Woof", "Ding-dong"

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 15-1-28 09:35 |只看該作者
Notes for Writing (P.4) Page 6

Word List
Weather: fine, sunny, bright, warm, cloudy, rainy (wet), humid, foggy, stormy, breezy, windy
It was a ____________ day.
On a _______________day.

Phrasal Verbs: broke down, got away, got into trouble, got on/off the bus, made up a story, looked for, looked after, set off, put on, passed by, knocked down

Places: hospital, police station, hill, pond, river, beach, school, playground, football pitch, fire station, shopping mall/centre, supermarket, car park, clinic, MTR station

People: dotcor, policeman, the police, firemen, lady, old woman, a boy, a girl, park keeper, zoo keeper, shopkeeper, staff, nurse, mother, father

Time: last week/ month/ year/ night/ Saturday/ Tuesday/ Thursday
Yesterday, at midnight, at one o'clock, one hour ago/ later, after _____ days, since then, From then on, By then

Verbs: forgave, forgot, punished, praised, thanked, said sorry to, phoned, called, broke, helped

Adverbs: tightly, quickly, slowly, instantly, immediately, at once, beautifully, excitedly, politely, worriedly, loudly, softly, fast

Adjectives: expensive, valuable, meaningful, precious, pretty, large, huge, tiny, old, new, modern, fashionable, cute, lovely, gentle, generous ....

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 15-1-28 09:35 |只看該作者
Notes for Writing (P.4) Page 7 ----- the end

Heart and soul. 全心全意
He always does his job with heart and soul.

Turn pale.面如土色
Robert's turned pale when his secret was exposed.

As timid as a mouse. 膽小如鼠
She is as timid as a mouse and does not know how to answer the question.


Olympian  似我年代中學程度﹗  發表於 15-2-6 10:32

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 15-1-28 09:36 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 15-1-28 11:59 編輯

純個人愚見, 學校嘅 Notes for Writing (P.4) 我覺得幾好, 如果小女真係學識裏面嘅知識而又能夠活學活用出來, 咁我真係唔洗日日夜夜擔心她的英文了. 我一定會安排時間教晒小女, 尋晚先至同阿女一齊繼續學呢啲英文 Writing 筆記

但, 問題重點係"學校無教/唔教!", 只係派呢 7 張 Notes, 貼係本細細本self learning 學校簿仔自學

學校準備呢啲 Notes 睇得出都好俾心機預備, 如果學校教少少的話, 咁做家長嘅我地重擔會輕少少囉!!!!

P.S. 小女就讀普通屋苑中文津小而已. 我都知出面名小/神小/英小仲深, 呢啲英文 Writing 筆記實屬小兒科, 但對我來說, 要我教女, 我自己學歷有限, 我係覺得深!!!!!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 15-1-28 10:14 |只看該作者
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

小小意見,薄仔寫明self learning,我覺得學校係想小朋友學識自學或預習,用三年時間準備上中學"後"既適應,所以學校唔教,如果係家長教,應該唔係學校初衷,呢個情況變左學校徙左部份責任畀家長,你覺得學校做法係咪呢個意思?
p.s. 中學後既適應係重點,唔係為考中學前既準備
Learning to Read, Reading to Learn.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 15-1-28 10:36 |只看該作者
MASAYA 發表於 15-1-28 10:14
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

小小意見,薄仔寫明self learning,我覺得學校係想小朋友學識自學或預習,用三年時 ...
哦, 原來係咁!
咁即為身為家長既, 開頭係咁二教下佢哋點樣查字典搵解釋, 然後又是旦指點一下作文的結構方式, 就俾佢哋試做, 再從試做中從旁協助同指引, 切忌教晒, 係咪咁話?

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 15-1-28 10:47 |只看該作者
little_yolky 發表於 15-1-28 10:36
哦, 原來係咁!
咁即為身為家長既, 開頭係咁二教下佢哋點樣查字典搵解釋, 然後又是旦指點一下作文的結構方 ...
Learning to Read, Reading to Learn.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 15-1-28 11:28 |只看該作者
我囡小五, 小四開始英文科嘅模式係唔同咗:
教學方面: 蜻蜓點水式教課文 (但要默書同默verb table, 每次默串vocabulary由8,9個加到15至20個), 課程內容多咗好多, 但每樣都係係咁咦講吓.  

功課: 唔駛再抄生字, 多咗好多writing, 除咗一般作文外仲有 free writing. 又多咗一樣叫 Reading Portfolio 嘅功課, 每月一篇, 聽聞係同中學校本評估有關

Comprehension: 小四下學期開始唔再出 fiction 做閱讀理解. 通常會喺網站, 雜誌例如National Geographic, Time for Kids 之類出. 小女今年考試同小測嘅閱讀理解, 一篇係講適當嘅焦慮對人體嘅好處, 又有一篇係講科學研究顯示可以從人面上皺紋多寡看一個人骨骼健康情況.  所以最好趁有時間同小朋友多睇 non fiction, 因為即使小朋友經常書不離手, 由於 non fiction 同小說用字同style 好唔同, 小朋友睇得明小說唔代表明白到non fiction 內嘅專有名詞.
Writing 方面當然亦唔再只限於故事, 要搜集資料再作說明文, 例如假設你有一個好朋友從外國來港, 你要為佢設計行程, 除咗要介紹要遊覽嘅景點外還要解釋選擇該景點嘅原因.  今年又作咗一篇關於一個本地知名人物嘅生平簡介.  為咗應付呢類作文, 小朋友搜集資料嘅能力都好重要.

Listening方面就唔止 MC, 要寫字, 寫字慢嘅話會好蝕底.

Oral 亦唔再係 teacher student conversation 或看圖講故事, 而係三分鐘內嘅短講, 試過係 show and tell, 又有 book talk.

發表於 15-1-28 11:41 |只看該作者


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 15-1-28 11:44 |只看該作者
IloveJJ 發表於 15-1-28 11:41

其實係小學咁樣英文!  唔係英小, 中文津小.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 15-1-28 11:58 |只看該作者
YolandaTam 發表於 15-1-28 11:44
其實係小學咁樣谷英文!  唔係英小, 中文津小.

"唔係英小, 中文津小"----- 我汗顏及滴汗中. 我小女嗰啲小四英文 writing notes 我已經鬼殺咁嘈及我教到有點吃力, 套用聖經, 神俾每一個人十字架重量及size 係最適合嗰個人嘅, 真係唔好覺得自己嘅十字架最重最大最難 (一山還有一山高.....)  
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