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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 嚴浩 半畝田 可憐小學雞
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嚴浩 半畝田 可憐小學雞 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 14-4-25 22:44 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印




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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-25 22:45 |只看該作者

Clarice:(第二封信)「小兒四歲時,被香港一家人人擠破頭想進的國際學校錄取,面試之後,副校長告訴我,小兒子成績一般,握筆姿勢不對,但it's ok,會被錄取,當時喜出望外,覺得運氣怎麼這麼好,同時報考的幾位朋友孩子都未被錄取。第二天副校長在電話中要我確認錄取,但小兒需做occupation therapy,強化他的大小肌肉,一個星期至少三次,一次治療至少900元,是一筆不小的負擔。每天小兒都會被從正規上堂中叫出來,由專門老師加強他的能力,儘管如此,期末家長會時,班導師竟建議小兒降班,主因是小兒寫字不夠熟練,但我們反對,班導師也就未堅持。升上小一後換了一位年輕老師,第一次家長會時,要求小兒子除了治療外也要做言語治療,因為老師覺得小兒很多WH開頭的句子,我們實在負擔不起,後來也停止了OT治療,一來負擔不起,也覺得沒什麼用。學校召開會議,講了許多我和丈夫聽不懂的話,大意是我小兒子『有問題』,學校要求心理醫生評估。評估報告出來,小兒一切OK,唯一就是不太會讀『non-verbal language』。按理而言,學校應該到此為止,但學校又安排了幾次會議,大意仍是『你孩子有很嚴重的問題』,這次更離譜,要求小兒子早上去一間自閉症專門學校去上課,下午才能回學校,如果不照做就不能留在學校。我這輩子第一次聽到『自閉症』,從網上查詢後,很訝異小兒竟被標上了籤!再續。」   


http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20140422/18696067

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-25 22:46 |只看該作者



http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20140423/18697070

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-25 22:47 |只看該作者

Clarice:(第四封信)「但這暗虧我們可吃大了,小兒轉學後,新學校馬上向舊學校拿紀錄,成見馬上形成,在那麼小的年齡,只要有人說你有問題,馬上周圍的人也會覺得你有問題,小兒從一開始只不過是寫字不太行的孩子,在被標籤後,變成了帶有標籤的人。從"non-verbal learning disability"變成"Asperger和ADHD",當老師認為你是某種人後,甚至告訴其他小朋友你的問題時,就算你是個正常人,都會表現的如周圍人所期望。


http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20140424/18698182

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-25 22:48 |只看該作者



http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20140425/18699403

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-26 01:23 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 14-4-26 01:29 編輯

Hm, many parents do not believe in (or does not WANT to believe in) their children having some sort of issues in reality, be it ADHD, ASD or SPD etc., and they try to blame it on the school. From the repeated over-generalized statements like 大意仍是『你孩子有很嚴重的問題』, it does seem like the parents are really quite clueless as to what's wrong with their child.

Nowadays we have an increased understanding about autism and ADHD, meaning more children are being diagnosed earlier than ever before. Early diagnosis is the best way to effectively treat both conditions. Most of the time, with sufficient early intervention, kids can improve drastically. However, it does require great effort from the parents.

We are fortunate to find out very early on that due to being born with a mildly twisted neck my son has SPD (sensory processing disorder, or Sensory integration issues - 感覺統合問題). It took me half a year to get it through my thick skull, but given we found out early, we still had sufficient time to rectify the issues. The golden period for settling any neural developmental problems is before age 3, but even by age 6 if sufficient effort is put forth into therapy (both at home and at the OT), the child should be able to resolve any detrimental problems.

In just 2 weeks with weekly private OT & daily home therapy i noticed my son really calmed down, and after 1/2 a year of OT even our neighbor swore he's a totally different person -- much less agitated and more focused. His attention span is still a bit behind kids his age (currently 3.5 years old), but with daily effort he is improving. Our OT tell us the next improvement really depend on the parents now, and that i must give him appropriate daily exercises and home therapy. It is quite draining for me but i saw results, and that's what's matters. I see another slightly older boy in my son's soccer class that behaved exactly like how he acted a year ago, and i am so glad that we went through all the therapies. Of course i also told that boy's mother what we went through so that she can help her son as she sees fit.

For the above article, I truly believe that the school saw some potential in that boy during the interview (kids with Asperger can turn out to be geniuses), and really want to give him a chance. When they spotted the problems and had meetings with the parents, it is the school's way of reaching out to get the parents on the same boat to help them. Unfortunately, the parents do not seem to want to understand and seem to blame the debenture of all things...! [For parents who did not purchase debentures from their IS please verify what i suspect? that it is not the reason that this family is being 'discriminated' against?]

It is true though, that in American public schools kids do get over diagnosed so that teachers do not need to deal with over active kids. Is our societies becoming less tolerant, or that this happens in all generations, depending on who you meet? I heard of a girl who was over active and the mom took her to a psychologist (this is back in the 60's). The shrink told her, "your daughter does not have a problem, you just need to let her dance!". That girl later became the top choreographer in USA. Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Cruise, Anthony Hopkins, Keira Knightley all has dyslexia.  Walt Disney (The Founder of Disneyland), Justin Timberlake, 陳奕迅, Michael Jordan, Jim Carrey,  John F. Kennedy, Richard Branson all has ADHD. Even Albert Eistein, we now suspect, had Asperger and/or adult ADHD. So although the boy in the story many have issues, his life is not set in stone yet.

It is good to notice problems early to help the children to overcome their issues, but it's something else when the society start popping drugs into children's mouths and ask them to sit still. There's a fine line between help & covering the problems, and all parents and teachers must tread carefully. For my son, i am giving him as much help as i can at this point, but will gladly celebrate who he is and who he want to become as he matures. I just want to give him options. As to whether he wants to be an actor or scientist or chef or banker or athlete, as long as he finds passion in what he does, i am a happy mother.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-26 08:28 |只看該作者


原帖由 jolalee 於 14-04-26 發表
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 14-4-26 01:29 編輯

Hm, many parents do not believe in (or does not WANT to  ...
Well said. I think Yim Ho simply wants to sell his 食療 for children with learning problems. I suspect the one who started this thread has some kind of connection with him. You may see if any type of advertisement about the effectiveness of his recipes will be posted here.

發表於 14-4-26 08:59 |只看該作者

回覆:嚴浩 半畝田 可憐小學雞

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發表於 14-4-26 09:28 |只看該作者

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-26 09:47 |只看該作者
feipow 發表於 14-4-26 08:59
I dun agree with the parents in the letter at all!!  I thought the school just want to give their so ...
Given my son is born in Nov (one of the youngest in the class) and boys do mature 1-2 years later than girls, i'd more than happy to keep my son back a year if the school allows him to do so. (For school application purposes we had to apply in accordance to his birth year). However, one must also look at how the child feel if everyone moves on and he lags behind, and i am sure the parents in the above article meant well for their boy... You are right Feipow, it is important to look at the bigger picture in the long run. My husband did repeated a year after he moved to Australia while he was still in kindergarten, and academically he turns out to be exceptional ;)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-26 11:29 |只看該作者
回覆 hkparent 的帖子

I have no connection with Yim Ho. I only want to share the information here. No other meaning. May be I should post it on other forum.


jolalee  It is good to know such an issue exists. Thanks for sharing. Do let us know your view on this situation!  發表於 14-4-26 13:12

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-4-26 11:43 |只看該作者

引用:回覆+hkparent+的帖子 I+have+no+connecti

原帖由 kwokyk 於 14-04-26 發表
回覆 hkparent 的帖子

I have no connection with Yim Ho. I only want to share the information here. N ...
There is a book by a famous psychologist called " Back to normal": http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0807073342?pc_redir=1398432618&robot_redir=1

Basically he cites statistics that indicates a significant number of mental disorder cases (ADHD, Autistic spectrum disorder etc) are mis-diagnosed!  40% something  children diagnosed as Autistic spectrum disorder in early years are normal several years later.  It's not due to early intervention, but due to false positive aka misdiagnosis in early years.  

So I think there is merit in this article, our education system puts too much pressure on kids and parents, whoever just deviate from so called "average" is considered abnormal.  Insane!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-26 13:27 |只看該作者
hedonist 發表於 14-4-26 11:43
There is a book by a famous psychologist called " Back to normal": http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/080 ...
I agree with you, that many are misdiagnosed. The kid in this article do genuinely  seem to have a problem, if he has been 'noticed' by several teachers though.

Again, better safe than sorry. I won't go to the extent of popping pills, but if kids need their daily dose of running and jumping and rolling on the grass, then why should we be stopping them from doing it? [this is what OT does in therapy anyway, just more focused and well programmed]

During an SI class earlier on, the therapist asked my son to jump down from a low table... that's exactly something that i have prevented him from doing at home    Now i learn to let him do more jumping when we are out to play. I think parents in Asian in general have prevented kids from developing normally since birth by strapping them in strollers and high chairs all the time in the name of "the ground is dirty". Kids in K1 are expected to sit quietly etc in some KG... that's not very child-minded. Kids who can adapt are fine, but kids who cannot sit still are labelled as "naughty" in traditional schools, and "ADHD" in International schools.

Some kids are just naturally more active than others, but in the long run that's their energy level too, and would be beneficial as they mature into another top entrepreneur, chef, athlete, singer or actor. The key is acceptance by both the family and school, and help them channel that energy to hone a certain skill / passion.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-27 13:59 |只看該作者

回覆:嚴浩 半畝田 可憐小學雞


『 。。。『特殊學生』身份被錄取的,也就是說,學校明知小兒學習表現應不及同齡,而仍然錄取,為甚麼在一位難求下,不錄取其他表現優異的孩子?如果一開始就知道孩子有肌肉問題,而肌肉問題又與寫字和學習表現有直接關係,那麼錄取小兒更加不近常理,因為發展肌肉並非一蹴可即,這是常識。這樣分析,錄取小兒的原因大概只有一個,學校並不希望我們待太久 』


信中提及學校很多幫助小朋友的建議,只是家長不願配合, 她提及説小孩有問題,即是學校推卸責任,我就覺得推卸責任的是家長,認為所有問題都是源於學校,自己只是不斷的in self denial mode ... 千錯萬錯都是学校的錯,别人的錯,社會的錯,自己完全冇問題的,得罪講句,十分怪獸。


jolalee  "孩子有肌肉問題" 去到考學校才發現到?I Either the mom wasn't paying much attention to her son or she did, but the author wrote it with the sole purpose of bringing down the school.   發表於 14-4-28 01:49
jolalee  Yup, low muscle tone usually starts from birth and parents can notice it around age 1.5. My friend's daughter had it, went to therapy and improved a lot. Now almost age 4, no problem at all!  發表於 14-4-28 01:45

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-27 14:45 |只看該作者


原帖由 jolalee 於 14-04-26 發表
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 14-4-26 01:29 編輯

Hm, many parents do not believe in (or does not WANT to  ...
看了你的回應,覺得有所頓悟,小朋友應該grow with the way they are,我地更應該做一個happy mom

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-28 01:41 |只看該作者
KinkiAbby 發表於 14-4-27 14:45
我本身都係打 ...
你是一個好媽媽,一發現孩子有issues便立刻去處理!二至三歲是治療黃金期,做得幾多做幾多,你會發現孩子這個時段能進步得很快! 我姪仔也有語言遲緩及Asperger特徵, 二歲多近三歲才發現,做了年多治療後好了很多。現在五歲social及上學都沒有大問題,數學依然非常好。老人家或朋友不明白的話,他們的說話不用多聽,一年半載後孩子的results會替你說話。如果可以,不要讓孩子看電視玩phone玩ipad等,多溝通多運動,特別是對感統有益的對自閉和ADHD都很大幫助。這一年會較辛苦但是是值得的,將來孩子怎樣我相信你都會很愛他和認同他。<3

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-28 11:16 |只看該作者
回覆 kwokyk 的帖子



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-28 11:34 |只看該作者
oooray 發表於 14-4-28 11:16
回覆 kwokyk 的帖子

如果你只是想分享和理性討論;你沒有來錯地方;如果你只祈望認同這些文章;不想聽反對 ...

在香港,IS 是少數,醜化 IS  基本上應該得到大部份人歡心,真係用心良苦。


jolalee  Oh they do? That's good to know. I am quite surprised at how most HK ppl view IS. I only realize it when i've became active on this forum.  發表於 14-4-28 13:55
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