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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 留英選校,有什麽要注意
樓主: CPU1995

留英選校,有什麽要注意   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-3-21 13:39 |只看該作者
mamino.1 發表於 14-3-21 12:55
I have asked the school the questions you mentioned before. The admission office reply i ...
If I were you, I am quite happy with their replies and arrangements.

Given the 42 boarders in the Sixth Form boarding house and two ECAs every week, I think that your DD will not feel lonely with so many classmates.

For internet and wifi access, it is better if the school restricts the access to wifi or internet in the sleeping time.

You may also ask the school whether they will allow your DD to sit for extra subject like A level Chinese in GCE.  My elder son's school does not allow my son to sit for GCE A level Chinese since he doe not take this subject in A level course.

As a parent, you may wish to know the regular updates on the progress of students from the school.  I understand some schools fail to inform the parents timely not until the end of term or until the student performs horribly in the subject. Some of my friends' schools would update the progress of student on all aspects such as the attidude in class, test result etc for about every three weeks.

I don't know whether Reeds would update the parents on the progress of student at the end of term or during interim regularly.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-3-22 09:45 |只看該作者
Hi CPU1995

Thank you for your warm reminders. I have talked with the school when they were in Hong Kong, They have Chinese in A level so may be my daughter will take GCE Chinese. Btw, why your son didn't take Chinese in A level course, did he feel boring in class?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-3-22 11:18 |只看該作者

回覆:mamino.1 的帖子

My son does not feel boring in the class but does feel boring in the boarding house.  In the school, there are only about ten sixth and seventh form boarders out of sixty boarders.

I don't think it worthwhile to take A level Chinese subject in the school as the A level Chinese is too easy even for a HK Form 3 student.  My son's school only offers French, German and Latin as foreign language subjects.

Rank: 2

發表於 14-6-16 23:23 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-9-24 11:21 |只看該作者

回覆:futureday 的帖子

Check pm

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-10-5 16:06 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 etoile 於 18-12-6 23:12 編輯


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-6 12:38 |只看該作者
etoile 發表於 14-10-5 16:06
Dear CPU1995,

May I have your advice on the following schools?
I don't have kids studying in your mentioned schools so my comments on these schools are all from my friends whose kids are currently studying or have graduated from these schools.

You may draw from financial times on the rankings on these schools in 2008, 2011 and 2012 respectively for reference:

Headington : 57/43/60
Oundle        : 44/40/73
St. Mary Calne : 49/50/
Charterhouse    : 73/84/81
Epsom        : 293 in 2008

According to the academic performance of my friends' kids, those graduated from Oundle, Headington and Charterhouse were admitted by Imperial and UCL. For the one studying in St. Mary Calne, her girl obtained 9A* and above in recent IGCSE.  For Epsom, her kid has transferred to other higher ranking school in Grade 10.

I assume your girl is applying for Grade 12.  If your girl is willing to take the challenging Cambridge Pre-U course instead of GCE A level, your girl may consider Charterhouse.  I know a girl from Wycombe Abbey also applied Charterhouse for Grade 12 due to its challenging curriculum.

For Headington, my friend said that the workload was very heavy and pushing and her girl had never dreamed of such heavy workload,  For Oundle, my friend said that the school was old and commercial yet she was fully satisfied that her kid was admitted by Imperial.  For St Mary Calne, my friend highly recommends this school and some St Mary students are Earl's daughters.  Also, St Mary is quite strong in Arts subjects as not many UK schools are strong in Arts subjects.

Personally, my priority is Charterhouse/St. Mary Calne followed by Headington.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-6 13:07 |只看該作者
CPU1995 發表於 14-10-6 12:38
I don't have kids studying in your mentioned schools so my comments on these schools are all from my ...
U are one of the experienced school consultants in EK !

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-10-6 13:17 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 etoile 於 18-12-6 23:10 編輯

Million thanks!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-6 13:45 |只看該作者
CPU1995 發表於 14-3-22 11:18
My son does not feel boring in the class but does feel boring in the boarding house.  In the school, ...
My son's boarding house is also a small scale of full boarders.  Nevertheless, he feels happy to be there.  Only a few of higher forms (3 to 4 students from HK).  He is the only one Year 9 from HK.
He loves to watch football league matches every weekends and enjoys his rugby game very much.

Of what you said, A level Chinese exam is too easy, I think so but, at least they could obtain a cert. to prove their Chinese Lang. standard.  I think it should be helpful when they apply some jobs after school.  Right?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-6 16:26 |只看該作者


原帖由 etoile 於 14-10-06 發表
Million thanks!

Surprised to learn about the heavy workload in Headington! How about Charterhouse?  ...
I did not hear that the Chaterhouse parents mentioned on heavy workload.

I understand HKUST would go to top notch UK boarding schools to promote the degree programmes of HKUST every year.  You may consider asking the non-Jupas coordinator on their lists of top notch UK schools during the open day of HKUST this year.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-10-6 18:46 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 etoile 於 18-12-6 23:10 編輯
CPU1995 發表於 14-10-6 16:26


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-6 22:38 |只看該作者
odelia_ho 發表於 14-10-6 13:45
My son's boarding house is also a small scale of full boarders.  Nevertheless, he feels happy to be  ...
My younger son is still adapting to the new school life, overcoming the culture shock and misses his beloved parents much.  He cannot play the mobile games, no computer no wifi and sleeps before 10 pm every night.   

There are four Year 9, one Year 8 and one Year 10 students from HK this year and his boarding house has about 7 HK students out of about 60 boarders.  I think his favourable hobby is playing football everyday.  He said that he has made 30 friends in the school though his adjacent HK roommate has made more than 200 friends here for just a month.  

I concur with your view that taking extra A Level Chinese exam is definitely an asset but it is a pity that my elder son's former school did not allow him to take extra A Level Chinese exam.      

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-7 08:46 |只看該作者
CPU1995 發表於 14-10-6 22:38
My younger son is still adapting to the new school life, overcoming the culture shock and misses his ...
Good to hear that your younger son meets so many friends in school.  I think boys could adopt new school life much easier than girls.  They have a simple mind, play and play!
For the Chinese Language Exam, my daughter got A* in GCSE, it's truth, very easy.  HK students can have A* easily, not a problem. Then she will take A Level Chinese this year as well as her younger brother.  Hear say from friends, it's not easy to have A*.  Need to do so revision in order to have a good result.

By the way, I think you must know that the ex-headmaster of Wymondham, been appointed as headmaster of a new state boarding school, Holyport College.  This school is educational sponsored by Eton College and the governing body are came from members of Eton College's governors.  Sounds great.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-7 09:18 |只看該作者
路過的! A level 中文科亦不難, 但答題要有技巧, 小女有上中文堂, 老師會將技巧一一提出, 女兒在AS 考試時一併考了中文AS + A2, 結果是A, 起初, 我以為所有香港學生都可以輕鬆考到"A", 但女兒話比我知, 仍有同學只得B 或 C, 所以老師的角色亦很重要

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-7 11:16 |只看該作者
alee810 發表於 14-10-7 09:18
路過的! A level 中文科亦不難, 但答題要有技巧, 小女有上中文堂, 老師會將技巧一一提出, 女兒在AS 考試時 ...
想知道如何可以找到past papers 的model answers?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-10-7 12:14 |只看該作者


原帖由 alee810 於 14-10-07 發表
路過的! A level 中文科亦不難, 但答題要有技巧, 小女有上中文堂, 老師會將技巧一一提出, 女兒在AS 考試時 ...
A level 拿到A 也很不錯呀。
我兒子剛到英國讀year 10. 他year 9 時已考了GCSE 中文,拿了A*. 本來沒有計畫他在英國繼續讀中文,但他學校的director of chinese 建議他可補習形式一星期上一課中文,target 一年後考A level (not sure 係AS 定AS+A2),  老師也說target 考到A* 或 A, otherwise 就無謂補。 我想他今年未需要考GCSE ,先考了中文A Level 也好,又想keep 住他的中文水平(雖然不高),  就讓他補了。 其實他的德文也是同樣情況,要課外extra 時間和錢來補。 我唯一有concern 是他GCSE 已經take 10科,再加上這兩科A level中文和德文,還有EAL 同British Culture,  學drums......不知會不會太多太吃力。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-7 12:49 |只看該作者


原帖由 odelia_ho 於 14-10-07 發表
想知道如何可以找到past papers 的model answers?
You can ask Swinton Book Store, HK book store etc to order Teachers Guide or model answers of past papers.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-7 13:37 |只看該作者


原帖由 odelia_ho 於 14-10-07 發表
Good to hear that your younger son meets so many friends in school.  I think boys could adopt new sc ...
I talked to Mr Melvyn Roffe in AA before and he is definitely a caring principal.  The new headmaster Mr Jonathan Taylor will meet HK parent individually in AA this month.

I must say that Wymondham has excellent communication with overseas parent and the house master is strict, caring and responding quickly to parents' concern.

If retired, Norwich is an ideal place to reside and the housing price is not expensive.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-10-7 14:13 |只看該作者
odelia_ho 發表於 14-10-7 11:16
想知道如何可以找到past papers 的model answers?
其實每個exam board 都可以揾到past papers 及examiner report, report 內會分析考生答案是否正確, 或錯在那處, 以下是其中一個例子, 可參考:

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